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The Battle of the Mom and Dad Bod

Have you ever heard of the term “Skinny Fat”? Lol!! I know, I know … some of you are probably thinking “Does she think she is fat?! She better not be saying she is fat!!” and the answer is NO, I don’t think I’m fat! Let me explain …

When Justin and I first met he was a pro athlete and I was a gym rat, I went to yoga and spin ALL the time … so, I’m going to toot our own horns here, but, we were both FIT and damn it felt good!! Lol!! Seriously, we both felt so healthy, strong and totally confident in our own skin!! Well, with that being said, the days, months and years passed and we started getting more and more comfortable with each other which meant we indulged a little more and we went to the gym less … then I got pregnant with Leo and that became our prime excuse to let ourselves go a little …


Welp … here we are today, Leo has grown and we’ve officially mastered the art of perfecting our Mom and Dad bods but we think it’s officially time to cut the crap and get moving!!

I know some of your are probably thinking “But she is thin, what the hell is she complaining about?!” Yes, I’m “thin”, but I’m not IN SHAPE! This isn’t about weight or dress size, this is about FEELING good and being the healthiest I can be, it’s about strengthening bones and keeping my heart healthy!! At the moment while you think I might look good in a pair of leggings, I peel those bad boys off at night and it’s a whole other story! Lol! I just don’t feel like myself and Justin feels the same way about his bod too … THANKFULLY Dad bods are a hot commodity right now … LOL!!! I mean just look at that figure … eyes on your screens ladies, oh wait … lol!!


And what better to light a fire under our asses than Summer?! Yup … it’s right around the corner and we have a pool at our new home plus we want to be out on the lake with Leo as much as possible this year, so what better motivation is there than that?! I mean, just the thought of crawling into a swimming suit is enough to make me want to go pour myself a glass of vino and pretend like winter is around for another 6 months … but truth be told, I can’t avoid it ANY longer.


Justin and I have put our feet (and our beer) down and said enough is enough … and while we felt all determined and inspired we quickly went online and bought ourselves some comfy new workout clothes from Outdoor Voices to get us back on track!

The very first day we received our order we quickly tossed our new outfits on and … damn … who needs to workout when workout gear makes you feel so fit?! LOL! The leggings I had ordered literally squeezed everything in, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and was surprised at what I saw … my legs and my butt looked … GOOOOOOD and I hadn’t even left the house yet … score!! Lol!!! Someone, pass me that beer I just put down!!! Just kidding … kind of. But I wasn’t the only one chatting up our new gear, when Justin and I were outside EASING our way back into the fitness world I noticed he kept rubbing his sleeve saying how buttery soft the material on his hoodie was … LOL!!! Are we weirdos or what?! I have to admit, though, I was also seriously digging the quality of this material! LOL!


If it’s comfy new workout gear that gets us motivated enough to get outside and kick our mom and dad bods back into shape then SIGN US UP!! We’re pretty excited about getting back to our old selves and feeling healthier! Plus, we now have a little guy that depends on us so we have to make sure we are both around for as LONG as possible!!


My Light Grey Hoodie | Leggings | Justin’s Hoodie | Justin’s Sweats

Are you struggling with getting back into shape? What is it that motivates you? Share your thoughts below!!



Thank you Outdoor Voices for sponsoring this post. All comments and opinions are my own. 

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  1. My babe is almost 4 months. I’m back at my previous baby weight but just like you, im not in shape. I say everyday, tomorrow I’ll start working out. ? but still haven’t lol. I have no motivation!! Good for you guys that you do though!!

  2. What motivates me is the thought that you gotta think about it as an every day thing you have to do like brushing your teeth. You just gotta do it!

  3. Great article. It’s not always how you look …how ya feel! Good for you for busting out some goals. And thanks again for helping me spend more money…outdoor voices has some cool gear. Under Armour will always be my fave but I couldn’t resist the dip leggings! Xo

  4. Good article. I hate when people mock me for going to the gym because Im small and thin. Working out and being active is about being healthy and fit, not always losing weight!!

  5. My husband and I put on the post wedding 20 (or more… Ahem)…we started the whole 30 today. I literally cannot remember the last time I went without an after work cocktail… Pray for me. Lol

  6. Jesus, yet another #ad. Who writes this crap?

    And were these pics taken recently? If so, when did you dye your hair red and how come its not red on instagram stories? If these are photos from before you got knocked up and you are trying to pretend they are recent, thats brutal. #adfail

    1. way to troll on her website. clearly you can see the engagement ring on her finger. and if she chooses to write sponsored articles, then so be it. i’m sure everything she’s saying in the post is based on her opinions not just what she thinks her “viewers/readers” will like. have a wonderful day!

  7. Wow! This is one of the best tutorials because there are very less tutorial about healthy life. This tutorial is mainly concerned with the health. After birth of child’s generally mothers are become sick and also fatty. To keep you fit you must have need to physical exercise. Thank you very much shearing this tutorial with us.

  8. Ug mom bod x2 over here. Attempting to shed the flab second time around is a no go so far. The odd fast walks and sparatic yoga classes are not cutting it! Although the cookies for breakfast aren’t helping either.
    Oh god summer is coming soon isn’t it?!
    Need help. Need motivation. Need commitment. Need accountability. M

  9. I would love to hear more about your exercise regime and less about what you are wearing. As a dedicated reader of your blog like many others here, I love your enthusiasm and energy but this does feel like more of an ad for this clothing line.

  10. Haha! The parent bod struggle is real. We just had baby #2 and are approaching 30. So my poor husband’s metabolism is changing majorly. The best thing we did was put a gym in our basement because it’s way too hard to get 2 kids out of the house just to go to the gym. We have a water play table in the basement and being out special playdough for the toddler and the 2 month old baby will nap or sit in his vibrating chairand watch me workout (he finds it quite entertaining). I’ve even been desperate a few times and layed him on a mat in front of the shower running because he likes that too. In the summer we run to the park and i workout there while the toddler plays. When there’s a will, there’s a way!

  11. Uh ya, I’ve been saying I’ll do yoga in the morning for.. 6 months. Baby just turned 6 months. One day… one day.

  12. What disappoints me is that all these clothes are from an American website right? AND being on mat leave and with the Canadian dollar these clothes just aren’t affordable. I know this article is about getting fit again which is what I’m trying to do but I see these clothes in your pictures and think wow I want my workout clothes to make me feel like that and I click the photo and it’s disappointing. This isn’t a hate comment or anything, I think you are fantastic! I’m just expressing my disappointment….. sigh.

    Ps: you guys are adorable ❤

    1. I also think she’s fantastic, but I have been experiencing the same frustrations with links to American websites and with the same item on Cdn websites costing over double the price…here’s hoping for more Cdn options!

  13. I’m with YA! Georgia is over 3 months old and although I lost the weight I gained with her I’m dealing with a WHOLE different body than before. I’ve started spinning again at SPINCO (saw you there this week!) because I love how it makes me feel (so fun!) and the social interaction is a bonus but I’m at a constant debate with myself on how much stress to put on myself. Should I just not worry too much about it and enjoy my little babe? BUT summer is coming! And wine. Seriously so confused on how to get lean without compromising milk supply. I look forward to reading more about your journey and seeing you at SpinCo again.

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