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Sweet Annie: Our Birth Story

Hi!!! First of all,  I want to send my LOVE and thanks for all the amazing messages regarding our new little addition!  I’ve finally gotten around to writing Annie’s birth story as I’ve been “trying” to give myself enough downtime as possible (but you know me, I don’t “rest” much! LOL). Mackenzie just finished our birth story vlog so I thought I would include our birth story here for you today as well!

If you follow along with my Instagram stories and blogs this wasn’t the easiest pregnancy. I couldn’t WAIT for Annie to come out!! I was getting really impatient toward the end, and was doing everything I could to get her to come out early! I was in so much pain, was exhausted, foggy and just plain UNHAPPY LOL … I was drinking the raspberry leaf tea, going on daily walks, Justin was getting lucky more often than normal ? … I was so desperate that I even suggested we go golfing!! (which is really what did the trick) …

So, we found out she was a girl in the summer (which I shared with you, here!) and we had her name picked out even before we had Leo. Annie is my dad’s moms name and she passed away when I was 5. Grandma Annie was such a firecracker. She was a tough cookie and I remember being so devastated when she left us. I remember I had a Ukranian Dance recital at her nursing home, but she passed away before I could dance for her. I was so upset about it, that I had my mom take me to her grave in mid-November during a snowstorm, so I could dance for her anyway. My mom tells me the story about how she sat there just crying her eyes out watching me dance in the freezing rain in my Ukrainian costume!

Jillian Harris Annie Birth Story

Anyway (wipes tears), Justin and I both loved the name Annie right from the beginning and since we don’t agree on much … LOL … we decided to go with it! We also decided to use her great grandmother’s name as her middles names, Annie Bea Marjorie Pasutto.

Annie was born on September 28th, for some reason, even though her due date was 2 weeks later, I always had that date in my mind! She was born on Shay’s birthday AND my Auntie Patsy’s birthday. Crazy hey?!

I started getting little contractions and Braxton Hicks a few days leading up to the 28th… so I knew she was going to be coming very soon. I had been trying everything under the sun and then suggested that Justin and I go on a little date night … golfing ? …  We ended up going golfing the evening of the 27t and it was SUCH a beautiful night. I started to get  more intense Braxton Hicks (or were they contractions now?!?!) when we were on the 4th hole … but I was golfing good (almost better than Justin … lol) and I didn’t want to say anything because I knew Justin would have wanted to leave right then and there. So, I sucked it up until the second last hole. We finished our game, and Justin wanted to grab dinner at the Clubhouse … it was then that I told him … maybe not hun … I think we should probably just get our dinner to go and on our way home … because I was PRETTY sure that baby was on her way!!!

While we were on our way home I called Shay to wish her a happy birthday as she was taking off to LA early the next day. While I was on the phone with her I got some INTENSE contractions and it was then that knew that Justin and I would be heading to the hospital later that night.

The entire night was very similar to the night I went into labour with Leo (minus the camera crews!). My mom and dad were over as they were to babysitting Leo while we golfed. They were having a glass of wine, and one of Justin’s friends was over having a beer. Everyone was sort of just hanging out and chatting, just like your average night at home. I kept on telling them I was having contractions and no one really took me THAT seriously … until about an hour later … I was like “Ok seriously you guys …this is happening!!! LOL”.  Justin’s friend, Steve, got out of there faster than I could say placenta … and then my parents left (only to come back a few hours later) …

I had a shower, and Justin, Leo, Nacho and myself had a moment in bed as a family of four prior to my parents coming back. We were wrestling, giggling, and I remember it being such a sweet moment, this would be the LAST time I would be with Leo while it was JUST him … my heart hurt so much … even though I was SO excited!  So we put Leo to bed, my mom and dad came back … and Justin and I took off to the hospital.

Jillian Harris Annie Birth Story

When Leo was born, we had everyone and their dog in the room but this time around, Justin’s parents were in Italy which was a trip they had been planning for over a year, and his brother, Matt, was out of town as no one had really expected Annie to arrive for another few weeks.

