We are so excited to FINALLY share with you that we are happily (and nervously! LOL!) expecting BABY #2 this OCTOBER!!! We feel so unbelievably lucky and blessed that we were able to get pregnant again. We always dreamed of having two children … maybe even three (we will see if I can convince myself again! LOL) and it was important to Justin for our kids to be close in age (just like Justin and his brother, Matt!) … and let’s face it, I’m no spring chicken anymore!! LOL!!
We can’t wait to find out if we’re going to be having another boy or a little girl … actually, we have had the results in a sealed envelope just sitting on our counter at home for WEEKS and we haven’t decided when and how we want to open it!! I thought it would be driving me crazy knowing that we could know instantly but I haven’t thought much about it, I think it’s driving everyone else mad though! LOL!! I know I’m going to be a blubbering mess, either way, I think it would be so cool to watch Leo grow up with a little bro, just like Justin and Matt … but then again, it would be so fun to have a little girl in our home and to watch Leo take care of his little sister. Either way, I’m just so grateful to have this opportunity again. To anyone out there, who are trying for a baby and are having a bit of a tough go, please know that we’re sending all of our baby fairy dust your way and we’re praying for you as we know that this doesn’t come easily to everyone.

Gender aside, I’m actually more curious to see what it’s going to be like living in a household with TWO children!! I have SO MANY questions!! Maybe you guys can help me along the way?? Like what happens if Leo goes to bed and the baby wakes him up?? I’m sure that happens to a lot of families! Or what if they both need me at once? Obviously, I know there are so many families out there that have two or more children but I already find it to be so busy with just one … I can’t imagine how things will become busier!
I also find myself thinking about my relationship with Justin and work … and me as an individual, I wonder how it will affect my career, my business, and the team?? ALL YOU MAMAS OUT THERE, LET ME KNOW!! LOL!! I already feel like my personal hygiene and fitness has suffered so much in the last year … LOL!!! My ass is lumpy and my toes have seen better days … my hair looks like a combo of Tina Turner and Jane Fonda … how the hell am I going to manage?? LOL!! I also worry A LITTLE BIT about Nacho … I feel like he is a pretty lucky dog but I know that his amount of walks have already been reduced! Eeepp!!

Bed | Chest | Lamps | Body Pillow | Peace & Love Shams | Dresser | Beaded Chandelier | Throw | Bench | Bedding | White Coverlet
I’m sure most of you are wondering how I’ve been holding up lately and I have to admit, this pregnancy has been completely different than my first! I wasn’t feeling so shit hot in the beginning to the point where the smell of WINE made me want to gag … what the hell?? LOL!! And I couldn’t keep much down except for water so it was hard to find meals that I really enjoyed! But now that I’m passed my 1st trimester I am feeling A LOT better and I’m starting to POP which is SO EXCITING!! I’ve also started buying some new maternity clothes (surprise surprise!! LOL!!) and I can’t WAIT to start blogging more about maternity fashion … look out new mamas and mamas to be … LOL!! I’ve already started linking my favourites over on my dedicated shop page!

Justin, Leo, Nacho and I are so EXCITED that our family is growing, we can’t wait to see how the family dynamic will change (we have been thinking about names ever since Leo was born!!) and I can’t wait to share this new journey of ours with you!! Make sure to check out the vlog below as this time around we made sure to document some moments to share with you, from the bad, the good and the ugly!!! LOL!! We’re also sharing how we revealed the BIG NEWS to our family and friends!!!
I hope you enjoyed the vlog and that you will continue to follow along with us as we embark on this new wild adventure … and to the mamas out there … GIVE ME ALL YOUR ADVICE BELOW!!! I need all the tips and tricks I can get!!!
Jilly, Justin, Leo, Nacho … and Baby #2
Congratulations!!! So happy to hear you are finally feeling better, Jillian!
As for the transition from one to two, don’t stress over it too much. I have two sons 22 months apart, and although we talked about ‘the baby’ constantly to our oldest, he honestly had no clue what was happening, and about a week after our youngest was born it was as though he didn’t know any differently! My advice would be to have friends/family greet and make a fuss over Leo when coming over (and a big brother gift helps lol) before seeing the new babe, that way he won’t feel like too much has changed!
As for balancing two, it seems you already have Leo on a great routine, so you’ll find your groove after a few weeks once babe isn’t cluster feeding quite as often. I found getting out the door (as hard as it was) and allowing my oldest to tire himself out really helped us to have a somewhat normal routine.
All the best, I look forward to following your family along on this new journey!
I was watching one of your Instagram stories and something in your face told me you were! I’m an OB nurse and my gut was telling me! So exciting!!!
I am due in October too!!! October 11! <3 <3
Congratulations!!! That is so exciting! I am also due in October so I can’t wait to see your maternity style and nursery decor! What’s your due date? I have also been so sick and feel so useless. It’s hard to feel that way especially when you are the type of person who likes to be productive. It has gotten better for me but I’m still sick a lot. Praying it gets better for you and I both!
Justin was so right, just yesterday I had this feeling you might be pregnant!
So exciting, I feel like one of my friends just announced her pregnancy! Congratulations you guys, can’t wait to follow along 🙂
Oh Em Gee!!! Congratulations!! You’re going to be an awesome mom of TWO!! I’m a mama of 3 (51/2, 4 &2) and life is crazy! Biggest piece of advice is don’t worry about how it’s all going to work because in the end it will. Leo will love the baby in his own time, he probably won’t be interested at first but that’s ok. You’ll figure out how to juggle both when they need you. You and Justin will figure out a new flow together, just like you did the first time around. Enjoy your pregnancy and the time you have as a family of three before the new baby comes! You got this!!!
Congratulations!!!! I am going to live vicariously through you on your journey as I just miscarried my 2nd pregnancy!!! You and Justin have created such a beautiful home, a loving and spirited family! This new baby is so lucky to have you both as parents!!! Leo will be an amazing big brother!! I wish you a safe, happy and healthy pregnancy! I can not wait to meet the new little person you bring into this world!!! Much Love to you all xxx
Hi Jillian ? CONGRATULATIONS to you and your beautiful family!!!
I had two babes two years 12 days apart and just like having one there is an adjustment time that will naturally take place and you and Justin will figure out what works best for your family. In terms of Leo waking when the baby is awake……. what worked for us is my hubby helped out more with the older one when baby was newborn.
Another suggestion I thought you might appreciate is that when I had my second I had my placenta dried and put into capsules. There are many companies out there that do this for a small fee and from my experience it is SO worth it. There are so many benefits, which you can read up on, but what stuck out for me was that my milk came in faster (yay!!) and I was less tired with the second than I was after my first….. this amazed me!! And was clearly a life saver.
Based on what you wrote about your first trimester my bet is that it’s a girl ? are you going to do a poll on guesses?? Hehehe
I have a teenage daughter as well as my wee ones (5 & 3) and with both my girls I was sick the first trimester and with my boy I wasn’t ☺️
Best of luck to you throughout this journey and as always I look forward to watching you and following along. Xo
I’m so happy for you Jillian!! Congratulations! Ugh that video brought me to tears, it was so beautiful. You are so loved by everyone around you and I’m sure they will be able to help with any questions you have. Here’s hoping I won’t be far behind you with number two! Xx
I’m due in October aswell, with my first child! So looking forward to seeing your posts on recommendations for maternity clothes and maybe some “what do you actually need” for baby, based on your first experience!
Excited to follow along and be sharing in this fun time with you!
Congratulations first of all!! That is such great news! Close in age is a nice thing for sure. I did that too or at least I tried. It ended being 3yrs in between but close enough lol. My boys are great together, now 13 and 10, it hasnt been too bad. The only thing with the close age is that they both need mama!! I never had the issue of baby waking up older brother, but I had the issue of when i was feeding baby or rocking baby to sleep (sometimes took an hour!) Big bro wanted to be with me 🙁 . You definitely will need help the first few months. Whatever you do dont kick Leo out of your bed! Lol. He will feel bad and sad. Keep both of them in your bed or room if you guys can tolerate that. Snuggle Leo constantly because baby doesnt need that til later on. Keep treating him like a baby because he still is and will be! Its quiet the juggling act but you will get the hang of it. You can message me anytime for any suggestions. I would be happy to share more..regrets and all. I follow u on all forums 🙂
Congratulations!! I’m so happy for you guys and love following you guys on social media! We welcomed our second daughter in November and with our first one being 5 already(infertility issues) it was a little easier for her to understand the role of being a big sister! Now saying that she absolutely loves her little sister but there are still little bouts of jealousy every so often and I honestly think you can’t avoid it. We try to give our oldest a lot of date days with just her and us and no baby so it is undivided attention for her when those times happen but also getting her very involved in everything baby needs. My second pregnancy was sooo hard compared to the first and it took a huge toll on my body compared to the first. I had absolutely no appetite and always felt nauseous until about 1/2 through second trimester. Did not want anything but carbs! Lol with the first I craved red meat all the time- so it will be interesting to see what your second will be!! I wish you nothing but the best and can’t wait to follow along your journey!! Also I think the best gift you can give little Leo is a sibling because their is nothing like a built in friend!( I grew up with an older brother and we have be great friends our entire life)
Eeeee Jillian congrats!! I have a little boy a few days off in age from Leo, and my hubby is wanting to start trying for #2, but I don’t feel ready yet! Like you, I have no idea how things will work with 2, because 1 already seems so busy!!! I just keep telling myself that other people do it all. the. time., so you’ll do it no matter what! I look forward to following your journey!!! Best wishes for a wonderful pregnancy!!! <3 <3 <3
I just had my second baby a boy my first is 22 months. Life is hard… the best thing I’m doing right now is sending my daughter to daycare. I get to spend the day cuddeling and rocking my new baby just spending that one on one time with him that I did with my first. I think the hardest part is training your body to run on little to no sleep but I tell myself daily it’s such a short period of time and one day I will miss all of this. Good luck! We’re built for this, life will get easier again one day.
I am happy that you are pregnant again I hope it’s a girl this time because I want him to have a sister and I love love it or list it Vancouver I hope it will come back someday in the near future. Love you’re number one fan Roxanne Ciccozzi from Port Moody
Go with the flow! Just relax and listen is what I have to tell myself as a mom of three (6, 5, and 3!) Listen to your body, your mind, your husband and your kids. They’ll let you know what they need when they need it. Sometimes you can’t please everyone, but they’ll understand. You’re a great mom, just keep doing what you’re doing. And remember, none of us knew what we were doing either. Heck, I’m still wingin’ it and just hoping for the best! Good luck, Jillian and congrats!
Jillian – Congratulations! I am so thrilled to take this journey with you. We, too, have a sweet little boy that our world revolves around, and are expecting our second in September. I have a lot of the exact same questions you do, so I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of advice your network provides. So happy for you ❤️
Congratulations ??? believe in yourselves, love and respect each other, big one is communicating !
Congrats! 1->2 kiddos is no joke. Harder than I ever dreamed. But as everyone always says, this phase is a blink and having a sibling for your child is such an amazing gift. Plus you’ve got a tribe of mammas to help you along.
