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Here’s to You, Jilly!!!


Jilly, today this post is for YOU! Yup, you’ve been hacked (the good way this time)!!! We decided to take over your blog on your birthday to say how much we love you! We know you would bend over backwards and do anything for any of us, so on your special day we wanted to send that love right back. We love you and hope you enjoy this birthday surprise!!! xo

My love and my best friend – I’m so proud of everything you have accomplished this year. You’re my role model and a true inspiration. Can’t wait to continue making memories with you. Happy Birthday” – Love Justin

“Jillian I’m sorry we are in Maui for your birthday ! No wait – what a great way to celebrate your special day!! since this is where you were conceived – I love you as much as the first day I saw your precious face !!! As a young woman I’ve seen you grow & accomplish more in your life than a team of horses – just incredible !! I know you will be surrounded by family and friends that love you as much as I do!! Have a great day my love!!!” – Love Mama❤️

“Thanks for being the worlds best daughter, best friend, tour guide, travel guide, family function organizer, project reno manager, interior designer and reality tv host that a massively proud dad could ever have. You are truly a gift.” – Love Dad

Happy Birthday to my sweet little sister, mentor and best friend.  You continue to amaze me with your big heart, talent and generosity.  May this year be your best one yet, I love you to the moon and back! xoxo” – Tori

“Happy Birthday to one of my very fav humans.  To summarize my love for Jillian Marie into a paragraph would be impossible but anyone lucky enough to spend time with Jilly just understands.  Jilly makes me happy when skies are grey, she is the person that if you could pick to go anywhere with you would pick for example waking up in a barn in Ireland listening to fiddles. She is the best best friend. Happy birthday my love.  Cheers to a year of love and new life adventures my lil huckleberry xoxo” – Shan

Jilly bean, today is your day and I hope that it is amazing. I look at you as more of a sister than a cousin and I just wanted to let you know how much I love and admire you. You are one of the most thoughtful, kindest, and generous souls I have ever met and I’m proud to call you family. Happy birthday ya old fart ?”  – Love Stephy

Happy Birthday to my best friend and cousin! I hope this year is one of the best, you truly deserve it. You are one of the most kind hearted, generous and loving people I know. I can’t wait for you to stand up with me as my maid of honour! Ps. If you’re lucky I’ll organize your undie drawer for your bday present.” –  Love Sammy

Well, well, well. Is it your birthday again? I’m so thrilled that you have finally reached this milestone…the big 4-0!! You don’t look a day over 39, really, whatever you are doing is really working! As I think back, it seems like yesterday we had a fateful meeting (you were late) when I picked you up downtown Vancouver for our screen test to see how we might function together on TV. I was a pale, skinny, poorly dressed, perfectionist who is the oldest of 5 kids and you were a slightly-orange, skinny, well dressed, whirling dervish, only child. Who would have guessed it would be a perfect match…we bonded immediately and delivered the ‘dynamic’ our bosses were looking for. More importantly off camera we had each other’s back. It’s been a true roller coaster ride which we have taken together. I’ve learned a ton from you, like, how to take a vacation, book days off, not worry so much, drink tequila for breakfast, almost miss flights, drive through McD’s at 3am, just to name a few. Two individuals who otherwise would never have crossed paths. Most importantly, as you always say I’m the brother you never wished you had… Happy birthday sis! I’m drinking a shot to celebrate right now!” – Love Todd

“Happy Birthday to the most amazing lady I know. I am so lucky to call you a friend, co-worker and boss. You inspire me every day to be the best that I can be. You are my role model. I can’t thank you enough for everything that you do for me and changing my life for the better. This year will be one of the best ones yet and I am so excited to be there every step of the way. I hope one day we’ll be doing each others make up and snap chatting from an old folks home. Until then, enjoy your special day, you truly deserve the best. XO” – Shay

Jilly, to say you are amazing would be an understatement! You are such a down to earth soul with the biggest heart and one of the funniest people I know… and not to mention a total boss ass bitch (I don’t even know if I can say that on here… oops)!!! You inspire me daily and I am SOOOO grateful to be a part of your team. I hope you have the best effing birthday EVER!!! xx” – Bailey

Happy birthday Jillian!!! We are the same age again!!! Love you to infinity! Miss you and hope you have a most fabulous birthday! ❤ Buttercup xoxo” – Karissa

Jillian! I hope you have one of the best days of your life, full of relaxation and love all around! You have been such an inspiration this year and totally deserve it all. Happy Birthday!” – Desiree Siegfried”I am truly grateful to have a client that I can also call a friend. You have the biggest heart and it has been a great journey being part of the Jillian Harris team!  I am looking forward to another successful year together! Lots of love.” – Tyler

Happy Birthday to the warmest lady I know! Jill always has the sweetest things to say about EVERYONE & supports women around her. Thankful to know such a kind, funny and genuine gal in this industry. Wishing Jill nothing but blessings, love & health in this new year. XO” – Stephanie (Stephanie Sterjovski)

Happy 36th birthday to the coolest, cheekiest, fun, loving, carrying, hardworking and passionate girl I know! So thankful you were born and to call you a friend! Wishing you the best year yet, lots of love and joy from the ones that love you most! Keep killin’ it girl! Love you! xo” – Mon, Troy, Liam & Lillya (Monika Hibbs)