We had a very small group of family and friends there … my mom was there, Tori and Sam came, Justin’s best friend, Matt August was there and Mackenzie was also there. It was very casual and laid back in the room, I felt SO at home and so relaxed … people were chatting … Tori was asking Matt about his business, etc. It felt like Happy Hour, minus the booze … but, I guess I was on drugs (epidural) … LOL!!!

It was actually so enjoyable, I remember liking the feeling of the contractions with both Leo and Annie but they did, obviously, get pretty intense at some points. I had an epidural with both Leo and Annie and have NO regrets … but the delivery with Annie was SO much easier and enjoyable than with Leo … that I often wonder what it would have been like to give birth without it. I mean no regrets … but, I think I could have done it! (I mean duh … I know I could have … but anyway … I am the only one who has these thoughts??) …

Once I had my epidural my contractions started to get more sporadic (which can happen) so they ended up giving me Oxytocin and they broke my water (Or was it the other way around?! LOL! I can’t remember!). It’s funny because on our way to the hospital around 10:30ish I felt like Annie was well on her way but it wasn’t until around 3 am that Dr.Kolkind checked on me and told me that I was at 10cm!  IT. WAS. GO. TIME.

Justin and I really wanted Annie’s birth to be a private moment between the two of us so we asked everyone to step outside the room but little did I know they were just behind the curtain LOL!! Good for them! Annie’s delivery was so amazing, which was very different from Leo’s. I mean Leo’s delivery was wonderful but got a bit scary … his cord was wrapped around his neck so it was a pretty chaotic and scary time for us. This time was SO much different.

This time around, with Annie, the delivery was smooth, there were no complications, and at one point, Dr. Kolkind told me she could see her head and that she had dark hair, I was able to reach down and feel her hair and I just cried!! She was FINALLY HERE!! (well just a few more pushes LOL)!! So there were a couple more pushes after that and before I knew it, Justin was helping pull her out!! SO COOL!  I felt so incredibly connected and present during her entire birth which was such an amazing feeling. She was a healthy 6 pounds, 8 ounces.

I had to laugh because I felt SO great after giving birth, all of the dreaded symptoms I had while pregnant with Annie disappeared. I had more energy (instantly!), I was up and about and felt so good! Around 7am my Doctor came back in to check up on us and she saw how well I was doing and told me to have a nap and then I could go home later on that morning! YAHOOO!!! (don’t even ask me about the hospital go bag that barely got used LOL). But again, no regrets, it just felt good knowing I had it all there!! 

I had a few more visitors throughout the morning, had a nap like she suggested, and Justin came and picked us up that afternoon! Before the sunset on the 28th, We were at home as a family of 5 (yes, I included Nacho in that count!).

It’s been such an incredible experience so far and Justin and I are deeply in love with our little family. There’s certainly MORE that I want to tell you as we’ve had a few hiccups here and there (it hasn’t ALL been perfect lol) but I’ll update you on all of that in another blog! For now, I’m going to leave you to watch our birth story which I’m so excited for you to see!! Maybe grab a few tissues prior to hitting play … I know I needed them!!


Jilly, Justin, Leo, Annie & Nacho

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  1. Awwww. Damn girl. I’m ugly crying!!!! Maybe it’s because we are 27weeks prego. Maybe because we have been following you guys since you were prego with Leo. Our boys are only 5 weeks apart. Maybe because I feel like I know your family like a tiny bit. We used to live only a couple blocks up the hill from your parents. I met your dad when I worked for Art and Fay at west gate Rv, one season.

    You are an amazing person, we love following yours and Justin’s crazy life. It’s so humbling. What you have done for mommas for mommas is just heart warming.

    Love your story. Thanks for the good cry! ?. Love watching you all. And this has made me so excited for our little kiddos to meet in a couple more months ❤️

  2. You weren’t joking about needing tissues, haha I’m sitting here crying all the happy tears! This video was just the sweetest ever, couldn’t be happier for you Jillian! Annie is so precious and just beautiful! Congratulations again! ??

