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Alice in Wonderland for Annie’s First Halloween!

Goooooood morning everyone!! I hope everyone is all dressed up in their costumes and ready to take their little ones out on the town tonight for some much anticipated trick-or-treating! Or, if you don’t have kiddos yet, I hope you’re getting done up to hand out some candy!!

I remember that was always my favourite when I was little, I LOVED the houses that were decorated up like crazy and I remember enjoying it even MORE when the door would swing open and there would be a witch or a vampire standing in front of me!!

This year was SUCH a fun year of costume planning for me because it’s our first time dressing up as a family of FIVE and it is Annie’s very first Halloween!! While I feel like I SORT of left it to the last minute, I’m absolutely in LOVE with how our costumes turned out!! Honestly, it killed me to wait until now to share all of these photos with you!! ?

Last year we dressed up as the characters from Peter Pan, the year before that, which was Leo’s very first Halloween, we were the characters from Wizard of Oz … and this year we went as characters from … ALICE IN WONDERLAND!!!! I was able to piece together these costumes from a mix of our currently owned items, second-hand items and a few things I ordered online from!

Jillian Harris Alice in Wonderland Halloween Costume

I’m, of course, Alice!! My dress, apron, necklace, and wig are all from, the shoes I’m wearing, I’ve had in my closet forever!!

Justin’s costume cracks me right up! The rabbit head is actually from a full rabbit costume he bought when he was 16!! If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll recognize it because every year Justin likes to dress up like the Easter Bunny for the kids during their Easter eggs hunt! The rest of his costume is from, except for the glasses which I found at Value Village, and the umbrella is Mindy’s!

Jillian Harris Alice in Wonderland Halloween CostumeJillian Harris Alice in Wonderland Halloween Costume Jillian Harris Alice in Wonderland Halloween Costume Jillian Harris Alice in Wonderland Halloween Costume

Leo is the Mad Hatter … I couldn’t resist seeing him in a top hat ? … Most of his costume, which the exception of the hat, I found in his wardrobe!! His shoes are from Old Navy, his pants are from Petit Vilains, his white shirt is from GAP (he wears this ALL the time!), bow tie is from The Printed Bow, his blazer is from ZARA (which we bought for the holidays!), and lastly, his hat is from!

We dressed Annie up for her very first Halloween as the Cheshire Cat! I found her tail and her ears on, I was able to pin the tail on to her onesie (which I pained myself! LOL!), and the headband with the ears was wayyy too big for her so I cut the ears off and glued them to one of her bows!

Jillian Harris Alice in Wonderland Halloween Costume Jillian Harris Alice in Wonderland Halloween Costume Jillian Harris Alice in Wonderland Halloween Costume

Last but not least … Nacho … aka …. the QUEEN OF HEARTS!! LOLLL!!!! I’m not sure why, but I can’t get enough of dressing Nacho up like a girl … maybe it’s because he looks so damn good in a dress! ? I struggled to find Nacho a dog costume this year so we had to get a bit creative! Remember last year when he dressed up like a superhero?! Well, I took that costume, and bought a toddler Queen of Hearts costume and ended up hiring a wonderful seamstress by the name of Virginia here in Kelowna and she helped me basically modify and meld together the two costumes to great this!!

Jillian Harris Alice in Wonderland Halloween CostumeJillian Harris Alice in Wonderland Halloween Costume

What are YOU dressing up as?! Make sure to share your comments below!!


Jilly … er … I mean, Alice.

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  1. I totally love Halloween too! My house is decorated and ready for the little goblins and ghouls tonight. We went to a party this weekend and I was Wednesday Adams and my husband was one scary dude. There were a lot of very creative costumes. It’s one time a year that you can have a creative type of fun. Love your costumes again this year, Nacho cracks me up!

    1. Okay the costumes are wonderful but sorry..Leo is usually total fav but in this case Nacho that dog!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. I cannot get over the pictures of Nacho. One of the most hysterical things I have seen.
    Makes me laugh out loud every time!

  3. Amazing!!!

    We were Disney’s characters from Robinhood! My 6 year old daughter was Maid Marion, my 4 year old son was King Richard, my husband wa Robinhood and I was Little John!

  4. Love your photo session. Such great costumes. I’ve never been into Haloween but I love seeing how creative people are. Leo is becoming quite a little “ham” ❤️

  5. We did Fred, Daphne and Scooby-Doo!! Our Australian Shepherd mix was Scooby-Doo but it was raining so he got a quick picture because he hates the rain!!

  6. You guys are the cutest little family ever! Leo is so adorable.. and I’m loving all your costumes. Jillian, you look so good as Alice and the blonde hair looks so good on you! ❤️ You should go blonde

    1. What great costumes. Have to say love little Leo and Natcho, so darn cute. Jilian, you make a great Alice!

  7. What awesome costumes! Sorry, but the Queen of Hearts just steals the show, he looks like he could yell “off with their heads!”
    We dressed as a hunter and the deer for handing out candy. It was so funny how the little kids would just stare at me with my deer makeup. And yes, they love love the blow-ups we have in the front yard. They were more interested in them than even getting the candy.

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