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Last Nights Horseplay On The Bachelorette

Writing the Bachelor blogs at this stage in the game is always stressful for me because I’m a part of the Bachelor family. If I say I don’t like someone and she ends up picking him, I’ll probably have to meet that person face to face … so I have to be really careful about what I say!!!! This has happened to me many times before so I feel like I’m finally starting to learn better!! … I didn’t like Lauren last season and Ben ended up picking her. As soon as I met her I felt horrible and awkward because who knows if he or she read my blogs (I’m so sorry if you did)!!! I always get nervous saying who I like and who I don’t like because of that. BUT at this point in the game it’s a TV show and solely based on THAT AND the editing … I have to say that I pick nobody for JoJo!!!!

I also know at this point that JoJo has picked somebody and I know that she’s probably with them right now. So I get nervous writing this because I don’t want her or one of the guys reading it to get hurt. But I have to be honest and say that I’m not really digging ANY of them at this point. Maybe something will change next episode!?!?! I hope so ….

JoJo and Alex on last nights episode of The Bachelorette cuddling a horse

Was it just me or was last nights episode REALLY awkward??? You know when you feel SO awkward you just cringe watching, hoping that it will stop … that was me last night. The gauchos riding the horse, to them cuddling up to it … don’t get me wrong I love animals and I love the idea of cuddling up to a horse but they just made it SO awkward!!! And then all of a sudden there were 3 guys seeing how much food they could get in their mouth at once … and then all of a sudden all 3 of them were in bed cuddling 1 girl. I was embarrassed watching and could barely watch without awkwardly laughing the whole time.

3 on 1 date on last nights episode of Bachelorette James on the Bachelorette last night recap

I have to say, my favourite guy FOR JoJo … she sent home last night. I thought James was the cutest and sweetest guy but I knew from the beginning that she wasn’t going to pick him. I’ve watched the show long enough to know that he will probably be the greatest husband out of the bunch and whoever scoops him up will be one lucky girl. James will make an amazing husband one day with his caring heart and awesome personality. Even though I think you SHOULD have picked him JoJo … you did a great job of  saying goodbye to him and maybe even the best goodbye in Bachelor history?!?!?!

This season I find the guys REALLY immature … and I feel like none of them would be great “husband material” at this point. Maybe I’m just getting older and am seeing past the looks … I’m not sure?? Does anyone else feel this way???…

I loved Jordan the MOST at the beginning but he’s getting on my nerves now. I can’t tell if he’s a smooth talker, a liar or if he is genuinely there for the right reasons anymore???

Robby needs to chill out on the tanning beds and crest white strips …

Luke came out of left field for me last night. He is FINALLY starting to open up and I THINK I can see a future with him and JoJo??…. but I’m not sure if she will pick him.

And then there’s that Chase guy … but I don’t really know him!?! Where has he been this whole season? Who is he?? I haven’t really got a chance to see who he is or what he’s about yet …

Robby and JoJo stripping on last nights episode of The BacheloretteThe bachelorette recap of all of the guys

Well, I can’t wait to see what happens next week on the hometown dates … my favourite episode of them all!!!


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  1. I completely agree. James was my pick. He reminded me of Chip Gaines from Fixer Upper. The only guy left who I think might be a good match is Luke. He seems the most genuine.

  2. I also really loved Jordan at first. But now i just don’t care for him as much. I know she probably picks him though. He just seems like he may have a temper and that’s really disheartening. He seems like the type that she’d go for in the past :/ womp womp.
    I really like Luke now, he seems so sweet and fun and genuine. The others can go now. And poor James… I agree he was really the best husband material… I’m sure he’ll have no problem finding a wifey now though <3

  3. I love Luke, he is charming caring, sweet, handsome, and has wonderful qualities any women would be lucky to have him, i am sure she isn,t choosing him, so hope he is the next bachelor.

  4. I agree with you 100% I say she picks someone at the end for the SHOW, but it’s not who she ends up with for the long haul… feel like this season is very boring, no REAL connections are happening. I loved James and think he would have treated her the best as a husband. I hope they make him the next Bachelor, because he’s the only one on the show with substance. His character reminds me a lot of Ben, who is in my opinion, one of the best Bachelor’s they ever picked.

  5. I LOVE Jordon.. Robby is way too cocky, Chase is hot but he’s been too reserved for Jojo. Luke is weird to me, and that date with Alex was obviously very ackward. She yawned in the car for goodness sakes. I think people are giving Jordan a hard time because that’s what they do on this show. he seems legit. I don’t know, I’ve been watching this show since season 1 and have been wrong with people before, I am hopeful she picks him and that he proves everyone wrong. He just seems like he’s really into her, and she is very smitten with him. #ThisCOmingFromAmEdFanForYou. #EEKS

  6. Yeahhh there’s no one there for her. It could work out, who knows. But she got dealt a bad hand with this season’s guys. I liked Jordan on night one but he’s felt weird ever since. JT was cute too until he started being all insecure and picking off other guys, not a good look for him. It’s getting pretty boring. I connected with a lot of the relationships last season even though it was obvious from week 1 that Lauren was going to be his girl.