  3. Oh my word! Just balled my eyes out!!!
    She is the sweetest thing!
    Congrats Jilly, Justin, Leo and Nacho!

  4. This is the sweetest video! Wow, tissues are very needed, crying like a baby. This is adorable and such a Beautiful memory!!! Such a sweet family and congratulations again.

  5. Okay I definitely cried. Congrats to you and your beautiful family! We are expecting #2 this February and it’s been so fun following your journey!

  6. I love your birth story! Annie’s due date is actually my son’s birthday! Layne was born 10/12/2016! You’re little Annie is a Libra! If she is anything like my son watch out! You might have a string willed, stubborn, and independent little girl. Which is A-Okay! 😀

  7. Your family isBEAUTIFUL!!
    Reading and watching your birth story had me in tears!!! So beautiful.
    My baby the youngest of 4 and last one turns 2 tomorrow so I’m feeling extra emotional. How is. Y BABY 2??
    Hugs mamma and you are amazing !!!!!

  8. Beautiful story…I love all the history behind Annie’s name!!!.Thanks for sharing it with us…I love the blogs and Instagram and facebook posts!!You guys are doing a great job!!

  9. Great … Now I want another one ?? lol twin mommy here and we’re so scared to try again in fears of having another set of twins (it’s in my genetics) but this reminds me so much of all the love you feel and happiness that you get when your sweet ones comes into the world and it’s all something that I did! Thank you so much for sharing, in a world of sadness and crazy things going on you share with us that there is still things to be happy about and things that can make our hearts grow. Thank you ?❤

  10. You were right! I should have had tissues!!

    Congratulations Jillian !! You have a beautiful family!

    I have a 2 year old son Jakob and I’m pregnant with a baby girl come February! Watching Leo meet Annie got me so excited and emotional about when Jakob will meet his little sister!!

    Thank you for sharing!!


  11. So lovely. Congratulations to your beautiful family if five and thank you for sharing your lives with us. Best wishes from Atlanta, Georgia

  12. Truly enjoyed watching every minute of this!! So smart to video all that you did — such beautiful memories to treasure forever! Congratulations!! ? ?

  13. Wow! So happy for you! Thank you for sharing with us the family privat moments.
    I really needed my tissu! LoL!

  14. LOVE Everything about you and your family Jillian. I follow you and watch your insta stories daily.
    This birth story for Sweet little Annie made me cry and I don’t even personally know you. What a special moment and a fantastic memory to have that video. ❤️ Hugs!

  15. Welcome to the world Annie!
    September 28th is my birthday as well. A co-worker sent me a birthday horoscope and it rang very true for me. Thought I would share.

    If You Were Born Today, September 28
    You are a kind-hearted and generous person who will bend over backward to help out a friend or loved ones. You are exceptionally people-aware and a true humanitarian, but you do know where to draw the line. Goal-oriented and determined, you have all the ingredients for success. While you project an image of kindness, you are a strong person who is able to act according to your own beliefs and convictions. You are attracted to talented and successful people. Famous people born today: Confucius, Peter Finch, Ed Sullivan, Al Capp, Brigitte Bardot, Mira Sorvino, Naomi Watts.

  16. Congratulations on your beautiful daughter Annie! What a beautiful family and I’m so happy for all of you! I have followed you and loved you since The Bachelor and when you made all us Canadian proud when you were The Bachelorette and of course I watched many of your Love it or List it shows. Jillian you are beautiful inside and out, a remarkable woman and wonderful mother. I am a proud Torontoian and mother of 5 wonderful children. My oldest daughter just got married a few weeks ago and now I just can’t wait to become a grandmother.

  17. Love love love hearing other women’s birth stories? I thought the saaaame thing after I gave birth to my second…I could totally do that without the epidural! Then I had my third without it. Nothing could have prepared me for that? Sending lots of love to you and your beautiful fam?