Working from home also helped me as I could put more of myself into my kids. With my first I was working in an office 8am-6pm and barely saw my daughter. Having my son and being able to be home with him was such a blessing. I savored every moment. It’s an absolute shit show on most occasions, and I’m juggling and dropping balls all the time but I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Congrats again and blessings to your family!
Congrats!! I cant really give you any advise on how to handle 2 kids at different ages as mine are twins and we did it all at once.
I have two boys and my best advice I can give is that after the baby arrives- Leo may not be super into holding the baby or wanting to go near the baby- so just go with the flow. My older son did NOT like his brother until he could move around on his own and so we just had to adjust with that jealousy factor and made sure to spend special time with just him. Took him out on little mommy and Nathan dates etc. Eventually they will come around but it may be a bit of a roller coaster to start and for a few months after.
Now they love each other and it’s all cool- our house has turned into a WWE ring for a 2.5 & 5 year old but all worth it!
Congrats to you, Justin, Leo and Nacho.
JILL! So incredibly happy for you!!! Everything is going to be fine! Even on the worst of days things will eventually get better! My boys are 23 months apart! You adjust! It’s not as bad as people may make it seem and you have an incredible support system! As for Justin, my second is 10 months and my goal with my husband it date night out once a month and date night in every weekend. Rent a movie, pop some popcorn, light a candle and if you really feel adventurous take a shower and shave those legs! Date night in has saved us. I may not clean the house but I clean our movie space and make sure it’s fresh.
The kids will adjust and once you see your babies interacting and loving one another your heart will explode! Sleep train the same way you did before. Before you know it the routine will be there.
Sending you love, joy and health through your pregnancy from the other side of the country.
Enjoy every moment, even the barfing. You’re growing a life.
If grandparents offer to help or take the kids let them and enjoy it I helped my daughter so she could get rest and clean house or just to have Mom time congrats to hope you find out soon if your having a boy or girl the let us all know
Congratulations & best wishes!! Yay for baby 2! Thank you for being so sensitive to the moms out there they might be having a hard time–I was one of them once upon a time and ended up adopting, (which was truly my destiny!) and so it makes me happy to see women like you who recognize the struggles of other women–thank you Jillian. So about baby 2–I think you should open the envelope on Mother’s Day! What could be a better gift to yourself and then finding out if you’re having another son or your first daughter !!?? Do it! I can just see the pictures already! Feel well and rest & enjoy. Sending much love!?
Hi! My name is Jill too, and I’ve followed you forever! I’m also Canadian, though on the east coast. I am a mom of two boys, and I also have my early childhood education.
I am by no means an expert, but I do give the same piece of advice to everyone! My first born had zero problems when I had my second (until he could move and get his toys, but that’s another story), and this is why.
Over EVERYTHING, I would verbally say, especially when the baby would cry, “ (insert second borns name here), you need to wait a minute. Mommy needs to give (first borns name here) a snack, and then I’ll come get you. You need to wait your turn”. And that way, when you inevitably have to tell your older child that they have to wait, they know in their head, that the baby also sometimes has to wait. Does that make sense? Hard to write it out 😉
I just know that my first born knew that sometimes the baby had to wait and he got tended to first, and sometimes he had to wait. No issues at all! They are 27 months apart.
I also found this great book, “I’m a Big Brother” by Joanna Cole. It was great, and we read it for months before the baby was born.
Hope this helps! I love talking babies, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Jill Conrad
Congrats to you all! We are expecting our third child at the end of June. We have a daughter and a son now. While some things will be trickier to manage at first, (I remember reading bedtime stories to my daughter while breastfeeding my son), other things will actually become easier like being able to bathe both kids at once. You’ll adapt and find your groove just like you did with Leo. When times get rough, just remember ‘this too shall pass’, because it’s true, just hang in there! You’ve got this Mama Bear!
Oh my goodness!!! Congratulations! After watching your vlog and nodding the whole time, I just had to comment. I have a toddler and I’m due in September. I had the WORST first trimester too! I lived off of Gatorade and started getting depressed from feeling so useless. I’m an only child too so introducing a second child is something I’m cautiously excited about. I can’t wait to follow along your (mirror-like) journey!!! You’re rocking it!
Your only a few weeks ahead of me. And I’ve been feeling the same way. Watching the video was like watching a video of how I’ve been. I just showed my husband to have it explained to him why i am so useless.
Although I currently hate meat. The thought, smell, look makes me vomit. So you can eat all my usual meat. And I’ll take your current veganish meals.
Currently baby is being grown via mcdonalds fries, ginger ale and popcorn
Congrats Jillian! We have a son a month older than Leo and we are also due with our second baby in October! I’ve had the opposite. I was super sick with our son and less sick with this one, which is a girl! I’ve been thinking about all of the things you are also thinking about… a few tips I’ve received:
1) Get Daddy (if he isn’t already) doing the bedtime routine with Leo. Bath, story time etc. that way when the new baby comes around Leo won’t think anything of it when you can’t be there for all the baths or stories.
2) Start reading him books like I’m going to be a big brother or you’re getting a little sister or brother. There are tons of options at chapters or on amazon.
3) having a play baby at home helps too and he will likely play with the baby more once the little one arrives as he’ll want to mimic you.
4) I’ve been told when you go from one child to two it’s exponentially more work so having more help from friends and family during the beginning process will definitely help ease the transition. Many people I know got a mother’s helper a few hours a day to help with meals laundry etc.
5) gift from new baby to Leo helps too.
All the best and congrats again!!
Congratulations! Such exciting news. I am the mom of four, and the best advice I can give you is to just enjoy the ride! Each pregnancy is so different just like each child. I remember wondering how I was going to figure it all out and have enough time and love for each kid and for my husband, but it all works itself out, I’m not sure how but it does! Just think of it as not only one more person to love, but one more person to love you too! Sending so much joy your way! ❤️
Your Family Love guides the sibling Bond.
Our precious boy helped his sister from the day she came home from the hospital .
Lots of story reading, lots of park visits, lots of sharing.
He would be telling me what his sister needed!
It is a magical bond ….sibling loving connections !!
Congradualtions to your growing loving family.
Congratulations! !!!
My friend has three kids. With the best names…
Reese – boy
Remy – girl
Hayes – boy
Remy and Hayes are twins. Born last Wednesday.
Congratulations! My “babies” are 10, 11 and 13 now but it feels like yesterday that they were 3, not yet 2 and a newborn! Those were crazy days but also the best. The best advice is to trust yourself and to remind yourself on both the good days and the bad “it won’t be like this for long”. And don’t feel obligated to ‘cherish every moment’. Sometimes hiding in the pantry is the way to go! You got this!
Congratulations!!! What wonderful news and such an exciting time for your family. I have a baby girl, who’s not really a baby anymore, she’s 18 months! I struggle all the time in wondering about a second and how I would handle having two babies, so I can’t wait to see your tips and tricks along the way when you have two in your house. I’m the youngest of five and still don’t know how my parents did it, when my one keeps me on my toes all day long! Lol! All the best for the rest of your pregnancy!!
Congratulations!! I have two boys (3 and 1 now) and they are so much fun! It’s the best to see them growing up together! My oldest is an October baby. Hopefully Leo is a hard sleeper! My oldest slept through the night pretty well so luckily the baby didn’t wake him very often at night. I thought we could get the baby on a schedule fast like we did my oldest…not the case! It’s true what they say about every pregnancy (and baby!) being different. Wishing you the best of luck with a smooth pregnancy and delivery! Can’t wait to find out if you’re having a girl or boy!
Congratulations ! Wishing you health and much happiness ! You look amazing Leo is going to be one happy big brother
Congratulations! I’m so proud of you for not looking in that envelope yet. Whether it’s a boy or a girl I know you will feel equally blessed and thrilled! Before you know it they will be graduating. So my only advice is try and be in the moment, I mean every damn day because the moments turn into years and before you know it your a gramma or a nana which is awesome but being a mom is the best! Take care of yourself!
First of all I want to say congratulations to the both of you, you are a fantastic mom you will do fine, I alway say when you have a baby it changes your life for the best for sure. Being a mom of 4 all about two years apart and i did it, they are all adults my baby being 21, It will come naturally you are a very organized person. If you can handle one its a piece of cake having two….all you have to do is get yourself on a routine it will all work out, you will do just fine I’m sure all the best to you again… P.S. My gut feeling tells me it’s a girl…. xo
You are truly a gem! You are the only person who has ever inspired me to have a child! You make it so fun, light hearted and enjoyable!. No advice here.. excited to keep following for baby number 2!:)
Yay!!! Congratulations!!!! No advise. Just want to say.. YOU’RE BRAVE! Hahaha jk I have an 18 month old and am so scared to have another! Hahaha I’m so happy for you and can’t wait to see how Leo is as a big brother!!!
how awesome to hear your wonderful news. congratulations to you, justin and leo. the way you told your families is priceless and you could just sense their excitement and love for you . As a mom of 3 and 2 of them twins, life doesn’t get any easier but it surely is the best gift and blessing that you can ever ask for.
AHH CONGRATS!!! So happy for you all. You’re going to be the best mommy of two, and Leo will be a great big brother!
My son is the exact same age as Leo (his birthday is August 6th, 2017) and I just had my second baby boy December 15th 2018. So they’re 16 months apart. Having 2 babies is a HUGE adjustment, but it’s just amazing to see them interact. I’ve learned to let the little things go, and to be flexible. I’ve always been big on routine, and I still am… But sometimes things don’t go as planned and you can’t beat yourself up about it. Sharing your time and energy is difficult, so don’t be afraid to ask for help when you feel overwhelmed. Everyday you learn something new and the smiles and giggles make it all worth it!
I love watching your instastories and can’t wait to follow along on your journey. Thanks for sharing so many of your precious moments with everyone… It brightens everyone’s day!
Congratulations! I couldnt help but feel a little watery when you expressed how lucky you feel to be pregnant and the difficulties some people face! I got pregnant with my Son so easy, but unfortunately, a second has become very hard to make happen! After a recent miscarriage, we are going to go through fertilty, just for close monitoring and a little extra help, and IM SOO happy about that. Takes the stress of me as I can let the pros do their thing! Im confident it will happen again, and I cant wait… but damn the older I get the more i cringe. OUR poor bodies, things just aint’ the same haha. My Son is almost 3 and his little independent personality is just blooming and I’m loving witnessing every second of it. You have a beautiful career, its not going anywhere, enjoy your family 🙂 all the best.
What a gorgeous vlog to share! Huge congratulations to you all. I’m a Mum of 3 gorgeous boys (9yrs, 7yrs & 3yrs). When I had my 2nd I used to put a lunchbox in our fridge for the toddler. I’d put a car/little toy and some snacks so when it was feed time my eldest would grab his box for his surprises. Just kept him occupied so I could feed, as toddlers will ALWAYS want you when your hands are full. I always found having a baby much easier than toddler…….I could have lots more babes but that toddler stage ??♀️. You’ll be fine, just try to have no pressure to be places and do lots for the first bit and it will all settle in. Best wishes from a fellow Mum in Sydney Australia x
Congratulation! First off stop stressing so much. Just let it all happen naturally this will mesh how it is supposed to with ur , Justin’s , Leo and Nachos life . Enjoy every day and take care of urself and baba.??