Dear Jillian, where do I start?! You are truly one of the most generous, fun, compassionate, beautiful human beings I know!!! I admire you in so many ways… your transparency, business acumen, intelligence, ambition, dedication to family and love for animals, etc…. this list could on and on. You deserve it all, Jillian – you put so much love and positivity into this world and I know if will continue to come back to you tenfold this year. I’m so lucky to know you. Huge love from Effie and I and we truly hope this is your best year yet. We love you!!!!! xoxoxoxo” – Erin Ireland (It’s To Die For)

Jillian, my love, Happiest Birthday! You have been an absolute inspiration to me and that in itself is more than I could ever want, from someone as wonderful as you. Not only do I wish for this year to be twice as amazing as the last but I wish that for every year to come. I am so grateful for the way our paths have crossed. I’ll always remember you being there for me and encouraging me and truly supporting and believing in me–especially when I needed it the most. May this year be full of so much love and health and everything you deserve plus that much more. Can’t wait to see all the wonderful things you get up to and I’ll be right there cheering you on. LOVE you!” – xo Eleni (Convey The Moment)

Jill – I’ve never met a more energetic, compassionate, generous, loving, and dedicated person in my life. I hope your birthday is full with more love and laughter than you can even handle. No one is more deserving of a day of celebration that you! Happy birthday, girlfriend!!!” – Love, Molly Mesnick

Happy Birthday Jilly Bean! We’re so happy we can spend more time with you now that we’re up in Kelowna! You are such an awesome person & Justin and all of the rest of us are so incredibly lucky to have you in our lives!”  – Terry Wright

Happy birthday Jill! Hope it’s a more than memorable one! We will make up for the missed time next time I see you!” – Warwick Andrews

Happy Birthday Jill! Hope you are being spoiled today and Mallory and I are looking forward to seeing you guys soon!” – Matty Bulloch

Happy birthday Jill! Hope you’re having a great day and holiday season! See you when I’m out there next!” – Josh Schlebach

Happy Birthday Beauty ! So glad we are here to celebrate your birthday with you, lots of love Jill????” – Melissa Pasutto

Happy Birthday Jilly! Hope you have the best day ever! Can’t wait to celebrate with you out in the winter wonderland! Xoxoxo❤️❄️? ” – Claire

Princess Jillian – we really enjoyed NYC on your birthday a few years ago and now we get to share your birthday at home !! We are so lucky to be here to celebrate with you. Happy Birthday Princess !!!” – Paul Pasutto

Happy B- Day Jill! Hope this coming year is amazing and full of new adventures!! ?⚙⛏⚔” – Matt Pasutto

Happy day of birth Jillian! Hope you get spoiled on your special day! Love Matt!” – Matt August

Jillian!!! Happy Freaking Birthday from the 403! Hope the next year brings you great success and happiness! P.s. Thanks for always letting me stay at your house!” – Dan M

“Happy Birthday Jill! Thank you for always letting me take care of Nacho and Justin. I hope this year is one of the best ones yet and I get to see you soon. And a shout out to my Grandma cause it’s her birthday too.” – Your Friend Rafiki

We LOVE you Jilly!! XOXO” – love Emmy and Aubree

Happy Birthday Jill! So glad we got to spend much time with you for Karissa and me on our special day in Mexico this spring!” – Love Akash

3.5 years ago my life became brighter and more full of laughter ! It has been a blast being by your side and hanging out with you everyday. I hope you have and amazing Birthday girly! ?? ❤️ xoxo” – Kaitlin Hargreaves

Jillian! I hope you have one of the best days of your life, full of relaxation and love all around! You have been such an inspiration this year and totally deserve it all. Happy Birthday!” – Desiree Siegried

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We all LOVE you so much Jilly – Happiest of Birthdays from all of your loved ones!!!!!


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  1. Happiest Birthday sweet girl! You are so beautiful inside and out. You spread love every where you go. You are such a wonderful example of kindness and love to all. I hope your day is as special you are. XO – Sara Rife

  2. Happy Birthday, Jillian! You are such an inspiration; you’re so positive, full of fun and the best, most well-rounded role model a person could ask for. Keep being you, and enjoy your day!!

  3. Happy Birthday Jillian!! Hope you have the most amazing year ever and thank you for inspiring so many of us 🙂 You are a role model xoxoxo

  4. Happy Birthday Jillian! I hope you have an amazing day and the year ahead is filled with everything that makes you burst with happiness! So proud to have such a class act representing all us Canadian girls!

  5. This is the cutest thing ever!!! Happy Birthday Jillian!!! May this next year be the best one yet!!!!!! Thank you for sharing your life with your fans!

  6. Happy Happy Birthday ! You are such an amazing person thank you for letting us I to your life for Inspiration & Good vibes ! Have a wonderful day xoxo

  7. Happy Birthday Jillian! You are so lucky to be surrounded by so many loved ones. Hope you enjoy today and have a happy new year! xo

  8. Jillian, you’re more than a ray of sunshine. You’re like 5000 rays of sunshine!!! 🙂 Happy birthday and thanks for sharing your positive energy and talents with the world. You inspired me to pursue my dreams. Thanks so much 🙂

  9. Happy birthday Jilly! You are a huge inspiration to me on a regular basis and I hope you have a beautiful birthday girl! Thank you for everything you do! Xo

  10. Happy Birthday Jillian! I am an Interior Designer in Toronto and you are an inspiration to me
    because of your ambition and accomplishments! Best wishes on your birthday! -Kayla

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