  18. Love the video and birth story! Definitely brought me to tears! Welcoming a new baby into the world is so special! I also love her name so much. Both my first and middle names were the names of my Grandma’s and I feel so special to have been named after them. I’m sure Annie will feel the same!

  19. So sweet! Thanks for sharing, I am currently pregnant with my second, so definitely got me crying! Congrats beautiful mama!

  20. Jillian, you are an amazing human being. I adore you so much as a person. You inspire me every day. You are raw, you are real, you are beautiful

    Your Dad…? gosh he tugs at my heart strings. When he jumped in the pool at the gender reveal announcement, I lost it. Such a beautiful soul he is. I so strongly adore the love he has for you.

    Thank you so much for sharing ?

    All my love for you and your beautiful family

  21. Amazing!!! Congrats! Thanks for sharing. I had my daughter Zoe 11 days before you had Annie. Zoe is my first so I’m not quite as confident as you. I love seeing you out and about with your newborn. It gives me confidence I can do it too. Even as the cold weather comes around!! Thanks and congrats again!!

  22. Omg BEAUTIFUL!! I thought the 29th but I was wrong. Amazing spectacular family and blog. Love to all!! I am crying! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  23. Thanks so much for sharing Jill! Your birth sounded amazing and it’s so wonderful to hear how positive it was. I am due with my first in 5 weeks and it seems like people love to tell horror stories. I hope and pray mine is as wonderful as yours! I love following you on Instagram and wish you and your family the best ?

  24. What a beautiful family you have! The video brought me to tears, you can feel the abundance of love. Congratulations, Annie is beautiful!!

  25. I’m not going to lie, I definitely teared up when Leo held Annie for the first time. I just LOVE your sweet family! Congratulations on that sweet baby girl:)

  26. That was beautiful. I was in tears ? thank you so much for letting us be a part of your lives. You guys are amazing.

  27. Wow, thank you for sharing! So beautiful, and seeing Leo and Annie together was so amazing! The tissues were a good call lol! Congratulations ?

  28. Tears ?So happy for you and your family. Such a beautiful birth story.
    I had two epidurals with inductions and often wonder what a natural birth would be like. However, I feel the epidural helps you to be present and connect with the experience. Pain is all you can think about when you are in it.

  29. Thank you so much for sharing these intimate moments of your family. I was fine until Leo met her the boo hoo. Congratulations.

  30. Loved this! What an incredible memory to have. Mackenzie did a phenomenal job. What a photographer! Want a good laugh? Go back to Leo’s second birthday and turn up the sound. Listen to everyone singing happy birthday. ?. It sounds so deep and slow. hahaha.

  31. Love your story thanks for sharing it with us!! I had my second in April and reading your story brought back all those amazing feels!! I also love the name Annie, it makes me think of the song by The Zac Brown Band “Sweet Annie” such a great song!!!

  32. Jill!
    I have a four year old Leo born on September 28 2014. I have a one year old Maren and when she was born was 6lbs 8 oz. Weird hey? Congratulations to your beautiful family. May you have all the blessings life can hand you.
    Fredericton NB

  33. Congratulations and Mnohaya Lita (happy birthday in Ukrainian) to little Annie. Ps I needed the tissue warning before I started reading this!! It’s such a sweet, very personal story and kind of you to share with your fans. I’m sure your grandma was with you that night and is smiling at her namesake daily. Annie is beautiful, as is your entire family. Thanks for sharing and good luck as you all settle in as a family of 5!!

  34. Awe so sweet she’s beautiful thankyou for sharing your story brought me to tears a few times the gender reveal and Leo meeting his lil sister and in bed with you holding Annie so precious congratulations to all of you welcome Annie I’m just waiting for my 5th grandchild to be born in 4 weeks

  35. Your birth story was beautiful. First I read the story and you had me in tears,at the part where the 4 of you layed in bed together. So when I watched the video i was already very emotional and it was so well done. Thankyou for sharing this experience will all of your followers. ?