Hurray!!!! Two is so much fun. Blessings on you and your sweet family❤️
Congrats Jillian. That’s wonderful news. I am blessed with 4 kids. Ages 26 24 22 and 14! Yup the last was really a blessing as he was unexpected at 42 years old. But I had 3 under the age of 4. Life was hectic. Lots didn’t get done in the house. I didn’t have a lot of “me” time. It was all about the kids for years and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Don’t stress it all figures itself out. Kids are resilient. Just love them tons and they’ll remember. The rest doesn’t matter.
Congratulations!! You will rock being a mom of two ( three including puppy. 4 including hubby!!). Enjoy each moment and don’t worry!
That is such a great video!!! Your families reactions were awesome!!!! Congrats!!!
Congratulations Jillian!
I’m a middle child and the bond no matter what age between siblings are unbreakable, I know for my older sister there was gelousy because me and my younger sister had easy and that we shared a room as the house was a 3 bedroom . Me and my younger sister still have a strong bond. I think that Leo will bond with his sibling even though there will be a little jealous, just make sure when one of you are tending to the baby not to let him feel left out, maybe have him change his dolls diaper when you are or justin is changing the babies diaper
Congratulations!! I am past my due date with my first and am now sad I won’t get any inspiration for pregnancy fashion! Lol. I love following along with you and your family and can’t wait to see Leo as a big brother!
Congratulations!! Jillian, don’t worry! I’m an only child and my husband is the youngest of 19 children (strong French-Catholic-Canadian family). If my mother in law can do it with 19 kids (1 every year) you can do it! I was worried like you..I have two boys 23 months apart. Take it one day at a time & you’ll figure it out. Everyone will tell you to appreciate each day because they grow so fast. It’s TRUE! My oldest is graduating high school in June and my youngest is about to drive. It’s gone by in the blink of an eye. Email me if you have any questions lol. Best wishes xo
Congrats to you and your family!! Exciting times ahead. I’m currently on maternity leave with my second. We had a boy first and a girl just this past November! I started thinking it was a girl because I felt soooo different in terms of sickness and tired the second time around. I had more energy with my boy. They are almost two years apart to the day. He did not understand baby coming at all. I was so stressed about how he would react but he surprised us all. He is in love with his little sister and not one bit jealous! complete opposite reaction to what we thought so don’t stress!! We had a present waiting for him in the hospital from his sister when he came to meet her 🙂 we have a dog too and double stroller will solve the walk problem 🙂 positive vibes for the rest of your pregnancy! Xo
Congrats! Your announcement was so cute! I have a boy and girl 16 months apart! They are the best of friends! Having them close together was the best decision! I wore my son around in a wrap for the first few months so I could still have my hands free to play or tend to my daughter! I found that helped a lot! I also hired a sleep coach to help with my daughters sleeping… we had it set up so we all napped at the same time… which was a life saver! One thing I learned with having two really close together was to never say no to help! Embrace all the help.. even if it’s small little things!
You’ll figure out your groove and you’ll be great at it!
Looking forward to watching this next journey for you! It will be fantastic!
Ahhhhh congratulations! I’m due the end of September! So happy for your family! Can’t wait to see your maternity fashion and baby picks!
I have 5 kids. The first 2 are 11 months apart , the second and third are a year apart. I had a 2 year old, a 1 year old and a newborn:)
Lots of joy!!! Lots of work!!! They are the best of friends. I even had 2 more after those 3. You can get all the advice in the world. My advice is just to be loving and kind and figure out what works for you and your family. You got this!!!
I am so incredibly excited for you! My daughter is the same age as Leo, born July 29th. I am now pregnant with #2 (a girl), due Aug 28th! We are soul sisters!! ?? #TeamGirlForJilly ?
Hi Jill. My Nathan was just 3 when Cole was born. Nathan’s personality is very kind and loving and he wasn’t jealous at all. Unfortunately it was Cole who would fight to be first in my lap, etc. I was always worrying that Nathan was not getting enough attention simply because he was not as demanding of my attention as his baby brother. But if this happens, take heart. They are very close and loving at the age of 13 and 10. Just savor every single moment. Dont stress over things. Kudos if you can keep to schedule. I couldn’t!! But I’d give anything to got back to the chaos. To those moments of tiny hands and first milestones. They grow too fast! And speaking as a sibling I can honestly say when life gets hard it means so much to know that your siblings have your back. So many blessings!!! Congratulations to all!
P.s. Cole was a colicky baby and screamed most of the first 3 months. My husband is fisherman and had to be away for work
I just about lost my mind! I would forget to eat and yes, I once forgot to feed Nathan too. Horrible mom moment! But luckily my Mom and Dad stepped in and made sure that at least Nathan had something to eat. It was a crazy 3 months. Moral of the story, dont get upset over “mistakes”. Roll with it. Your kids just want to know you ate happy. That’s all. Take care!
Jill we were pregnant at the same time last time and now I’m due in October too!! It’s so fun to follow along knowing we’re at the same points of pregnancy. Congratulations and best wishes! I’m due October 16th!
Congratulations!! I have followed along with you for years ( since Bachelor/Bachelorette) and I love reading your blog posts and watching your Insta Stories each day, and I totally teared up watching your Announcement for Baby #2! Wishing you and your little Family all the best ❤️
Congrats Jillian!! I just watched your vlog and it made me cry! I love your blog and follow you on instagram. Don’t worry about raising two kids you’ll be an amazing mommy to both. All your fans are jumping for joy on this news! Xo
Congratulations!!! Unfortunately, I don’t have advice for you, but I did want to say thank you. My husband and I have been struggling to get pregnant for a while and recently found out we are! While I am so excited, I have been extremely sick and can totally relate to the “useless” and “depressed” feelings. It’s so nice to be able to relate and see that there is light at the end of the tunnel, that it’s normal, and okay. So thank you! You really touched my heart. I can’t wait to follow you on this journey!
Two children is easy as long as you focus on a routine right from the get go. When I went from two to three, now that was a game changer!
Congratulations and may the naps be forever in your favour ?
My only question is where is Naco’s big brother apparel? ?
Yay! Congratulaions! I posted this on Justin’s IG too. I just had my 2nd 3 months ago and our first is 20 months old. Gotta tell you it’s a wild time but so amazing how your heart just EXPANDS! So much love! My advice for handling 2 (and Nacho) is to give him (them) some individual attention whenever you can – if he is anything like our first, sharing Mommy is hard stuff ? And always show yourself grace- especially on the hard days. Remind yourself that you are an amazing Mom and you’ve got this!
I am so so happy for you. Such a cute Vlog.
Having a toddler and a newborn isn’t for the faint of heart but it’s also not as hard as you may think. My second baby seemed so much easier than my first, but becoming a mom for the first time is just so hard so it felt so much more natural and familiar the second time around.
We slept with our son (second baby) in our room the first few months in a rock n play for the first few weeks and then the pack n play after that. Our room was on the other side of the house from my oldests’ so they never bothered one another while sleeping!
I made it my mission around the 6 month mark with my second to make sure they both napped at the same time. I always did wake, eat, play, sleep. That was our schedule from around 3 months old until probably around a year. It just established a routine for the babe which all kiddos crave!
You’re such a great mom! Just give yourself grace and know that Justin is the other half of your team! Involve him, let him know your needs, and let him help! You’re superwoman, we all are, but even superwoman needs a Superman 😉
Congratulations on your pregnancy, I am a mom of Liam 3, Aiden 1 and due with Rowan due June. You and Justin will do so great with Leo and little one, my best advice don’t sweat the small things like making your life perfect in every way having small children will make u crazy. Ask for help when you need it everyone in your family is there. It takes a Village. Best of luck momma can’t wait to watch all you upcoming story’s. Your beautiful.
Congratulations!!! Life is just about to get so much more exciting, crazy, busy & wonderful!!
I have a 2.5 year old daughter & 6 month old son – it is busy but in the most wonderful way …
Don’t stress about the change, embrace it! It will some days be overwhelming and crazy and you will want to have a breakdown (or 20), but then those crazy kids will say something silly or just crack a smile your way, and your heart will instantly melt! Life was meant to be crazy, not boring. You will definitely be kept on your toes with two, but time goes by WAY TOO FAST! So just remember , they font stay small for long and time flies by, so enjoy every smile, laugh, cry, hug… embrace it all and know that God does not give you anything you can’t handle!
I found labour the 2nd time around was almost more nerve racking because you know what to expect but it also (in my opinion) goes by much faster, easier & you cherish it more (because it may be your last!) … the second time around your baby seems to just grow SO much quicker and days just fly by because you are more busy! So soak up every.single.moment <3
My daughter was and is truly amazing with my son – she is a second mother to him… tells me when he needs a baba, soothes him when he's crying and upset, she tries to be his mother. I am sure Leo will be the best big brother ever! Even if he acts a little differrnt the 1st few weeks or month, it's totally normal .. just remember, it's a huge change for him also!! Try to give him attention and spend time with him yourself some days and have quality alone bonding time with him when you have time to get away just the 2 of you 🙂 he needs to know he's not forgotten (which he never would be, but they don't understand). Your fuse may be short at the beginning with Leo, it doesn't help you're exhausted and hormonal, and he will test you, oh god , they just love to test you! But it does get better!!!
As for Justin & you- every couple is so different. Just be sure to also get quality time together and always be open and talk about how you feel…. go out for dinner dates or movie dates. Even if it's just an hour, get some time together 🙂 it will make you both stronger and it is well deserved!!
…. most importantly, your heart will just explode with so much love ! Just enjoy every single second of every single day! I usrd to think omg, how can I love another child the way I love Sage (my daughter). And then BAM, instantly you just lock eyes with your newborn and your heart just expands 100000x . It's crazy how much love you can feel!
Congrats again… wishing you and your beautiful family all the best!!! Xo
Congratulations! What an exciting time! We have 2 girls that are almost exactly 2 years apart. It is definitely an adjustment. Go out on dates with Justin now while you have time. I’ve had friends say to me “why didn’t I do more when I only had 1!”
My husband and I have made it a goal to continue dating each other and we typically go out 3-4 times a month just the 2 of us.
I also have a fear that my kids won’t get along but we try to include them both in things. I honestly believe that if you treat them with love, they will learn how to love and hopefully get along with each other.
I think it took about 6 months to get everything feeling normal again after having our second. Mostly because we sleep trained her at 6 months and then I could feel a little more normal. It’s such a fun time but exhausting. Make time for Mommy/Leo time or daddy/Leo time. He’ll love the time he gets with you by himself. And embrace the crazy! It won’t be like that forever so live in it, and good luck! You’ll do awesome!
Jillian! You’re just the best!! Congratulations!! Your Tina Turner/Jane Fonda hair comment…. priceless! ?? Thank you for sharing your life with us all!
Congrats!! This made me so happy when I saw this!
