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Mamas for Mamas Renovation Reveal

Good morning everyone and HAPPY FRIDAY! Holy smokes the last two weeks have been INSANE … but in a good way. Between the brunch fundraiser at my home (opens in a new tab) and the Mamas for Mamas (opens in a new tab) renovation, we have certainly been burning the candle at both ends … but it was all worth it when I saw the looks on the Mama’s teams faces when we revealed the space to them last Thursday. I honestly cannot believe this project has come to an end … it was months in the making. Endless amounts of work for my team, the Sticks and Stones (opens in a new tab) team, and everyone else who helped us pull all of this together in record-breaking time.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with this project and WHY we did it … let me bring you up to speed. I originally heard about Mamas for Mamas (opens in a new tab) when I was on the hunt for somewhere to take all of the gifts and things we either received or purchased for Leo that we no longer needed. I was SO fortunate that we were covered in ALL aspects of baby items …. heck I had two of everything so that I could outfit our homes in both Kelowna and Vancouver while we were filming Love It Or List It Vancouver. By the time Leo outgrew something, we had 2 sets of EVERYTHING to deal with and giveaway!!! When I was in Vancouver we were working with a similar charity called Baby Go Round (opens in a new tab) (if you’re in Vancouver, I recommend taking your items here!!!) and that’s when the Mamas for Mamas (opens in a new tab) team reached out to me and let me know that they were in Kelowna and that they were also looking for gently used baby items. It made it so much easier for me to take items there since Kelowna was soon to be my hometown base!!

This project was SO important to me because after having Leo I realized how hard it is to not only get everything you need to support your baby and your family … but also trying to afford everything if you’re not receiving as high of an income (baby items are EXPENSIVE)!! I started going into Mamas for Mamas to bring Leo’s gently used items and I saw first hand how many families are in need in our community and just how many of them didn’t have the help that I did. I was so lucky to have the support of my family, Justin’s family, our cousins, our friends, companies … we had all of the necessities and more. Not everyone is as fortunate and has this kind of support … so many families come through the doors at Mamas for Mamas who are struggling to provide for themselves and their families, there are single moms who are trying to work but also have a newborn … the list is endless and the number of people who need help was really eye-opening to me. I had such a soft spot for this charity when I saw the amount of hard work and dedication this team put into helping every struggling family … from outfitting them, to making sure they have enough money to make rent, to finding a way to feed them … when I saw how hard these women worked for others WITHOUT being paid … it was important to me to TRY to help them in whatever way I could.

So, fast forward a few months, I was back in Kelowna and on hiatus from Love It Or List It Vancouver … so I had more spare time than usual … the Mamas for Mamas team reached out to me and asked me what my favourite paint colours were because they had just moved into a new office space. I decided to swing in so that I could see the space and get a better understanding of what they were looking for. That’s when it hit me that this place needed MORE than just some fresh paint … so without realizing what I was about to take on, I told the girls to “leave it with me” … and that’s when I reached out to the talented team at Sticks + Stones (opens in a new tab) to see if they would be willing to help me out on this project! They said YES … and that’s where it all began.

With a renovation value of over $200K … and 85+ AMAZING donors and sponsors … PLUS  a donation of over $70K to Mamas for Mamas … go fill up your coffee because this is going to be a LONG one!! LOL!


After many meetings, phone calls, and floorplan adjustments … we knew that this was a MUCH bigger project than we had originally anticipated … we knew we had to raise some moola to help out and that’s WHY we organized the Mamas for Mamas Fundraising Brunch (opens in a new tab) (check out all of the details here (opens in a new tab)!), we had an incredible outpour of support, the donations were rolling in and so many amazing people, brands, and companies were reaching out to lend a helping hand. We were so grateful that we received such a positive response!

I honestly don’t even know where to begin here as we had so many people donate their services and products … so much so that we couldn’t even get to all of the offers … we apologize if you emailed us, private messaged us, or called us, offering to donate your time or products and we didn’t get back to you … we just couldn’t physically address every single offer which is just as much shocking as it is INCREDIBLE … THANK YOU!

