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Battle Of The Bachelorette Exes

After last night’s episode of the Bachelorette .. I am TOTALLY hooked. Not only do I adore JoJo and watching her … I am finally starting to get to know the guys a little bit better. This is when their true colours start to show through and you can start to see the connections they’re making …. and also NOT making with JoJo!!!! It really is crazy watching it all unfold from my perspective as I truly remember what it was like for me at this point in the game on both the Bachelor and Bachelorette ends. Now is when you need to be careful to not get too involved in your own head and try your best to be your true self. At this point, jealousy is rampant and EXTREMELY hard to control!!! You have been stuck with these guys for a few weeks now with no contact to the outside world and you are starting to feel CRAZY (who wouldn’t???)!!!! Every season … this is when it starts to get good!!!


My heart hurt for JoJo when she read the article in the tabloids about her ex-boyfriend. BUT … I do think that the guys made a bigger deal out of it then they needed to. Reading the tabloids is the same thing as reading your boyfriends text message … it’s always best to just ignore them because it will always cause you unnecessary stress and anxiety. It’s just not necessary blowing up about things that just don’t matter.

One of the hardest things for me wasn’t being on the show … it was dealing with the rumours and the tabloids afterwards. And yes a lot of the rumours were true … Ed flirted with other girls and “cheated on me” so they said …  not to say he officially cheated on me but he admitted that he crossed the line. It’s hard because like I said a lot of the time those tabloids are bullshit but a lot of the time there is some truth in them as well. Perhaps JoJo still has some feelings for Chad, I don’t know … but there’s so many ways to look at it. This time in her life is so emotional and it could have been that she was in touch with him in between seasons … or maybe she did have a moment of weakness and went back to him, but I think that’s NORMAL. I remember in between when I was on the Bachelor and The Bachelorette I reconnected with some of my ex’s too … you feel rejected, you are heart broken, you are sad and SO emotional so you reach out to what’s easiest and comfortable. But just because she did this or might still have some feelings for him doesn’t mean that she can’t develop NEW feelings for someone else. Who says when you meet Prince Charming that everything HAS to be perfect and that there won’t be any overlap at all??? This is normal!!!! JoJo I am SO proud of you for taking the leap of faith in the end and deciding to go on the Bachelorette!!


Chad coming back to the house after JoJo sent him home was definitely “produced”. You aren’t allowed to go back unless the producers let you … and they DEFINITELY allowed it to happen for good TV!!! But if anything, it just made Chad look crazier than he already is and made the other guys who handled the situation look like heroes. I think it was a bad decision on Chads part but I don’t think he really cares. At least now, everyone has some closure and knows he’s not out there whistling in the woods lol!!!


Onto Robby who I NEVER noticed before this episode!?!?! Is anyone else with me on this??? Where did he come from??? He’s a little too manicured and perfect for me but maybe that’s what JoJo’s looking for?? I’m excited to see what happens with him!!! Oh and have any of you seen chads Instagram??? He’s hanging out with Robby’s ex-girlfriend …. uhmmmmmm is anyone else confused???

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Moving on to Jordan …. he has been my number one for JoJo since day 1 but after last night … I’m not so sure!!! He’s a smooth talker and knows what to say at the right time. There’s a side of him that were not seeing yet and that worries me. He was totally caught off guard when JoJo confronted him about cheating on his girlfriend and the entire scene was awkward to watch. I really hope what his ex said isn’t true BUT who really knows??? Jordan is a bad boy and it sounds to me like he beats to his own drum … I know that JoJo is a good judge of character and I really hope she figures this one out for herself.


AND … I just have to say … I am SO happy that she finally sent Daniel home. When I thought it couldn’t get any worse it did… it was so painful to watch!!! I’m sorry Daniel I wish you the best …

I can’t finish off a Bachelorette blog without talking about JoJo’s clothes. She seriously once again has the best style and I don’t think it’s going away anytime soon.

Judging by the previews I can’t wait to see what happens next week!



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  1. Can we also talk about how happy I am that Evan is gone? And I think Alex is bad news!!! Evan was just…. Not right for Jojo and sort of an instigator!! And Alex…. Big hypocrite…. The way he talked about Derrick? He’s the new chad

  2. Absolutely, Melinda. I agree with you. Alex is an instigator and a spoiled brat. Hopefully he’ll leave soon. To bad; he is a cutie.