I have 2 boys almost exactly 2 years apart – now 1 and 3. I felt so overwhelmed at the thought of having a second baby. I had no idea how it would go! My oldest was not much into babies and didn’t like it when I held a baby doll either, haha! BUT, I totally underestimated him. He loved his brother right from the moment we walked in from the hospital. A year later, the 2 are inseparable. I love the age gap and I find its actually getting easier the older they get because they are becoming better friends and playmates.
My advice to you would be to include Leo in everything with the baby. Have him help and make him feel apart of things! You were made for this, Jill! You’ve got this!!
Congrats! How exciting!
I have 2 boys 2 years apart, who are the best of friends and it melts my heart. I think doing small things like having Leo kiss your belly and show the baby affection right away is a great way to get him to show his tender feelings for his baby bro or sis. I read so many big brother books to my eldest that helped show him how important his role in this new stage of life is. He has always been so proud and loving of his baby brother and I like to think all these little steps before birth helped the way approached the whole ‘big brother’ role.
Good luck, you’ll figure it all out as you go along and what works best for your family xox
Aww yay congrats! Our sons were born on the same day same year and I’m also expecting number 2 due in oct what a coincidence!! I’m just as nervous as you of having 2 in the house but so excited too! Can’t wait to see your fashion picks this time around! Congrats again!!
Congratulations! I have two children, just about 2.5 years apart. I too was an only child but that never occurred to me when welcoming baby #2! This is such a cliche but everything just falls into place. Babies adapt and they figure things out. My oldest wasn’t too happy with me the first month or so when baby came home and it was hard on me. She definitely preferred her dad to me but she got over that pretty quickly. Now at 4 and 6.5, the two of them play and laugh and bicker and hug and shove and cry when they’re apart for too long and cry when they’re together for too long! Justin seems like a great man and a very involved partner and father so no doubt he will be a huge help to you when baby arrives. Don’t try to do it all; let him take care of things for a while and you focus on you and baby and your recovery. Leo will go along for the ride! Congrats again.
Congratulations! Watching the reactions when you shared your news was the sweetest thing!
Congratulations to all of you!! Don’t stress all the stuff. You’re doing a great job already. What seems like a hurdle is just another little step along the way. You are loving and nurturing, smart and strong. Just do you and you’ll do great! This is such an exciting blessing so enjoy and cherish. They grow up so fast. So happy for you all and so looking forward to you sharing your journey. Love and good health to all!! ?
Congratulations! Very happy for all of you. I have 2 daughters, they are best friends! Don’t stress over the 2nd baby. Have a great time with Leo before the baby arrives. When you have your baby have a gift for Leo from his new sibling. Something he likes such as a toy truck, car, whatever he is into. Have friends & family pay lots of attention to Leo before they see the baby. You guys will be great. Kindness & love.
Fabulous news! Congratulations! We love seeing what your little family is up to.
Congratulations!!! I knew it!!! You are glowing!
I cried and laughed watching this vlog… and can so relate to your feelings. On the one hand you are elated at becoming a mother again and on the other you are concerned and worried about how you are going to do it all!
My best advice… try not to worry about the nap schedules, the school schedules trust me you just figure it out! You can plan for almost anything but the one thing you can’t plan is the schedule of a new born and a toddler.
There will be days that you don’t shower or shave your legs maybe until 5pm… and that’s ok!
There will be days that cleaning the kitchen seems like an accomplishment… and that’s ok.
Try not to put so much pressure on yourself! You are micromanaging a family!
I just also want to say talking about your fears and stresses and anxieties now is so healthy. I had post partum depression with my second son and it came completely out of the blue. As I look back now 11 years later I think some of the signs were there. Being so nervous and worried about how life was going to happen after the new baby came was all consuming. Just take it Day by day and you’ll do just fine. And one piece of advice… when the new little bundle is sleeping (they sleep a lot) carve out some time for just you and Leo. Whether it’s finger painting or reading books just the two of you he’ll appreciate it and it will ease the mom guilt you’ll have for your first born!
So excited to watch your little family grow!!!
Congratulations baby #2. How exciting. If you haven’t already you need to check out Little Locals in Vernon.
Congratulations you guys?
I am a first time mom to be and expecting this July. I had the morning sickness issue as well but mine lasted 5 months – chicken is still the death of me. I have resorted to wraps with beans, spinach, eggs when I could eat them and in the beginning a lot of soup with surprisingly chicken broth – parsley in my soup made me feel a bit better. One thing I really suggest is walk as much as you can. I really felt like I couldn’t in my first trimester because I felt ill but now I am struggling and only on the verge of my third trimester. Also, I wish you could create your own line of maternity clothes that are nice slippery fabric for us pet lovers that have a lot of fur in our house but are also for professionals that need to look dressy in many seasons – cost effective would be nice too! Best of luck!
Future mom to be
Congratulations to you and your lovely little family Jillian!!! I love to follow your insta stories and learn any tips and tricks you have to offer! You’re hilarious – I feel like we would be awesome wine drinking buddies lol maybe not right now cause you can’t stand it; I was the same pregnant with my second! Don’t worry! You’ll find your love for wine again! Promiss!
We have an almost 4 yr old boy and an almost 3 yr old girl and they are 12 months apart lol.. and yes – it was planned. I have to admit the first year having both is a complete blur LOL but I don’t regret it at all. They are best friends and SO close. It’s priceless watching them grow together. My advice is take it one day at a time. You will adjust just fine and become a master at juggling it all. It’ll go by so fast you’ll miss the chaos sooner than you think. Just enjoy the ride girl! You’ll do great! 😉 xo
Hi Jillie! Congrats! I have followed you since the Bachelor. I feel like I have watched you grow up! I am a Mom of 2 teenage boys. The funniest thing was after my 2nd son was born my older son was 3. He always noticed me holding him or in the bouncer. After a few months he said “Mom, you said I will have a brother to play with, when is he going to get up and play with me, he always just lays there. “ After a year, it was a whole new ball game! They loved playing together. It did take some time to get them on the same nap schedule but when they napped, I napped! Mine were not good sleepers overall. There is no right or wrong way to do things. We learn from our mistakes and our accomplishments. That’s why we have stories to tell when they get older! It’s all trial and error! Do what’s best for you and your family! I always enjoyed getting out of the house. It broke up the day and your older child needs to get some fresh air as well. It does take time to juggle 2! Enjoy each day!
Congratulations! Super excited for you all! My babies are almost 5 years apart. My son is now 20 and my daughter is 15 and they are best buddies. I feel so blessed to know that he will always look after her. I was able to be a stay at home Momma for almost 10 years! Was a bit tough financially but that was so worth it to be home with my babies. You and Justin will navigate this new time in your life together and find out what works for you both. And there will always be room on momma’s lap for 2 babes. ?
So happy for you and your family! Hang in there…you can do it! I had two sets of twin boys (natural) all under the age of three. So four boys not quite three years apart. They are all adults now….so blessed. There will be a transition period and adjustment for everyone in your family but just like everything else, you figure it out. You are already and amazing mom…love watching you and your beautiful family. And I can’t wait to see the new arrival! Congratulations! ?
Congratulations!!! You are a terrific mother to Leo and will be to this new bundle of joy!
Congratulations to you! Such special and wonderful news! I love following your journey, and I’m a mama to just one right now who is 8 months but definitely want more so can’t wait to hear the advice of seasoned mamas given to you. All I can say is that you will have good days, bad days , crazy days and everything in between but cherish it all, life moves to quickly, we worry about way to much , put so much pressure on ourselves,and try to do everything the right way…which is what exactly?! Lol! but in the end just love and embrace your journey with your beautiful family and friends ?
Congrats Mama!!
So happy for you. I’ve been following your blog for quite awhile and totally enjoy the honesty, inspiration and positivity, thank you. It’s so crazy to me how much our lives are similar, my husband and I built our home on Vancouver Island, I’m self employed and had our first baby on July 31st 2016. We are now also pregnant with #2 (due September 26). I had a feeling you might be expecting and was so thrilled to see your announcement!
I also had a rough go this time around, especially emotionally. Feeling like the worst Mom ever and like a total blob made me a total recluse for the first 15 weeks. I totally remember googling ‘first trimester depression’ and thinking that I just wanted to sleep and not wake up again until I felt like my old self. Although I’m feeling better now, listening to your story was so refreshing as everywhere I looked told me about the overwhelming happiness I should be feeling (which of course made me feel like more of an ungrateful POS).
Thank you for being you and truly authentic about your experience. Looking forward to the updates and wishing you well.
Hi Jillian
Congrats to you, Justin, Leo and nacho! What a great surprise and time for you! My only advice would be NOT to stress about these things! I have 2 boys – 3 years apart and like you had many questions and concerns about getting it right. You will find as you did with Leo that these things will work themselves through. As you get to each stage, life moment all that has happened tends to prepare you for what’s coming. If I could offer one book if you ever have the time to read would be dr Shefali tsabary’s book the Awakened family. Every parent should read this book – oprah calls her a parent revolutionary and pink just posted today on Instagram what an amazing book it is. So that would be my only real advice – nothing can truly prepare you for what’s to come so enjoy the moment, cherish the time you have as a threesome and listen to your body! Much love to you all ?
Congratulations Jillian, Justin, Leo and Nacho! Such wonderful news! My two children are 25 months apart. It’s certaubky busy, but so worth having them so close together. My advice is to involve Leo as much as you can. Reinforce what a great big brother he is, and what a great helper he is. I swear my son can’t remember not having his little sister around. They are both obsessed with each other. You’ll love seeing your babies together it’s just the sweetest❤️ You seem to have a great schedule going with Leo and you’ll get into the groove of having two in no time! Can’t wait to see your cute lil bump!! All the best xoxo
Yay! I’m due at the end of September with baby #1 so I’m so excited to follow along on the journey!! Congratulations!!! I’d love to hear your ideas for a gender reveal too because we have ours coming up in May!
Congratulations Jillian! Such an exciting time for you and your family!! I am a mother to two beautiful babies. A 2 year old boy and 4 year old girl. First I want to say with all the advice you are going to get and all the nerves you may have about having another baby, is once that baby comes you will know exactly what to do. It’s amazing how your motherly instincts just shine through. I was so excited to have another baby but with all the hormones and emotions I was also very terrified. I had all the question you have. I thought how am I going to my share my love for this baby when all my love I have right now is for my girl. My biggest fear was I didn’t ever want her to feel left out or sad because she was no longer the number one priority but once I held our baby boy and heard him cry for the first time my love double it amazed me to know i could love both my babies the same and to be honest you just go with it as the days go on and very fast you will figure it all out. The first couple months might feel like a blur but you have Justin and you two will be a great team to get through those sleepless nights. On a side note (long story short) my little guy was born profoundly deaf (didn’t find out till he was 1) however he had development delays so for me, his first year was like a rollercoaster ride of emotions lots of doctors appts, lots of unanswered questions so my biggest fear of my little girl feeling left out was happening ….however I made a point to make sure I was still doing things just her and I wether it was just going to the park, a walk, grocery shopping, getting hot chocolate and a cookie or even just dragging bed time a little later. she really looks forwards to “mother daughter days” and “daddy daughter days.” We also do special things as a family to because of course that is important. so some advice I could give is do things just you and Leo i think it will make him feel special. Or helping out with baby. My little girl loved when she could help get something for the baby or rock (with my help of course) the baby. Getting them involved I find is helpful because that alone helps build there bond. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy! This next journey you are on is going to be an amazing one! <3
Such wonderful news! Don’t worry you will do just fine with two little ones. It is amazing how mom’s just do it and you will too. I am sure you will find that it is much easier with the second one as you have already know what to expect. Looking forward to following you during this very exciting time.
