I have a little something new for you and it’s something I want to do on a monthly basis going forward because I feel as though it’s important to shed some light on the little shining stars in our communities. It could be a combination of everything going on in this world, and me being a mom but lately, when I see a ‘little one’ doing something good, I tear up and my heart starts to swell and I think “My god, I hope I raise my little Leo to be a leader like this!”… I am SO proud of all the kids out there who are doing SO much good. Those who are growing their hair for cancer, opting out of birthday gifts for charity donations instead, those trying to live a plant-based lifestyle, even kids who are making us laugh or helping out a friend in need. My heart literally wants to burst (I’m crying writing this right now) for these kids and want them to know THAT WE ARE SEEING WHAT THEY ARE DOING and we LOVE THEM! Kudos to the moms, dads and support system these kids have in order to live with such compassion and empathy! The point of this monthly feature is to spotlight these special little leaders and help them with their efforts and hope to encourage other kids, youth, and families to follow suit!
So without further adieu, here is THIS months, “LITTLE LEADER”, CARTER PUSKA!!

Carter is a kick-ass hockey player and he has also proved himself to be quite a kick-ass little human as well. Two and a half years ago Carter decided he wanted to grow his hair out in order to raise money and donate his hair to make wigs for children suffering from cancer. Cue the tears here … I hope you have some tissue handy!!
Throughout these past couple of years, Carter was teased because of his hair not only by friends and family but by complete strangers as well. Bugging him about the length of his hair and mistaking him for a girl. It breaks my heart to know he was being teased all while trying to do an amazing thing for others in need but I’m SO HAPPY Carter is such a strong little guy because even with all of the teasing that happened on the daily, Carter just ignored it and carried on with his mission. ATTA BOY!!
And thanks to Carter’s strong will and HUGE heart, he recently cut off his 14″ ponytail (on his 10th birthday!!) and raised more than $5,000 for Wigs for Kids (a partnership of the BC Children’s Hospital) … how FREAKIN amazing is he?!?! It’s little ones like Carter that make this world a better place.
While Carter has already cut his hair, there’s STILL an opportunity to donate in support of this amazing Little Leader! Take a look at the donation page here to show your support!!

Thanks so much for reading, everyone!! I hope you loved this Little Leaders story JUST as much as I did!!
Ps. Do you know of a Little Leader in your community who is making a difference?? If so, make sure to send us their story at [email protected] and they could be featured next month!!
So very sweet & inspiring to us all!
What a sweet and caring young man, well done Carter!! ??
Hey Jillian! I’m Carter’s more and I am super proud of this little human my husband and I are raising! Thanks for recognizing his efforts and getting his story out there!
This little guy is amazing!! *tears* And kudos to you Jillian for using your platform to shed light on these awesome little humans xx
My little cousin did the same thing! His school even had to make an exception for him to grow his hair as he goes to private school and they have rules about boys hair. I was so proud of him!
That is so very kind of Carter! And way to keep pushing through even though he got teased!! That is A LOT of money to go towards such a good cause :). This is a great new idea Jillian!! Way to go!!
Amanda (aka Amanda Panda)
Wow that’s terrific, yes it makes you really made when kids have to tease and bully other because of their own insecurities! He did a wonderful thing!!!! my granddaughter donated her hair to Angel Hair and it’s a really good feeling! It’s nice to read these stories!!???????
Love the bangs! So cute. Your home designs are so lovely. Warm, clean @ fresh looking.
Wow ! What an amazing little boy with a huge heart! I think this new addition to your blog is fantastic! I can’t wait to see more !! Thanks for the cry ! Lol ❤️
Way to go, Carter! You are making a difference.
Thanks for sharing this story, Jillian. Yes, I too feel like there is a lot going on in our world these days. Stories such as these are inspiring, gives me hope and reminds me there is a lot of good out there too. Thanks for shining a bright light.
Wow ? What an amazing little man!! With such a big heart!!
So proud of Carter. He chose to beleive in himself even when he was knocked down.
Good for Carter to ignore the naysayers! What a sweet boy! The world needs more people like him!
Go Carter! You’re an inspiration to us all. Way to be strong and ignore the teasing for such a special cause!
This is SO amazing! I am so touched by this story. My sister grew her hair and shaved her head right before her grade 12 graduation and rocked a shaved head with her dress. I am so inspired and touched by little leaders in the community who are so brave and determined. I look forward to your next Little Leaders post!
Wow Carter thats just such a selfless thing to do for cancer kids. My sister died of Leukemia many many years ago (40 years ago). I remember her getting a wig and she complained it was sooo itchy that she refused to wear it and cried alot… but I bet these days wigs have come a long way. So thank you Carter for what you did your going to put hair on a bald head, make them smile, and let a kid feel whole again just because of your hair. Big Kiss for my sister Yvonne shes in heaven thinging man this kid is awesome. xxoo