Before I dig into more details … let’s start off by taking a peek at what the Mamas for Mamas space looked like BEFORE we completed this space … this was just the beginning!!!

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First off, to the amazing (and extremely talented) team at Sticks + Stones (opens in a new tab) … Katie, Kara, Carla and Carla’s hard-working son, Daniel, who took a half day off school AND missed hockey practice to volunteer … and to Ross, from Solaris Group (opens in a new tab), who kept us all on track and helped manage and execute the renovation. Without all of you, there is no way we could have pulled off this project … thank you, a million times over for your vision and your dedication!!

To Okanagan Handywoman (opens in a new tab) (the BOSS BABE herself), you worked so hard on this project, even carrying your little one around with you!! Jake and Scott from Bridge Energy (opens in a new tab) for doing all of the electrical work around the space and looking good while doing it … LOL!!! All of the plumbing was done by Aaron from GLE Plumbing & Heating (opens in a new tab), Steve Noon (opens in a new tab) installed ALL of the wallpaper throughout the space, which was generously donated by Milton & King (opens in a new tab) … recognize any of it?? Yup … that’s Tropic Like It’s Hot (opens in a new tab) and Leo’s Spots (opens in a new tab) and The Parlour (opens in a new tab)!! Jared and his son from The Eco Floor Store (opens in a new tab) made the trip from Vancouver and installed the gorgeous white wash wood feature wall in the main entrance which compliments the stunning faux marble desk perfectly!

Actually, Merit Kitchens (opens in a new tab) not only supplied the kitchen cabinetry BUT they also supplied the front ‘desk’ (which was basically a set of shelves) and Steve Webb from Spectrum Cabinet Gallery (opens in a new tab) constructed the wall for it and installed it, and THEN they installed the laminate counter that FLOFORM (opens in a new tab) (Brigitte Kotler) donated!! Pretty cool, hey?!

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A huge thanks goes out to Eu Roc Interiors (Karol Sokolowski) for all of the drywall (plus install!), to George Gibson from Gibson Installations for all of his hard work (if you would like his info, make sure to contact Sticks + Stones!) … along with Dash of Modern (opens in a new tab) who built all of our IKEA items (opens in a new tab) … aka … LIFE SAVERS! Also to IKEA (opens in a new tab) for their amazing donations of organizing systems, shelves, tables, chairs, mirrors, light fixtures, etc. Metrie (opens in a new tab) who donated all of the doors, baseboards, and casings … Canadian Tire (opens in a new tab) who provided ALL of the paint along with a ton of furniture … and STROLLERS! Speaking of paint … the team at Fawdry Homes (opens in a new tab) came in every night after work to help us get all of the walls painted … thanks so much guys!! Splashes Bath and Kitchen in Penticton (opens in a new tab) provided us with all of the plumbing features … toilet seats and pedestal sinks in the bathrooms and Cintas (opens in a new tab) for the laundry bins (for sorting!) … which are on route.

The fine folks at Article (opens in a new tab) also provided us with some gorgeous furniture for the space, our FAVE piece is the brand new PINK couch that we were able to replace their very old and dated velvet pink couch with!! While some of their old items we replaced with some new up-to-date items … some things we WERE able to keep, such as their huge boardroom table. We wouldn’t have been able to keep it if it wasn’t for Victoria and Brad from The Fat Paint Company (opens in a new tab) who made it beautiful again and sourced “vintage” chairs to paint and match … with a fresh coat of their colourful chalk style paint (and they drove all the way from Vancouver to help us)!

Hunter Douglas (opens in a new tab) generously supplied all of the window coverings and the fantastic team at Stor-X (opens in a new tab) provided and installed all of the storage units throughout the space. Rug & Weave (opens in a new tab) sent along some stunning rugs and pillows … which we couldn’t help but drool over! LOL! Deer Child (opens in a new tab) sent along the CUTEST little tent for the kids play area … if you haven’t seen these before, make sure to check them out! Minted (opens in a new tab) also donated some incredibly cute AND inspiring artwork!!