Morning sickness.. must be a girl!! I’m so happy for you and your family ❤️ Looking forward to your insta stories when the baby is here to see what it’s really like!
This is so exciting! I loved experiencing my first pregnancy with you (Leo is 2 weeks older than our daughter) and I’m currently 14 weeks today but expecting TWINS!! I’ve got to say twin pregnancy is a little lonely because it’s unlikely to know someone else going through the exact same thing, but I love having public figures to follow along with and see the wonder that is growing a human through other people’s eyes!
Sending so much love, and zero advice because things are about to get crazy ?
Congrats Jillian!! I’m pregnant with my second also! A boy Due in September! And I have a son who is about a month older than Leo! I’m freaking out about being able to handle two, but I’m hoping they will be best friends and it will all be worth it!
Congratulations!!! Such exciting news!! You are going to be an amazing Momma to 2. The whole family will adjust and you will just be so excited to meet the new addition. That everything else will fall into place. When I had my 2nd, I would put my eldest in her high chair and feed her the same time I was nursing. Worked out really well. If they both need you at once, as hard as it seems to you…the kids adjust easier!! Just do one at a time. I always tried to spend some one on one time with my eldest whenever Baby was napping and when baby is up, you can get Leo to help and he will feel special!! It will all come naturally to you. Just go with your gut…you will always know what’s best for your littles:)
“The nights are long but the years are short and this too shall pass” good advice for those long sleepless nights.
Also take 5 minutes a day for yourself and try to get dressed everyday. You’ll feel so much better.
Congratulations! I’m due in October as well! (7th)
Congratulations guys!! I’m crossing my fingers for a girl! ?
Being a mother of 2 teens and have been with hubby since high school I would say in all honesty is that the key is a fine balance between motherhood, working Mom, wife, friend,… not an easy task at times but you can do it. It’s very important to have that balance, taking time for yourself, time with your man,… trust me you can easily get sucked in to just being a Mom and forget about yourself.
Oh and as far as siblings go just try to incorporate Leo in when you are with the baby so he doesn’t feel like he’s lost his place.
So happy for you, Congrats!
Congrats!!! Such an exciting time for you and your family! How will you juggle it all? You won’t! LOL! All you can do is love on everyone, take all the help you can get, and never say no to a nap! The thank you cards can wait, the social posts can wait, cleaning can wait…SLEEP! We got my daughter a great book “There’s going to be a baby” and we read it a lot especially those last couple of months. Those first 3 months with a newborn, you remember, its all about survival! And once you come through the newborn haze you can schedule time with Leo and time with Justin. Even if its an hour to go to the ice cream shop! Quality, not quantity! You are so incredible with Leo that I know you will ease into motherhood of two just beautifully…your legs won’t get shaven as often but that’s ok :-} Congrats again- so thrilled for you!
Congratulations!! Such exciting news ? I just had my second child 3 months ago and I’m still figuring it out, but you do. But yes your self care will take a back seat (I plucked my eyebrows for the first time in over a month today and oh my!! ?) Get help and don’t be scared to ask because it truly takes a village! I also wanted to comment on that you were craving meat, Before my second I ate a mostly vegan diet and during my pregnancy I started to crave meat also but I was feeling super guilty and the best advice my Doula gave me was that my body knows what it needs to grow this baby and if it’s craving meat it’s for a reason (same goes with potato chips and chocolate – who knew?) I chose humanely raised & organic of course and eventually the guilt went away. Hope that helps! And congrats again ?
I already commented on your instagram, but after watching your vlong on here I wanted to say you arent the only one who went through pregnancy depression! I was so down and felt so sick the first little while I was starting to wonder if I was going through some sort of depression! My pregnancy was unplanned, and I found out I was pregnant 3 days after my last day at job that was toxic. It wasnt part of my plan, I wanted to look for a new job and focus on a career and working on my degree, but then I was pregnant! And not only that I was severely ill. My husband works away and I felt exactly how you explained as “useless”. I was bed-ridden, I had quit my job and I could’nt do or see anyone and plus it was around Christmas time I had found out I was pregnant! So trying to be around all these people and act happy was so hard, I just wanted to be in my bed eating tater tots, sipping gatorade and crying. I really appreciate you sharing your story ☺️ This is my first pregnancy and I didnt know what was normal to feel. I hope you only feel amazing from now on!!
I am so thrilled for you Jillian!!! Such wonderful news! I am a mom of two, I am almost 37, my husband is 31 😉 my Son is 3 1/2 and my daughter is 8 months yesterday! It’s been hard and easy at the same time!! All the things I worried would happen with 2 never did, but things I didn’t expect to be hard were really hard (like the baby was the easy part! And the almost 3 year old was the hard part!) So my bumpy road was managing my patience and parenting while navigating my pregnancy then post pardum hormones. (and a newborn!) But like everything, it’s a stage, and then on to a new one. This news one is easier currently! 🙂 That is my experience so maybe not advice, but hopefully some helpful insight in some was. Wishing you, Justin, Leo, Nacho and your family all the good vibes!! Xx
I am so thrilled for you Jillian!!! Such wonderful news! I am a mom of two, I am almost 37, my husband is 31 😉 my Son is 3 1/2 and my daughter is 8 months yesterday! It’s been hard and easy at the same time!! All the things I worried would happen with 2 never did, but things I didn’t expect to be hard were really hard (like the baby was the easy part! And the almost 3 year old was the hard part!) So my bumpy road was managing my patience and parenting while navigating my pregnancy then post pardum hormones. (and a newborn!) But like everything, it’s a stage, and then on to a new one. This new one is easier currently! 🙂 That is my experience so maybe not advice, but hopefully some helpful insight in some way. Wishing you, Justin, Leo, Nacho and your family all the good vibes!! Xx
Congratulations! My son is two days younger than Leo and my husband and I are also expecting baby #2 in October! I’m so excited to follow along as you prepare for baby #2. The first trimester was so rough especially chasing around a toddler while feeling so sick. Can’t wait to be on this journey with you again. I’ll be looking forward to all of your advice and what’s working for you! So exciting!
Baby wearing saved me and my kids are 5.5 year apart lol.
My second bub didn’t like to not be attached to me so being able to wear him in a sling meant that I could still get things done and had 2 hands spare. I can imagine this would be even more handy having 2 closer in age.
Even if it’s stressful at times, you’ll find a way to make it work, you just do.
Congratulations from Australia xx.
Congratulations on expecting baby #2!! That’s such exciting news!! My little ones are 23 months apart and as much as my boys keep me very busy, it’s amazing to see the bond they have and will always have growing up together so close in age. All the very best for an easy going, happy & healthy pregnancy and baby!!
Two words: BABY WEARING.
Seriously. This was a life saver for me (I have 2 little guys, 21 months apart.) There are SO MANY comfy, cute carriers out there, I had a Lillebaby that I loved, babe was super comfy in it and usually had his third nap of the day in there while I was making supper. Then you also have both hands free to chase around the toddler 😉
Also HIGHLY recommend Phil and Ted’s hiking backpack carriers for walks outside. Hands down THE BEST baby item we ever purchased. I’ll wear my younger son in the backpack carrier, preschooler on his bike, dog on a leash, and away we go!
Best of luck with everything, Jillian! Definitely an exciting time ?
Congratulations to your beautiful family!!! So exciting!! My son was born right around when Leo was and I am also expecting baby number two in October!! So I am right there with ya sister an all of the above!!! Can’t wait to see some of your maternity looks! You always look so beautiful and stylish, (meanwhile I can’t seem to get away from leggings, baggy t’s and top knots) haha! So exciting to following along on your journey! Xoxo
Your video made me cry! I am excited for you, Justin and Leo.
I am 41 this April and my twins will be 17 yrs old in Sept. I had no clue how to do anything. You just figure out what works for you and the kids and go with it. You will be amazed at your own strength and knowledge.
Congratulations Jillian! I am due with my first baby in September – a boy! I am excited to follow along throughout your pregnancy and hear about all of your finds for mama and baby!
Can’t wait to hear if it’s a boy or girl! Having a sibling is the best, Leo will love him or her. Enjoy this time. All the best!
I can relate! My son is 16 months and baby #2 is due in November. I have a lot of the same questions as you do. Thank you for sharing your journey with us!
Dr. Laura Markham and Janet Lansbury would be my top recommendations for welcoming a new baby/siblings, and Dr. Shefali Tsabary’s books are a must-read for all (they are always on repeat in my audiobook collection). Going from one to two brings things to a whole new level. Meditate, journal, and be sure to take good care of yourself… the self-care piece will be even more important so you can show up as the best version of yourself for Justin and your little ones. Sending soooo much love!
Congratulations! Pregnancies really are such an amazing blessing, but there are days that do feel long, dark and depressing. I also get so sick with mine…I completely hear what you are saying. You feel miserable, useless, sad, excited, worried, disgusting, barfy, thrilled, and nervous…all in the same hour. You plan your trips around where the toilet is located, and know for certain who needs to work on their toilet cleaning skills. When you think you can’t feel any less human, you bump into another expecting mamma who’s big complaint is “sometimes I feel a bit tired”….or my all time favourite… “I sometimes feel nauseous, but I don’t like throwing up, so I don’t let myself” hahaha. (You can’t make this stuff up, there really are people who have no clue what it can be like!
The day that babe is born can seem so far off in the first half, but they are so so so worth it 🙂
I hope for you the days of bowing down to the toilet are past.
With my girls I was far more sick and hormonal than my son…my guess is there’s a little girl brewing in there 😉
As far as managing the kids comes: take it one day at a time. Call in favours when you need, and don’t stress the small stuff. Let the first weeks focus just be getting baby on somewhat of a schedule, and set aside time while baby naps for Leo. My kids had special activities they could do while I nursed the babe- it kept them out of trouble 😉
Meals- Epicure to the rescue! I often would cook up a meal solution pack or quick “good food real fast” kit meal…and eat a meal of watermelon myself. <- by the way, super great for nausea! …won't cure it (I really don't think anything does), but helps you stay hydrated. Ain't nobody got time for IV fluids just because she was throwing up too much!