  3. Did anyone else think she overlooked James the boxer??? He is hot, sweet and avoided the drama! I would definitely have gone for him!!!

  4. I can totally understand why she might fall for Jordan but he’s sooooo different than Ben H. (and I think she wants a Ben)…I’m not really into any of them, if I had to choose a favorite it would have to be Chase…he seems to be the most sincere and that yoga sesh was pretty cute. Btw…creepy Chad reminds me of a villain in a cheesy lifetime movie!

  5. Producers did an excellent job this season scouting out really interesting contestants. Let’s face it – – they knew Chad’s personality and character would be TV gold. Now that Chad has been eliminated, the target seems to be on Derek. The ones who didn’t get as much air-time as Chad (Vinnie, Derek, Wells, James F, James T) are less dramatic and less controversial. Alex is irritating to watch, as all he ever does is instigate drama. Not sure if Jordan is there for the right reasons either, as he might be there to enhance his broadcasting career. Wishing JoJo all the best on her search for everlasting love this season. It has been an amazing season so far.

  6. I, too, love JoJos style and I believe she is a good judge of character. I agree, seeing Jordan squirm a little bit last night was hard to watch. He’s definitely got charm, charisma & tons of confidence (& a lot of hair!), but he might not be the best choice for her. Also… I find Robby to be just too “fixed”….

  7. Alex nobody loves a Dobba and you remind me of Zac from previous season totally love Luke but yes they always fall for the bad boy Jordan type hope he doesn’t hurt her Derek is creepy hope she gives wells a chance. Was sad to see vinny go he seemed a really nice guy but not for her

  8. Last season, when JoJo said she that loved Ben Higgins it seemed really genuine. It is nice to see that JoJo is being extremely cautious of who she says “I love you” to so far this season. I don’t know how all these guys are saying “I’ve fallen in love with you JoJo” so soon.
    Also, it is really weird to see Robby’s
    ex-girlfriend posing for pictures with Chad
    on social media so soon after filming was done. Perhaps for more publicity?
    This season has been so dramatic already.

  9. My vote is for Chase! He seems really genuine and a good balance for her. I like Luke too but I don’t think he’s charismatic enough for Jojo. And yeah THANK HEAVENS Evan and Daniel are gone; waste of tv time…the good stuff starts now!

  10. I agree about being happy about Evan leaving. He was such a pain in the arse. He’d have little jibes at Chad to look cool to the other guys. I agree Chad is a douche. Alex is now taken Chad’s place. I like Chase for her. I too was a Jordan fan but now am thinking there may have been truth to his ex’s twitter post. We shall soon see. I am not 100% sold on Jo Jo. I know Its probably because I missed Bens season but she isn’t like you Jill or Kaitlyn. Not as fun as you girls.

  11. Is there any chance that Chad is a paid actor??? I just don’t know how he could be for real!! I don’t like how Alex was acting toward Derek… that was so weird! I’m just not seeing the greatest connection with any of these guys this season. It’ll be so interesting to see if she finds a true match.

  12. Alex is such a bitch! All he does is complain about other people. He’s so jealous of Derek’s rose, it’s pathetic and just shows how insecure he is.. I think Luke is the front runner, but there’s a few others she’s pretty interested in as well. (Jordan, Chase, Derek).

  13. Would have sent Chad, Alex, and Evan home after learning about their drama.
    They need tension and drama in
    the Bachelor mansion cuz it makes for
    more interesting dramatic episodes.
    Hope Chase OR Luke is chosen to be
    next season’s bachelor.
    Probably won’t be as fun to watch as
    Ben Higgins’s season but will still tune anyways.

  14. Seems as though producers went out of their way to find the most scandalous,
    controversial people this season of
    The Bachelorette.
    Both Jordan Rodgers and Robby’s dating past has really been thrust into the spotlight with their storylines added in for extra doses of drama.
    Bachelor In Paradise sounds like it will be fun to watch this season.
    They already confirmed past contestants are returning (Nick Viall, Josh Murray, Caila,
    Lace, Jubilee, Evan, Chad, etc…..).
    Fun entertaining TV for summer viewing parties.?

  15. Hope that Wells, (or Chase or Derek)
    is the next Bachelor.
    Alex is always instigating way too much drama. JoJo needs to send Alex home. He is annoying to watch.
    Chad, Evan, and Alex
    are the most cringe-worthy contestants
    so far this season of
    The Bachelorette.

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