  7. Luke is the man. He’s an interesting combo of the strong, silent type, yet good at communicating his feelings. I think they have great chemistry, and she seemed really pleased when he said he wanted to plan out the rest of his life with his Ms. Right. She lit up! I think her top 2 have always been Jordan and Luke, but she will ultimately pick Luke. The only thing I thought was really awkward was Alex trying too hard because you knew he was going to fall flat on his face.

    1. Personally, I think Jordan is the cutest, but I don’t think he’s the one for JoJo. Maybe he’ll be the next Bachelor? I also think James a adorable, but he’s a little lacking in self esteem. He needs to work on that before tackling something like Bachelor. I don’t think he’d be cut out for it.

    2. Tanis, I totally agree about Luke! He is amazing! Really great blend of being a “man” (as Jojo says over and over again as he’s chopping wood, shooting guns, riding horses) but really open with her, affectionate, and great at communicating his feelings. And HOT! And the more emotionally open he is, the hotter he gets! Chopping wood + listening intently and being sensitive = unbeatable hotness.

  8. I like Chase the best of what she has left and like you said, he has had zero air time so clearly he isn’t the one. The dates were super AWKWARD and dumb. This season they have been playing what I call the “Bachelor love theme” when Jordan and JoJo are on dates together – and I have watched every season…….I don’t think he is right for her? And what is his occupation? Former football player is not a job. Robby – former swimmer – is not a job…..I am so confused on this season that its totally awkward – I liked JoJo before her stint here but not loving this season or her anymore for that matter – I am ready for BIP at this point – it will be a hot mess but at least we know that at the start of the season. 🙂 P.S. Did she start dating Jordan before the season started and then they have spent all these weeks trying to convince us she is looking for love when she already had found it? It just seems like they have seen each other more than the one-on-ones…….and he gets more of those than anyone too.

  9. Okay, I honestly could not agree with you more!!! I have said all season that James Taylor was the clear choice that should have won as well as the clear choice that wouldn’t actually win. And because of that, I also would pick nobody for JoJo! Of who’s left I would choose Luke, especially after their date last night, but yeah I’m just mostly bored of these guys (because hello, aren’t they all just the same guy?) and glad that I will never have to meet them and eat my words. ?

  10. Omg!!! You have the exact same opinion as me. Everyone keeps asking who I like and who you think she picks or want her to pick and I say no one! I have read spoilers and I do know who she picked and I really believe that it’s not gonna last long. Just not feeling it. Jojo is such a great girl and I was so excited for her to find love! I just don’t think she’s going to this season…. Also so happy that weiner Alex is finally gone!!!

  11. You are so right on! I don’t like any of the guys for her except possibly Luke. I think Jordan is in it for the publicity but I think she will unfortunately pick him and get her heartbroken, Robbie is too much about Robbie, Chase is too quiet aNd not showy enough for her and the others I knew she wouldn’t pick. I’m kind of disappointed that she didn’t give a lot of the other guys a chance. I feel like she kept it to the looks category (except for one or 2) and didn’t give so many of them an opportunity to show her who they really are. BTW your comment about the white stripes had me crying! Lol ? All the best to you!

  12. I have been team Luke from the beginning. Much like in Ben’s season, Lauren was first out of the limo, and I think she had his heart right in that moment. I am pretty sure that Luke was the last out of the Limo, and I am pretty sure she ends up with him (oh you clever bachelor producers!). I think it is down to Luke and Jordan, which has been pretty obvious from the get-go. I think she has been burned too many times to pick Jordan. I was a little disappointed with JoJo as the bachelorette, to be honest I thought she focused on looks too much.

  13. Just my 2 cents… Alex needed to go weeks ago b/c he acted like a whiny child every single week! And he was a marine! I expected so much more from him! On the flip side, I have picked the other marine, Luke, since day 1. They have undeniable chemistry and he seems the most sincere and I believe he truly fell in love with JoJo. Jordan seems smarmy to me. Doesn’t seem trustworthy even as hard as he tries to convince everyone otherwise. Chase was my #2 pick when they had the yoga date, but he’s kinda blended into the woodwork since. Robby seems like the slimiest and most dishonest one in the bunch. I even liked Chad more than him and he was a lunatic. And lastly, James was the sweetest, most worthy husband material until he started trying to sabotage Jordan. Like I said earlier, I’m not a fan of Jordan, but the few times James and Alex had alone time with JoJo, they both wasted it by talking bad about other guys. So I’m Team Luke all the way!!

    I think that was more like 95 cents! ?

  14. All the guys have such a similar look now that James is gone. She definitely has a type. I think Jordan & Luke will be the last two but I’m not sure it will work out with either in the long run.

  15. I will be so so sad if she picks Jordan. He is a classic player… He’s turned it around so that she’s working for his affection. She is totally at his mercy and just seems to fawn over him like a little puppy haha! She must Have a type because to me he’s had it in the bag since day 1. Doesn’t take Einstein to realize he’s self-involved & immature, and from what 900 girls are coming out and saying, he is a total ass. I love Jojo but there is nobody on this season that would be a good match for her.