Hang in there. It's all so very worth it
??Yayyy so happy for you, Justin, Leo, Nacho & grandparents *hi Glen & Peggy! Some great advice is just remember to breathe & just do what you can in that moment. Everything else always works itself out in the end. So don’t fret because over half the battle was won when Leo was born. Love yah girl ♥️
Congratulations!! Thank you so much for sharing your struggle with depression during your first trimester. I too struggled with antipartem depression and anxiety (definitely a thing!). And at the time, it was so frustrating because there is much less info out there on this topic than postpartum, (even though it is just as common)and I felt like I was losing my mind. It helps tons when amazing women such as yourself open up and share. It is so so hard, but you will definitely get through it! Much love.
Hi Jillian!
Congratulations ? I have 2 boys who are 21 months apart. I remember feeling nervous as well wondering how to juggle it. I had a lot of help from my hubby and both families who live in the same city. I had freezer meals made ahead of time,I also had hired a cleaner to come in for the first while after baby arrived. I took full advantage of napping a lot while pregnant when my toddler napped. It is an adjustment going from 1-2 for sure. When you see the interaction, it will absolutely melt your heart!
People brought gifts for my oldest boy when they came to visit and they made sure they also paid attention to him too. There was jealousy at the start and I remember feeling mom guilt and also emotional seeing my first born for the first time after having my second, he didn’t look like a baby anymore and he seemed like such a big boy in comparison!! Have Leo help out as much as he can to feel a part of it all. Mommy and Leo dates will be important as well. He may latch onto Justin for the first while as newborns do require a lot from their mommys. You can read to Leo and have his play room all set up so you can watch him play and interact while you feed baby (I had a rocking chair in the playroom). It will all balance out! You will get adjusted in time. Your main time for you will be when Justin or family take the wee ones or in the evening once baby gets into a good sleep routine. You’ve got this!! My boys are becoming inseparable now and the bond is amazing! It takes a bit of time for that though. They are 1 and 3. Best of luck with everything. You’ll do great!
Yay! So happy for you Jill and Justin and Leo!! When i saw Justins post today announcing the news…i gasped and got all excited and was excitingingly telling my co workers you guys were having another baby!! So awesome!
I myself am the youngest of 7 kids. I am much much younger then all my siblings so pretty much I was an only child…because as I was growing up they were all moved out….i have three teenagers now 19..18…15.
So my first 2 were girls and only 16 months apart…and then my boy came along 3 yrs after my second
I look back today and think WOW 3 under the age of 4 I had lol
But the younger me back then didn’t look at it that way honestly…dont get me wrong…i had my meltdowns and/or stressful times but at the end if the day after they are asleep and you see that cute little adorable face…you know deep down in your heart this is what life is all about. ❤
Let me think….advice for going from one baby to two….accept help when offered, of course sleep when babies sleep (sometimes a tough one) also maybe if you have some time before baby is born….make a bunch of different freezable meals and then it’s much more easy making meals when baby has arrived! You guys will be great! You have alot of family and friends around so you are not lacking support so that’s awesome! Enjoy this amazing adventure…they are only babies for so long!
Congratulations! And hurray for October babies! ( both of my kids are October babies)
Don’t worry or stress about having 2 little ones. It’s like that feeling you have when you are having your first baby and you can’t imagine what life will be like once they arrive. And then they arrive and everything feels as though it is all as it should be. It will feel exactly the same when you are holding both of your little ones in your arms. Everything will be as it should be.
All the best to you and your beautiful family ❤️
Congratulations! Such an exciting time for you and your family. I felt the same exact way you do in regards to having baby #2. I was of course excited but so nervous. How would my first son adapt to having a sibling? Knowing that a lot of my time and attention would be now spent on the new baby. But you know what, you just adapt. Everything works itself out. Leo will love the baby because you love the baby, you will make your own schedule that works for YOU and your children. Everything just kind of has a way of working out! Don’t worry about what every other mom is doing, you do you! Congrats again and I wish the very best for you and your (growing) family!
Congratulation!! So happy for you! I have read your blog and followed you on instagram since before you had Leo. You are an amazing mom, and no doubt you will handle a second baby just great. You are like superwoman ? Btw, I read that sentence where you wrote that you are starting to pop a little bit too fast, so I tought it said “I am starting to poop” LOL!! I had a laugh, hahah!
Greetings from Norway 🙂
Oh I forgot to tell you in my earlier post that baby wearing will be essential for the first while especially while your newborn is going through the 4th trimester stage and you’re busy with Leo ??
Thank you for sharing about depression during pregnancy. I’m only six weeks and going through everything you talked about. Thought something was wrong with me and turns out depression can be a thing during pregnancy but nobody talks about it in person and you only here about postpartum depression. It makes you doubt everything and feel a lot of anxiety, and not feeling well definitely makes it worse. Hormones are awful. I did some painting for you back in the day in Vancouver, and you probably don’t even remember me anymore. But I just wanted to say, thanks for sharing. I’m only six weeks and the bloat is beyond what I could have imagined, nothing fits, I get it instantly from eating or drinking anything, and stomach rumbling all day. It’s hard to get up and face the day and I have a full time job and am on my feet all day. Good luck girl and keep sharing….it helps.
I’ve been reading your blog for years and think you are awesome!!
I had 15 month old twins and found out we were expecting #3. Yikes!!
Best thing I did was have everyone on the same nap schedule and napped with them. My hubby did all the wake ups with the twins at night, I solely focused on the baby, since I was bf’ing.
Have 3 under 3 was tough but it’s fun now having them so close in age!
Ah! I feel you on all of your 1st trimester struggles. Experiencing the exact dame myself right now. The depression feeling and feeling useless and so down from being sick is real, and something no one really warns you about!
Congrats guys! As a mother of four kids, I can tell you that you are going to LOVE this! There is absolutely nothing better than your first child becoming a big brother/sister! It’s the best feeling. My advice to you is really simple…once the baby is born, encourage Leo to be involved as much as possible. Let him hold the baby (supervised, of course)…give him a job (e.g., bringing diapers)…let him pick out a toy for the baby. Another tip we used is that we brought a present to the hospital that was from the baby. It was super cute…just a little something that the baby brought for his/her big brother. Good luck to you! It’s going to be better than you ever imagined! You got this!
Big Congrats! Had a baby boy in August 2016 and also expecting baby #2 in October! We are on the same timeline :-)! Always nice to have someone going through the same feelings, emotions and hardships of course… Really happy for you and all the best in this journey!
Warmest congratulations on your upcoming bundle of joy! Was sooo thrilled that your blog had closed captioned feature and I was able to understand everything you said. So thank you very much and once again congratulations to you and your beautiful family!
Hi Jillian!
I adore you and am so happy for your growing family! I have a 2 year old boy and a new 4 month old baby girl! They are almost exactly 2 years apart so pretty close to what you’ll be experiencing. My second pregnancy with our girl was horrible too! My first was amazing and I thought everyone should be pregnant. The second time around I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy and it wasn’t even that bad! (Maybe you’re having a girl too?! Having the results sealed would be driving me NUTS, I’m so impressed!)
My advice is to try and embrace the change. My biggest fear was that I would miss my son because I’d be so preoccupied with the new baby. And truth be told, I did. It was a rough 6 weeks with baby girl and I really relied on my husband and my in-laws with my son, but then the newborn fog left and we got back into a new routine. I can’t imagine how we never had two now!
I am very tired all the time but also filled with so much joy and love. My son ADORES his baby sister and has made me love him in a whole new way. Seeing my husband be a super dad to two has also made me love him in a whole new way.
We are here and rooting for you!
Congratulations Justin, Jillian, Leo and Nacho! I’m so happy for your growing family. The transition will be hard, I’m not gonna lie. But it is so gonna be worth it. I always thought that I wanted a boy first than and a little girl so the boy can protect the girl. Than when I found out our first child was a girl, I was like awww for 0.00001 seconds than I got over it. LOL. Girls are so much fun! Than when I was expecting our second child, I just want the baby to be healthy, it didn’t matter if the baby was a boy or a girl but I secretly wanted a little boy. LOL. And all behold, the second baby was a boy and I wouldn’t change anything for the world. Both of these kids are a blessing and I know that you will have so much fun with both of them. I see how protective my little girl is of her baby brother. She would not let anyone do anything harmful to him. They both love each other so much and so protective of each other. But don’t be fooled. There will be times where you would want to cry, or hide in the closet, or wonder how much of this you can take. Like I remember how easy my daughter was. I have to wake her up to feed her. She was so easy and barely cried and always calm. My son is the total opposite of her. He’s more jumpy, loud and well, A BOY! Lol. I remember distinctly that I had to hold him to sleep just so that I can eat. I had to put him in a rocker and bring him into the restroom just so that I can shower for 5 minutes while my daughter was playing with her blocks right outside. But I couldn’t have asked for anything else. I feel so lucky to be both of their parents and they are at a really fun age and you can see how they bond, it will melt your heart. I wish you and the family all the best and I know you will be great as a mother of two children! Keep us updated!!!
To anyone out there, who are trying for a baby and are having a bit of a tough go, please know that we’re sending all of our baby fairy dust your way and we’re praying for you as we know that this doesn’t come easily to everyone.
I appreciate this so much, thank you. And congrats on your second, everything will work out:) don’t stress! can’t wait to see some of your maternity clothes!
Congrats Jillian, you are an amazing human! Thank you for being so honest and real. I’m in the first trimester with baby #2 and am having the same feelings of uselessness and sadness. Its nice to know that it is normal and I’m not alone. Can’t wait to follow along on your journey, you are so entertaining and fun to watch. xoxo
Congrats! I had three babies in 4 years, so I totally get your nerves! Everyone says it gets easier, but I disagree. You just get BETTER. You’re not new at this mom thing anymore 😉 you learn to embrace chaos.
As for advice… 2 words: Pam Nease. If it wasn’t for her and her gift of sleep, we probably wouldn’t have had baby 2 or 3!! Ha! But seriously. We hired her for baby 1, and then again for baby 2 and 3. I NEVER had to worry about baby waking the toddlers, they had such strong sleep skills. And if they did wake, they just went right back to sleep. Great sleep was a HUGE game changer for baby 2 and 3. Pam has an ultra gentle newborn method that can teach great sleep right from the start with no tears and still have great breastfeeding. Anyways, I’m going on and on, but my number one piece of advice for more than one child is great SLEEP! Its better for them and it’s better for me – I’m a much better mom when rested. And there’s nobody like Pam for making rock solid little sleepers.
As for hygiene, well…. I’m still struggling with making time for self care and my youngest is now 3! Lol! So if you figure that part out let me know.
Lumpy ass – get thee a FasciaBlaster for after baby is here!!! It’s a fascia massage tool that smooths you out. Plus it feels great and gives you better access to muscles. Hit up Ashley Black, she’d probably team up with you 😉 she also has a book called The Cellulite Myth.
Things I wish I knew before having baby 2: how to spot tongue tie, what the hell is diastasis recti, there’s such thing as pelvic floor physios, there’s chiropractors for babies, and how to tie a baby wrap ??
And yes, most of the time both kids will need you at once. Haha. You learn to roll with it and prioritize. The side benefit I see to this is that your kids start to learn that they are not the centre of the universe, which I think is a great thing to learn. That is the gift of a sibling! ? All important lessons to learn and grow.