We have to give a huge shout out to Craig from Bin There Dump That (opens in a new tab) for coming to the rescue with a huge garbage and recycling bin for us which we quickly filled and he replaced for us several times … speaking of bins …. a HUGE thank you to BigSteelBox (opens in a new tab) for donating not one, but two bins for us to store all of the new furniture that we needed for the space and move the old items into so that we could start fresh. To Stutters Kelowna (opens in a new tab) for helping us out when both bathrooms flooded … LOL!! Nothing like a reno without a little flood … right?!

Carmen from Better Earth and Garden (opens in a new tab) supplied a gorgeous fig tree for that POP of fresh, greenery! CMYK Digital (opens in a new tab) and Inter Mtn (opens in a new tab) provided us with new signage to use throughout the space to mark the washrooms, staff only rooms, and shelves. CMYK Digital (opens in a new tab) also provided us with the HUGE CHEQUE we presented to the Mamas team at the reveal!! That was fun … LOL!!

To our loved ones and the amazing volunteers who came in each day to make sure we were able to meet our reveal deadline … Justin (opens in a new tab), my Dad, Glen, Tori (opens in a new tab), Charles, Steph, Luke, Cam, Briana, Chris, Stan Segan, Sarah Waning (General Manager of Old Navy here in Kelowna!!), Taylor …. to people in the community who watched my insta stories and brought us warm clothes for the shelves, Shay’s friend Emma (opens in a new tab) who brought us brand new winter cardigans, and to everyone who so generously donated books for the bookshelf …. the list goes on!!

Melinda from A New Leaf Floral (opens in a new tab) dropped off the most beautiful flowers for us to place around the space, Men in Kilts (opens in a new tab) made sure all of the windows were spotless and Flawless Green Clean (opens in a new tab) did an amazing job cleaning up behind us so everything was sparkling and ready for the final reveal!

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We want to also give a massive shout out to Loblaw (opens in a new tab) who provided us with gift cards to Shoppers Drug Mart (opens in a new tab), President’s Choice (opens in a new tab) and Joe Fresh (opens in a new tab) so we could not only grab last minute items that we needed but so that we could also stock the shelves with necessities such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors, shampoo, conditioner … this list goes on. They actually gave us so many gift cards that we were able to supply the Mamas team with gift cards so that they could pass them along to families in need who may need help with groceries or gas, etc.

Before we get further into the amazing people and companies who helped stock the shelves … let’s take a little look at each room and how amazing they all turned out thanks to everyone!!

Kids Playroom

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Overflow/Sorting Room

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Public Washroom

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Staff Washroom

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Shannon and Candace’s Office

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Additional Offices for Mamas Team

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Designated Office Space for Women in the Community

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Counselling / Intake Room

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Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Renovation Reveal Jillian Harris Mamas For Mamas Renovation Reveal

So with the reno complete we STILL had to stock all of the shelves to ensure families in need had access to warm winter clothes, necessary toiletries, books, laundry soap … the list goes on … we reached out to some of our favourite brands to help out and then we had an outpouring of brands who offered to donate without us coming to them … the results are mind-blowing. I will like them below for you, in no particular order, without each and every one of them, this reveal wouldn’t have been complete!

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photo credit (opens in a new tab)

I think I speak for everyone here when I say I also want to thank those who brought us food, smoothies, coffee, and BEER when we were pulling long days! Thanks so much, Starbucks (opens in a new tab) for the coffee and treats, Labatt (opens in a new tab) for the brewskis, Nature’s Fare (opens in a new tab) for the snacks and Jillian Harris x Mamas for Mamas Everyday Smoothies (opens in a new tab), Panago Pizza (opens in a new tab), and to Jason and Jeff from Fitness West Kelowna (opens in a new tab) who brought us all a delicious and HEALTHY lunch when we really needed it!

Last, but certainly not least, to Team Jilly, Shay (opens in a new tab), Mindy (opens in a new tab), and Mackenzie (opens in a new tab) … thank you for listening to my ideas and running with them, for pulling long hours and working until every muscle in your body ached just to get the job done, thank you.