  16. If she was really looking for a husband she would have picked James. I am almost sure now she will pick Jordan and get her heart broken. James was a nice guy, normal guy. You are right Jilly none of them are husband material but she is also not very mature so maybe she will find her match. Best of luck to JoJo

  17. I Really liked Derek for JoJo. He was cute, charming, quiet but still funny & he never got into the childish banter that seems to be happening this season. I’m interested to see who she picks! I’m not feeling it either with any of the guys left. May be Luke? But that’s based on the preview (editing…I know). I just hope she is happy & feels she picked the right one for her! Best wishes Jillian on your expected baby arrival! You will ROCK being a mom! ❤️

  18. Absolutely the worst group of guys ever! I really like JoJo & think it could have been an outstanding season. But she didn’t get a fair chance with the group of guys they picked. I say JoJo deserves a “do-over”!

  19. James was the only one I saw with an ACTUAL PERSONALITY too. Who wouldnt love a kind, funny and good looking man? A very Womp Womp of an episode…although the inner horse girl in me loved all those equines!

  20. I am thinking Jordan or Luke I think everyone is being hard on Jordan he really opened up to Jojo and I felt he was sincere. Luke is great too I will route for either couple and as in bachelor history the success rate of staying together is low but still possible. The romantic in me will hope for the best.

  21. I didn’t like James insecurities. I wouldn’t want a husband who was willing to throw shade at Jordan & Robby. I love Jordan & still haven’t seen anything directly from him that gives me pause. I loved how gracefully Chase handled their first date which was basically tantric yoga – crazy! And I love Luke. I think the editing, as always, leaves us wondering if there are ever any real conversations! I really quite like the group she has left.

  22. I LOVED Jojo during Ben’s season. Still a big fan of her style and funny personality. But I have to admit, I have been really disappointed so far with her on the Bachelorette. Every move seems so calculated and not genuine. The group of guys left completely Sucks with a capital ‘S’. I think it is a combo of her getting kind of a bad group from the start, and her keeping around the group of haircuts. At this point I am rooting for Luke! Anyone but Jordan.

  23. Love Chase the best. Grounded, good looking and no drama. But she seems to choose Chase towards the end of each rose ceremony so he is probably going home next. Robbie and Jordan have weird hair and boring personalities. Luke is a bit too solemn for me. I hope James is the next Bachelor. Every now and get the underdogs in life deserve a chance at Love. He is a gosh-golly kind of guy and it’s everyone’s dream guy but I would like to see him be given a chance at Love.

  24. James is down to earth and someone who will be there long term..honest and sincere…its hard to pick this season… Maybe Luke for JoJo…not sure about Jordan. Luke would be a great choice for the next bachelor!

  25. James is sooooo Sean Lowe round two… I don’t know that he and Jojo would have been the best match, but I agree that he will make a wonderful husband and father when the right woman comes along. I really liked Derek, but I guess she was more attracted to Chase… Derek won’t have any problems finding girls who are interested in him ;)…. Jordan is obviously who she is going to choose in the end, for better or for worse…. looking forward to seeing what happens!

  26. I LOVE Luke. I think they would be great together. But I think she will choose Jordan. For some reason, I feel this is like a replay of Andi’s season when she picked Josh and we all know how that turned out. I hope the outcome is different for Jojo

  27. i kind of agree with you Jillian. No one seems a perfect match. Unrelated, i am constantly impressed with what appears to be JoJo’s outstanding ability to communicate and to say the truth about what she’s feeling. To acknowledge when someone says they are falling in love with her that it doesn’t excite her as much as she thinks it should? brilliant on her behalf and every show there is something she says to a guy that is really candid and honest. I appreciate how difficult that is especially on tv!

  28. I adored James until he kept cutting himself down and selling himself short. That is unattractive. He needs to learn to love himself more and own his body and looks and then he will be great husband material.

  29. Oh my!! Yes so awkward. I feel like we were walking and stumbled on watching them spoon the horse and my reaction is like whoa!! I need to turn around and not make eye contact hahaha.

  30. I really like Luke, I think after the show is over he’ll loosen up a bit. But I love a man who can ride a horse and shoot a gun 🙂

  31. Omgosh I totally agree with everything you said. I dont trust Jordan. I want to believe he’s really sweet and genuine but I get a vibe he knows exactly what he’s doing and he’s not genuine at all! I cried when she sent James home and I never cry when watching this show. lol He would have been such an amazing husband…he’s the type of man you want to marry and would be so lucky to marry. You can tell JoJo is going for looks and who gives her a challenge. Not really what you should be going for if you’re really looking for a husband.

  32. I know I’m late to this party. But noooo on James. that sweetness I don’t see it and his wardrobe, that’s way to relaxed for the Bachelorette. As for the remaining guys, I’m with you Jillian. She would probably better off not choosing any of them.

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