Give yourself Grace. Don’t over schedule. Ask for help.
Congrats to you, Justin, Leo and Nacho!! ❤️
Hi Jillian! Congratulations on baby #2! My girls are only 18 months apart. They are 11 & 13 right now. Although everyone says “oh, that will be a lot of work”, it actually wasn’t too difficult. Having 2 in diapers was no big deal either. I wondered how I could ever love another baby like I did my first but I was so surprised. After having my second baby, I felt so in love with her too. It was hard juggling who to give attention to the most but for the first several weeks the newborn sleeps mostly so I had time for my older daughter. My best advice is to ensure both babies get a good amount of mommy cuddle time. My oldest wasn’t much of a cuddler but I could tell sometimes she felt sad when I held the baby more than her. We played a lot together and the early years were so much fun. I miss my babies so much. Now they are teens (yes my 11 year near 12 year old is wise beyond her years). Anyway, enjoy the months you have left with Leo being an only child. Life will be more hectic afterward but with the help of your husband the transition to two will be easier. Love to you all…from Edmonton.
Congratulations to you both and to big brother. Please share with us the gender when you find out.
Congratulations Jillian & Justin! Looking forward to following along on your baby journey as I am expecting my second in July!
I have 2 sons 23 months apart. It was easier the second time because you know what you are doing. You are already an expert at breastfeeding or bottle feeding, bath time, diaper changing, etc. Plus, your body is used to the sleep deprivation, so you won’t feel as exhausted as you did the first time around. Make sure you nap whenever you can…. the house work and job can wait and there is nothing wrong with take-out/delivery.
two words…. naps and snacks (ok technically 3 words). One is sleeping and the other is up and eating and vice versa lol. But in all seriousness, life with two is busy but beautiful. So many hugs and kisses 🙂
Long-time reader, first-time commenter from Dublin, Ireland here. Many congratulations on the new arrival! My big tip is rather than doing a ‘sip and see’ style party for the new arrival, style your first gathering of friends and family as a ‘Big Brother Party’. We threw a small Big Sister Party when we took our baby son home from hospital. Our 3 year old girlwas firmly convinced that the festivities were in her honour which helped smooth the way for the new arrival
My babies are 13 months apart (BIG surprise!) and I spent the ENTIRE nine months carrying baby #2 stressing / freaking out over how it was going to work. I’m a type A planner, so logistics and a plan are a huge deal to me.. and guess what I didn’t account for in these plans…
all the LOVE.
You are going to have this baby and look at it and love it the exact way you do Leo, and then suddenly everything just ‘works’ … no plans… no schedules… you just follow your mommy gut and everything works out… I promise.
I’m so excited for you and Justin to have another little one. I’m hoping for a girl. You two are such a cute couple. Good luck! Loved you on love it or list it Vancouver!!
Congratulations Jillian! I have one toddler boy too so no advice on a 2nd one I’m afraid. But we are very much debating a second one and I would love to hear more on why you decided to try for a second baby. Was it mostly Justin or your own wish as well and did that in any way relate to your own childhood as an only child? I ask because for me personally life feels complete with our son, but I feel so much pressure from ppl saying it would be sad for my son to be an only child. I personally love the current balance and room both me and my husband still have for ourselves and our own careers we love. – Lots of love!
Hi Jillian, congratulations on your pregnancy! I’m not a mother yet, but here are a few resources I’ve seen through blogs I read.
Julie of Peanut Butter Fingers is also expecting and has a toddler. I’m sure she will be sharing about how the transition goes. You can follow her here: https://www.pbfingers.com/. She mentioned recently the idea of having her toddler give a gift to the baby and the baby having a gift for her toddler. I thought that sounded so sweet 🙂
Ashlee had this post ages ago which I thought was brilliant about how to handling feeding the newborn and still have your toddler occupied: http://wheremyheartresides.com/2014/08/07/things-get-busy/
Keep us updated!! Make sure to take care of yourself, and don’t worry if you need more time to rest. We love your news!!
Congratulations! Exciting, wonderfull news, I hope all the best for your family. Happy to hear you are feeling better.
Only couple of days ago I found your blog and IG and it’s so amazing to read the baby news!
Love it or list it is one of my favourites, and I just watched Jillian and Justin and it was so great. You have a beautiful family!
I also have two kids, 2-year-old son and 6-months-old daughter. It is so amazing to see how much they already play and laugh together. They are so important to each other!
Greetings from Finland and
*Greetings from Finland and congratulations once again!
I am CRYING! So very happy for you (I am an only child too, and I was thrilled to give my girls EACH OTHER) How precious! You are already doing it right, just go with it….Leo will love his brother or sister!
Wow! Congrats! We just announced on my blog yesterday that we’re expecting our second baby in October as well! So excited for your family to be growing too 🙂
Wow Girl, congratulations! That is so amazing! You are already a great mama, and you will continue to be an amazing mom! I certainly enjoy following you and your families adventures! You have a beautiful family!
So……will there be a wedding ? at your beautiful property before the next little ‘Peanut’ arrives?
Be happy, be healthy!
Love and hugs,
P.s. perhaps the next time I visit my sister in-law in a West Kelowna , who lives right by you, I could meet you and say hello! Don’t worry I. Not a creeper, just a 54 year old Menopausal gal! Lol!?
It all comes together! Remember…the days are long but the years are short.
That’s such a sweet video! You made me cry!! Wishing you to best for this pregnancy and looking forward to following your family of 4! XoXoXo Sacha 🙂
My kids are 12 months 19 days apart! We also planned them close so they could grow up together. The beginning is HARD to say the least. Make SURE Justin takes some time off work. You will need his help, and Leo will also need him around as his world of being an only child completely changes. It’s going to seem impossible at first, but everyday gets easier! (Okay some days end up being worse then the day before, but you get what I mean!)
The mom guilt is REAL at first as you mourn over the days of Leo being your only child, but it goes away and you’ll quickly realize how much room your heart has 🙂
Congratulations to your family!! I’m a mother of 3 boys (all grown up now 21-28) and you can never really prepare for what is to come. Each child is different and respond differently to situations. just like your pregnancy is different. When I was pregnant with my last child I had a craving for dill pickles and ate 3 jars in one week…to this day he LOVES pickles. I’m still not a big pickle fan, so it was a weird craving. You are a great mom. Relax, get in the new boat of life and just go where the river takes you. There will be rapids along the way, but you and Justin working together will weather through it and will again coast down the river. Do your best to stop and enjoy the time you have with them, because before you know it they are all grown up and having babies of their own.
Im so excited for you all! Im also pregnant and the baby is due 18th of october. We already have a baby boy so manyof your thoughts are exactly the same than what Im going through right now.
You will be fine and find he balance just like anyone else. Good luck with your pregnancy and Happy expecting!
Greetings from Finland!
My two “babies” are now in their twenties, but I had extreme morning sickness with both of them and even worse with my second one. To the point of almost being hospitalized few times and watching your video brought back memories including how all joy disappeared. You just feel so sick and you would give anything to make it stop. Anything!
I think it has ro do also with low levels of nutrients in one’s body which effects the brain … if you have seen any episodes of The Island with Bear Grylls the contestants are so miserable and gloomy without food.
I wish this product had existed back when I was pregnant: Reliefband watch for morning sickness. I have bought this as a gift for relatives and it works!!!
When our son was born our 3 1/2 year old daughter thought he wasn’t coming home with us. After some thinking she announced that he can come home only if he brings all of his own stuff (she wasn’t planning on sharing).
He cried a lot during month 2 and 3 due to colic and whenn we saw friends with quiet babies she would run to me asking what was wrong with their babies because they weren’t making noise.
I don’t remember much of the first 3 months of being a mom of two but I do have pictures to prove I was there. And starting month 4 life got so much smoother: his tummy got happier, we all slept more and our daughter loved being a big sister. Life gets fuller and even more amazing … it’s just more like a twisting country road than a direct highway to happiness.
Sending you smooth pregnancy vibes ?
Congratulations Jillian,Justin & Leo Nacho too. Very ,very happy for you. Take care enjoy this time with Leo & Justin….this baby will fit in with you all. Second baby alays easier, they go with the flow. I am Grandma of 3 grandkids 13,11, & 28 month. Congrats again, I so enjoy your spirit.❤
OMG Justin’s dad!! I laughed so hard
Congrats! I love you and love watching little Leo grow up, he is just adorable. Question for you – I know you girls were all in Mexico a few months back… were you nervous at all about the Zika virus? I am dealing with that currently and trying to figure out travel if I want to start a family soon. Would love to hear your thoughts!
Congratulations!! So exciting! Thank you for being candid about your journey and emotions. Wishing you a smooth rest of your pregnancy!!
I’m so excited for you guys! I follow you on IG and am always reading your blogs, because I just love your little family. My daughter and Leo were born on the exact same day so I always love seeing the posts and stories of him. We are pregnant with baby #2 too, due mid July ! Can’t wait to find out if you having a little boy or girl! Congrats again <3
First baby you are so excited about bath time. Second baby I gave the baby to Dad when he started his shower and when baby was about 2 months old. Baby got clean and got use to water coming down their face which helped them to love swimming later and no fear of water on their face. Saved lots of time. Was a great experience for Dad and baby.
Hope you enjoy this idea.
Hi Jill!
Congrats! I had all the same questions as you do about baby number 2. My boys are exactly three years apart. Don’t worry about the baby waking Leo, he will be the one waking the baby lol Watching your children play together and bond… there are no words. It’s an amazing sense of pride and joy! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
My kids are older now (21 and 15) but I do recall a thing or two 🙂
The most important thing to remember is to just breathe. You don’t need to think about too much right now, just how you are in the moment. Think about the big picture (everything that you can be grateful for) and savor the little things. Somehow, things just fall into place and they do work out in the end. Remember to take care of yourself and to allow time to fill up your batteries…looks like you have a big and supportive family, so definitely ask for help lots. Wishing you the best…
Congratulations!! This made me cry lol Leo and my son Jackson are born like three weeks apart and I’m actually pregnant again too but due in November! What are the chances lol. I have been having such a hard time this pregnancy too and hearing you talk about how sick you’ve been and how hard it is to get through days hit home so much. I’ve been feeling so guilty, my house is a mess, it’s so hard to take care of a toddler when you’re sick 24/7. I didn’t have pregnancy sickness with my first pregnancy and this threw me for a loop! SO happy and grateful to be pregnant but feeling this sick all the time is really isolating and tough to keep up with life. So glad you’re feeling better, it’s giving me hope that in a few weeks I’ll be feeling better too. Congrats again 🙂
Congrats to you all …
Congrats, very exciting news. I love that Justin is excited about having a completed family,
I think you are having a girl, i remember throwing up and feeling tired , the smell of food, perfume’s made me more sick. It’s normal to feel bummed out and down, your hormones are out of wack . Go for lots of walks , and keep yourself surrounded by positive people. You are going to be fine
I’m due in October too! Super excited ? happy for you and your family. Regardless of all your questioning, I’m sure you’ll manage and continue being a great mom of two!