If you still want to donate items to Mamas for Mamas, please go ahead and send them directly to their office, or pop by and say hi (and check out their awesome new space!) or, if you want to just lend a helping hand, feel free to reach out to them. All of their contact info can be found here!

Once again, thank you, to EVERYONE, who made this dream a reality, you have no idea just how many lives you have impacted!!!




Leave a Reply to KaitlynCancel reply

  1. Great work! This is not only a great space for Mamas for Mamas but also inspiring for everyone else to spread love…makes me want to volunteer more!

  2. This Is just one of the highlights of being part of the mamas for mamas team ❤️ Thank you to everyone who was involved in this project ! Xo

  3. Insanely beautiful. You and your team should be so proud. What an amazing place to get to pop in to when you need a little extra love the most!!

  4. This is amazing Jillian!! You all did such an amazing job! You should be really proud of this project! You and your team did an amazing Reno!!!!

  5. To Jillian, Shay, Mindy and Mackenzie thank you so much for all your hard work. You have created a space that will encourage great things to continue to happen for so many mamas in our community. Having meetings round our beautiful new boardroom table is now such a pleasure. Your renovation reinforces the idea that together anything is possible.

  6. Truly amazing. What a team ! Such fun following you along this journey and showing the world what can be done when an idea is put into motion !

  7. You are amazing Jillian. I love how you just jump all in to projects like this that make your community better. You have such a big heart and I can think of no better spot to support than a group like Mamas for Mamas who helps moms and kids. Congratulations, the new space is gorgeous!!!

  8. These are so stunning!!!! Wow! Amazing work Jillian and your epic team! Such a beautiful gift to the families of Kelowna.
    We loved being a part of it!

    XO Ryley from Naked Snacks

  9. Looks amazing Jillian! I love the flamingo wallpaper. I still might bring some of this back to put on my baby girls one wall. I’m sure Mama’s for Mama’s appreciates everything you do for them!You really created a beautiful and inspiring space.

  10. Wow! This is incredible and the fact that this was all donated for such an amazing organization is heart warming. Great work to the Jillian Harris team and all those who donated their time and contributed items! Keep up the fantastic charitable giving!! Such a great role model.

    1. I’m so happy I came across this! There are so many awesome programs in the interior and it’s great to see them recognized!

  11. I’m WAY late to the party reading this post but it brought tears to my eyes seeing such a beautiful place for these mamas! My mom was the assistant director of a battered women and children shelter growing up and I used to go everyday after school at teach dance classes to the children. I had such a huge impact on my life! I love the new space! Great job, everyone!!! <3


  12. Great Job! The space looks so welcoming and functional! I’ve been a fan since you were on The Bachelor. You had such great style and seemed liked so much fun. It’s wonderful to see you doing good for the community and bringing such positivity to others’ lives all these years later…definitely still a fan ?

  13. So proud of you all…I watch and hear about all the terrible things happening at home and around the world and on a Saturday morning with the sun shining I read about this special, Blood, sweat and tears miracle. Thank you for my smile and the many that will come because of all of you…thank you Jily for the love and inspiration that made this dream happen…

  14. I’m not a momma myself, but I have worked with a lot of mothers who have benefitted from the kind & generous support of these ladies. As far back to where mommas for mommas was just a web group without an actual storefront.

    I’m proud to be a part of a community that selflessly worked together to make M4M what it already is today. So you go ladies! Your help is appreciated and needed in so many ways..

    Thank You!

    Also as a historical footnote. In case anyone else also enjoys geeking out on little known or even thought about information: This is actually how Food Banks got their beginning . The government was unable to help to provide enough support the basis necessities in everyday life. I’d have to look up exactly when this was, but I believe it was during the Great Depression.

    Communities began coming together to help to provide for their community members that were in need of assistance. They were supposed to be a temporary solution until the economy improved, but they are still here a century or more later.

    Now the government also depends on the Food Bank charity. They, [the government], continue to indirectly rely on the Food Bank donations as a way to fill one of the many holes in services that they do provide as a budgetary cost saving measure. It is used as a way to ensure that most people still have a way to get fed…

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