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The Best Nursing Clothes

Happy Friday everyone!!! I hope you all had a great week and are as excited as I am for the weekend!!  Leo is 6 weeks old today (can you believe it?!?!) and I am finally starting to get the hang of this whole Mom thing … I think (not to mention yesterday’s craziness but hey no one is perfect right!?!?!)! I now realize you can only take it day by day, never knowing what the next day may bring … but for now, I’m feeling like I am in full swing of things. A big part of being a new mom for me has been NURSING. I never really realized how time-consuming it was and how much MILK you actually produce!!!! I originally pictured myself pumping with the hands-free pumps while continuing to blog and work … and that is SOOOO not the case (for right now)!!! If I’m not looking at Leo or thinking about Leo … my milk supply pretty much stops. And when I hear him crying and the 3 hours is up (he’s typically feeding every 3 hours) my boobs start leaking LOL (apparently these soft shells help with that???)!!!!

ANYWAYS … back to what this blog is about and what so many of you have requested, NURSING CLOTHES!!!! I learned really quickly which clothes worked and which didn’t when you need to whip that boob out pronto!! A quick side note, for those of you that warned me of this … I should have taken your advice because I did NOT come prepared. BUT to tide me over in the meantime of not having ANY nursing clothes when I came home from the hospital … I found ANYTHING already in closet with zippers, button fronts, and snaps worked perfectly. They don’t need to specifically be “nursing clothes” to work … they just need to have easy access to the boob to work!!! I’ve been searching for nursing specific options to make my life easier … they need to be functional, yet still stylish, so that you can’t tell the difference if they’re nursing clothes or not. Some of these items below I have and am loving and others are on my wishlist!!screen-shot-2016-09-16-at-10-40-40-amnursing-clothes
1. Maternity Wrap Dress | 2. Cross-front Top | 3. Scarf | 4. Cross-front Sweater | 5. Nursing Bras | 6. Plaid Button Down Shirt | 7. Cross-layered Nursing Top | 8. Body Con Nursing Dress | 9. Nursing Tank Tops

Some of my other favourite places to shop for nursing clothing:
Boob Design
Hatch Collection
Old Navy
Isabella Oliver

I’m always looking for cute nursing clothes, so feel free to tell me your favourites in the comments below!!



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  1. Hang in there! It does get easier as baby grows and his stomach can hold more at a time. It’s so nice when you can begin to drop feedings… but in the meantime, such a good time for bonding, too.

  2. Love reading your blogs. You’re doing great! Each day is a new day to start fresh! Every day isn’t easy. I loved Boob nursing tops. Your blog and posts take me back in time as mine are newly 4 and 23 months. A few people I know have used “My Milkies” to catch breastmilk while nursing. Seems to have good reviews. Good luck Mama! You got this! Mama’s intuition (Mama knows best) is pretty powerful! Have you experienced that yet?

  3. Thanks for doing a whole post on clothes for nursing! This is great – as a nursing mama I really appreciate your picks. Keep up the great work! 🙂

  4. Acorn & Leaf has great infinity scarves that you can use as a nursing scarf! They also have mini versions for your kiddos so you can match! Win win

    1. This exact same thing happen to me 🙁 after reading this blog I fell in love with that sweater – ordered it almost immediately and it never did arrived – tried to contact the company and no response…..buyer beware for sure – do not order from Lucky duck

  5. Buyer Beware!!! On Sept. 19, I ordered item number 4, the beautiful gray criss-cross sweater. Got a lovely email from the “owner” thanking me for supporting a small company. My payment was processed immediately even though the sweater wasn’t suppose to ship until Sept 26th. There has still been no shipment, (it is now Oct 10) I have tried to contact the owner twice now with no response. I’m starting to think Lucky Duck is a scam….

  6. I am loving the cozy nursing hoodie for a lazy Sunday and the Boucle nursing tunic with tights or leggings… I picked up both at Ella Bella!

  7. This blog is extremely educational in light of the fact that you portray in subtle elements how to make nursing tank top at home and in the way you depict it’s simple. Be that as it may, we can likewise buy this nursing tank tops from advertise or get on the web. Your blog is learned for ladies who keen on sewing and can make.

  8. Have you guys heard of Love Comma?
    They have awesome breastfeeding clothes that are so soft and comfy… but so stylish too! I never feel like I’m wearing a nursing top, thats why I love them so much.

    Heres their site if any of you are interested:

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