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10 Gingerbread House Decorating Tips

So … you want to master your gingerbread house this year, hey?! Welp. We got you covered!! LOL! This year the girls and I got together and decorated a few gingerbread houses and it was pretty freakin hilarious and fun to see what everyone came up with and how everyone used the toppings in their own unique and creative way. We also learned a few things as we sat around and decorated and I thought it would be fun to share our 10 tips with you!!

Let’s take a look!!

Jillian Harris Gingerbread House Decorating Tips Jillian Harris Gingerbread House Decorating Tips Jillian Harris Gingerbread House Decorating Tips Jillian Harris Gingerbread House Decorating Tips

1. Buy in Bulk

If you’re looking for gingerbread house supplies you HAVE to go somewhere that sells candy (or pretzels, nuts, whatever floats your gingerbread house decorating boat …) in BULK. I personally like to get my stuff from Bulk Barn because the selection is HUGE and the prices are great!

2. Buy Premade Houses

I know this is the easy way out … you’re welcome. LOL! But seriously, premade houses are easy peasy because you can get right down to the fun stuff right away. However, if you have lots of time on your hands and enjoy baking and creating your OWN floorplan (I actually REALLY wanted to make a gingerbread version of OUR home this year but opted for the premade one … but I MIGHT still do this!!) then making your own is always a fun holiday activity too!!

3. Size Matters

I’m talking candy here, people. Get your mind out of the gingerbread gutters!! Make sure to get a variety of sizes when purchasing your candy, you’ll want bigger pieces for the roof (if that’s what your design calls for) and smaller pieces for the little details!

4. Choose a Colour Scheme

I’m a sucker for a great colour scheme … personally I go for pastel colours for my gingerbread houses … light pinks and blues with a mix of metallics!!

5. Stock up on White Icing

I mean … you KNOW I love white everything. Does this tip shock you in the slightest?? In all seriousness though, white icing is perfect for creating that layer of snow on and around your house! You can also pipe it off the edges of your roof to look like icicles!!!

6. Use Shredded Coconut for Snow

It’s brilliant … spread your white icing wherever you want it to look like snow and sprinkle shredded coconut on top, it adds a fun texture and REALLY looks like SNOW!!

7. Sugar Makes Things SPARKLE

You know those magical, sparkly, frosty, winter mornings?? You can achieve that look on your gingerbread house with plain white sugar!! Just sprinkle over your icing and BOOM … sparkly goodness!!!

8. Find a Friend with an Icing Kit

Seriously. If you have a friend that has an icing kit … you know, with all of the bags and different tips … you need them to come to your gingerbread decorating party and bring their kit with them! LOL! Melissa was over when we were decorating the houses and she ran home to get her Icing Kit, and it was a GAME CHANGER!!!

9. Make it a Girls Night

I mean, it’s the perfect excuse … right??

10. Wine Helps with Creativity

When in decorating doubt. Drink wine.

Jillian Harris Gingerbread House Decorating Tips Jillian Harris Gingerbread House Decorating Tips Jillian Harris Gingerbread House Decorating Tips Jillian Harris Gingerbread House Decorating Tips Jillian Harris Gingerbread House Decorating Tips Jillian Harris Gingerbread House Decorating Tips Jillian Harris Gingerbread House Decorating Tips

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What are some of YOUR tricks when it comes to decorating gingerbread houses?? Comment below!!



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  1. My tricks for gingerbread house decorating is to get my two kids their own pre-made houses. Our three houses can only be touched by the house maker so mine lasts until Christmas while all the candies are eaten off their own creations. We all have lots of fun!

  2. Girls Night Gingerbread House Party!? Done and done. You’re brilliant. Also the tip about wine. To bring out your A- game.

  3. Decorating gingerbread houses has been a family tradition in my family since I was little (I’m 31 now). Every year we decorate one as a family and break it down on New Years Day. The trick we found though, is that the gingerbread has to be fully covered in icing and candy or no one will eat the stale-store bought gingerbread. haha

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