I have two grown children who are two and a half years apart. My advice would be to get help from grandparents, friends, etc. It is a lot of work but it goes fast. They grow up in the blink of an eye. The most important thing is don’t expect to be perfect and forgive yourself for your mistakes.
Give them as much time as you can but also take time for yourself and have date nights. Get a massage or a manicure. Just go out and be without kids once a week so you have a breather. Time alone without the kids is so important to for your relationship.
Don’t push things and get frustrate if they are not pry trained when you want or don’t enhance in ways you wants. Patience is key. But if you lose your patience , forgive yourself.
There are no right or wrong answers. Every child is different. Every situation is different Trust your gut.
Associate with a group of Moms so you don’t feel so alone. That support is invaluable. Just to talk and have someone listen.
Spend time with your children. That is the most important thing. The phone calls can wait. The errands can wait. The world can wait. Take time to be in the moment with them. Make that the priority. Singing together or dancing or eating —-whatever you are doing — be there 100%. Nothing is more important.
Sleep when they do. Turn off the phones. And sleep.
Just love them. That is the most important thing.
It is the hardest job you will ever do and the most rewarding.
I meant to say don’t get frustrated if they are not potty trained when you want or don’t respond in the way that you want. Love them and accept them for who they are. And always always communicate. Apologize when you are wrong and ask how they are doing and how they are feeling and really listen.
Teach them sign language so they can communicate with you as soon as possible.
Ive been traveling so haven’t been able to have wifi to watch your Insta stories as usual. Today catching up, I saw you at RS conference and thought…she looks pregnant…so i googled and found this wonderful, joyous video you produced and shared (thank you). You filled in the blanks of your happy news. Be brave. it just gets better. i have 2 that are 20 months apart. Older bro/younger sis.
Buy Leo a waldorf doll that doesn’t have a plastic body and super defined face. (I think kathy Kruse Dolls are the most well known or you can look at magic Cabin.com or just google waldorf dolls) You’ll find he will breastfeed his doll when you are breastfeeding your new baby. My son initially tried pulling my daughter off my breast he was so jealous…and it took awhile. He was jealous. Who wouldn’t be, right?
(my son used to line up all his toy cars on top of my daughter’s belly)
Just accept that you’re gonna be tired for the next couple of years and try to go with it. 🙂
Seriously, this time of your life won’t last forever. And though it is SOOOOOOOO hard sometimes, just find ways to enjoy the chaos. I think you can kiss schedules goodbye unless you want to be like the von trapp family.
Just give your kids love because after that, all the mistakes we inevitably make as parents don’t end up mattering much if your kids feel loved. When they feel loved, they feel safe. And sometimes that means sleeping in your bed and not being held rigidly to rules that…do they really matter? We got this good advice from our pediatrician-to-the-stars, Dr. Jay Gordon from the beginning and it has made all the difference in our little loving family. Just make your children feel safe…as in you’re paying attention to them and what matters to them even if you don’t understand it or don’t agree with it. It’s not about what you think, it’s about how they feel. Hold them when they cry. Come when they call. That kind of thing. it’s not a power struggle…they are totally powerless and you are their safe haven.
I wish you all the love and good fortune in the world. ya…it’s hashtag blessed right? ha ha.
thanks for letting us unknowns share your journey.
p.s. just apologize to justin in advance. it’s not his time. its the kids’ time. that’s just how it is for the moment. Even though it doesn’t feel like it and he will feel neglected, i promise you, his time will come back.
Hi Jill,
Congratulations! Just wondering if you could tell us where Leo’s t shirt is from?
Congratulations !! Im so happy for you. If I may be honest, the news you shared has been bittersweet for me because I lost a baby due in September and it was really hard for me to read the post at first. But I pulled myself together, after a few tears shed, read your post and I truly am so so happy for you as I think you two make such beautiful babies 🙂 I love little Leo 🙂 wish to have a son just like him one day 🙂 . I am glad I read the post because I love that you are sending baby dust. Im sure will get to me too soon and this time its a keeper 🙂
We have 3 girls and it is an absolute shit show, so messy but so wonderful. I’m gunna guess girl for this baby for you, based purely on anecdotal evidence. I have always been so sick in the first trimester and people always attribute that to carrying girls.
“To anyone out there, who are trying for a baby and are having a bit of a tough go, please know that we’re sending all of our baby fairy dust your way and we’re praying for you as we know that this doesn’t come easily to everyone”
Love your quote, I always wanted to be a mother but I’m about to turn 42 and I do not have a partner to raise him or her. Made me cry of happiness the videos of how you revealed the great news. Keep making your followers happy through you. Xoxo, Monique all the way from Ecuador ??
Congratulations !!
When did you first start showing ? (To the point that you couldn’t really hide it anymore)?
I can’t wait to find out if it’s another little boy or girl this time !! Hope you continue to feel much better than the 1st trimester ! All the best !
Hi Jill, I just wanted to say Thank you. Truly, from the bottom of my heart. This video makes me cry, which I know sounds crazy!
I am nine weeks pregnant today and so many of the emotions, sickness, exhaustion, depression that you went through, I am going through now. I wake up, take a shower, and have to crawl right back into bed for a ‘break’. Useless is the perfect word to describe my first trimester as well. I don’t cook, clean, help out around the house..I’m a slug and my husband has really had to pick up the slack, which I am oh so grateful for.
This is my first pregnancy and I had know idea what to expect. I’ve always been surrounded by pregnant friends or family who in their first trimester say they are fine, great, happy! So when these feelings started to arise, I couldn’t help but wonder if something was wrong with me? The baby?
This video is a breath of fresh air and I can’t tell you how nice it is to know that someone else in the world has gone through what I am!… and made it through.
Congratulations to you and your beautiful family and THANK YOU for sharing this.
I have 3 kids. 2 girls an 8 yr old and a 2 1/2 yr old and then my son is 6 months old(7 months on the 29th). Going from one to two was easy. My girls are 6 years apart so while my oldest was at school it was just the baby and I so when she slept I slept. The transition from 2-3 kids was the hardest for me and heightened my anxiety. Just take each second of the day one second at a time. Once you get on a schedule/routine it makes it a lot easier. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. I thankfully had my SIL to help us which was a huge blessing. It really is a moment by moment way of living for the first month or so but it’s totally normal. If you haven’t heard of it get the Wander Weeks app it tells you what leap your baby and even Leo is in and it can help you figure out what they need, to know how to help them. While pregnant my pregnancy pillow was my lifesaver. I have the pillow that is shaped more like a “C” and worked really well, but would have liked to try the “U” shaped one. Congratulations on baby #2 and now that you are out of the first trimester, I hope the rest of your pregnancy is a lot smoother.
There is pregency depression! I had it with my 3rd. I wanted another baby so badly, but with two older kids, doing my Masters Degree and my business I had a lot to do. The depression went away as I tried to wrap things up before she got here.
With everything you already have on the go you are already organized another baby is kinda like taking on another project and you just fit it in and make it work.
The two of them will fit and not get along, but the bond between them will always be there. They dont need to like each other every minute of the day. It teaches them great skills of sharing and helping.
Congratulations! You go this and don’t worry about every little thing. Even being spontaneous in a schedule is a great thing.
Congratulations!!! I am super excited for you! I have two little ones and let me tell you life is so crazy but also full of so much love. It’s amazing to see our daughter interact with her baby brother. My advice would be to try to let the little things go and take some time for yourself every week. Sending lots of love! ?
Having two kiddos close in age is both a major joy and also a big challenge. But mainly, the joy. You will never feel so loved by anyone else other than when you have two little kiddos both hugging and kissing you. The hardest part for me is when they fight. They fight over every little thing. They love each other and stick up for ome another, even cry for one another, but they also fight. A lot. Lol Mine are currently 2.5 and 4.5 years old.
Brace yourself! I’m almost 8 months into two babes that are 23 months apart. People are going to sugar coat it but it is super hard. I don’t regret a thing, and can’t believe the love that I have for these two tiny humans, but I found the transition to two much harder than the transition for just the one.
What has helped me the most is having a few key people that I can regularly vent to who are or have been through this at least for validating my feelings. And just knowing that every month gets a bit easier. Also, the key thing to remember throughout as you seem to be questioning everything, whatever you decide in whatever you do is the right decision.
Congratulations on Baby No.2! As for advice….I got nothing…. My kids are 14 months apart (planned) and I barely remember the first two years. You’re going to get LOTS of advice, but the best advice that was ever given to me was do what works for you. You’re now going to have TWO cats to herd….just love them…..that’s all…..
This is Alece’s Mom, we briefly met at Kirk and Alece’s wedding, I just wanted to say congrats, this is an amazing time in your life. Enjoy the ride, it can be tough sometimes but this is part of the learning experience, don’t over think it, it all works out in the end, I can hardly wait for Kirk and Alece to announce a baby coming one day. This truly brought tears to my eyes watching the joy this has brought to you and your family, you have a great support team around you, use them. You are an entertaining, funny, hard working young lady with a beautiful family keep up the great work!
I just watched this and it made me feel so much better ! In my first trimester and feel like you described exactly. And guilty and sad for how useless I am. I can’t do anything but lay on the couch. The energy I do have goes into time with my toddler ! Thanks for sharing. Just knowing it passed for you makes me feel encouraged and normal
Congrats! I remember how exciting my second pregnancy was. I had 4 children and the last two girls are one year apart. You are smart having them close together. Children close in age bond differently. Mine are 15 and 16 now and they are best friends. Nap times are a life saver. Breastfeed as long as you can. Some children will continue until they are 4 or 5. Mind you a lot of people don’t agree with it ? One lady said they grow up in a blink of an eye and they really do. Don’t forget to let them know how important they are when they are older or going through difficult times. Because we really don’t know how long we are blessed to have them in our lives. We never think when we say I love you it could be the last time. Treasure each and every day.
I have Irish Twins. You get through because you are a mom and the instinct will be there. Trust.
Hi everyone. I’m Emily Ryan and I’m from North Carolina. It took a long wait of 4 years before I could get pregnant and successfully give birth with the help of Lord Raj. Just when my husband and I thought all hope was lost and I was giving up I saw a post online about how he helped a lady too so I sent a mail to him on spellsandcharmss@gmail. com and I’ve never regretted as he still helps me with other problems till now!
i just finished watching your cute video, not sure which October you are due, but late or not, here’s some advice from a mama of 3 blessings – ages 6-11
1st of all, you will do great! you were designed to do this well!
Being a mom is the most difficult job in the world, but also a HUGE privilege and in my oppinion, the most important job. Time flies and before you know it, they’re off to school, so be intentional about enjoying the journey, not waiting for the next stage, whether it be no more diapers, sitting, walking, etc…
ALSO, this book was my go to – SSSSSSOOOOOOOO helpful! We could somewhat know what to expect in a day by following a healthy schedule that literally makes your baby happier cuz he’s got enough sleep and then smarter too! We all know how important sleep is! also helpful in knowing when they hit growth spurts, how many naps is normal and sleeping through the night much earlier than babies with no schedule. (i’ve also had many family members and friends who found it successful) highly recommend it!!