  36. Hello Jilly,
    So happy for you all. Congratulations! Annie is so precious and it it so cool that she is named after Aunt Annie who, unfortunately I never met. She and Uncle George would be so proud. My Mom’s name was also Annie so two of the Harris brother’s married Annie’s! I am just so glad everything went well and you are all healthy and happy.

    Love Angie xo

  37. Thank you for sharing! I love your family, everything about sweet Annie’s birth story made my heart melt.
    So happy for you all!

  38. So crazy!! I found out I was pregnant the exact same night you did and gave birth by planned csection to our baby boy the day before you on Sept 27th. I also have a 2 yr old son. Congratulations to you all! You have a beautiful family.

  39. Love ???she’s precious and your whole family is adorable! Thank you for sharing Annie’s birth story with all of us ?

  40. That was such a beautiful video and birth story!!! I love her name sooooo much!! And I love how much Leo loves her!! Wishing you all the best!!

  41. What a beautiful story. Leo is just so adorable. He is going to be such a wonderful big brother to little Annie xx

  42. Thank you for sharing! This brought major tears to my eyes. I’m 8 months pregnant with my second and totally feel that guilt about having another child but also the excitement that goes along with it all. I’m definitely going to take a page out of your book a get a picture of the 3 of us on the last night before we become a family of 4.
    You have a beautiful family.

  43. Just watched your birth story Jill, you were right tears are rolling down my cheeks! Happy tears of course. Thank you so much for sharing your story. You are the most genuine, caring wife and mother. Justin, Leo, Annie and Nacho are blessed to have you.

  44. Well that wasn’t emotional at all ???. So so sweet! Leo meeting Annie was pure love ? congrats! Such a beautiful little family!

  45. What a heart warming, sweet story! My son was also born on Sept 28th which made me even more emotional watching your video. Such a special day in our lives ❤. Congrats to your beautiful family.

  46. And while you were watching the sunset I was at Sparkling Hills celebrating my niece turning 30! Yes she and Annie share the same date just 30 years apart.? Congrats to you all.

  47. Thankyou Jillian for romedling … flawlessly, womanhood, motherhood and FAMILY. You ARE a rare and special human being. ????‍♀️?‍?‍?‍?????????

  48. My heart! So incredibly beautiful! Welcome to the world sweet Annie! Congrats Jillian, Justin, Leo & Nacho ❤️

  49. Oh Jill, I am ugly crying over that video. It was so special. And boy, I had such a similar pregnancy with my son. Almost to a T. I couldn’t eat for weeks. I was so sick. When I tried to eat the food would sit in my throat and would come up in my sleep. Same as you, my doctor was afraid the baby was too small. So i had the extra ultrasounds. I’m built just like you so the doc thought I would have a small baby anyway. I honestly was miserable from conception to birth. My delivery, like yours with Annie was very smooth. It was as if someone wanted to give me a break after such a miserable pregnancy. And just as you said, the second he was born, I was ready to rock. I wanted to eat, I could breathe again and I had so much more energy. So thank you for sharing your story. I also love how you include Nacho. I think I’ve told you before that I have 2 boxers and even after we had our son (Liam), our girls never got pushed to the side. They are our kids as well. After watching your video I’m so angry with myself. I was so miserable during my pregnancy that I didn’t take videos and didn’t want anyone to take pics of me. Because I felt so bad, I thought I looked as bad as I felt. And I deprived my son and myself of the memories. I do have a few videos of him kicking in my belly but not a whole lot more. Thankfully I have the memory and at night when I’m putting Liam to bed, I tell him all about the night he was born. Anyway, I am so happy for you. I’ve followed your journey since the bachelorette and I’ve always had a soft spot for you. You are real, you are beautiful, and you are wise beyond your years. You have the most beautiful family and I wish you, Justin, Leo, Annie and Nacho all the happiness and love in the world. Keep up the good work. You are a super mom!!

  50. Hi a gift for annie was delivered to scrub captain today, I didn’t know where else to mail it to. I’m from an Australia 🙂

  51. Congratulations to all of you! She is so gorgeous!! You make the most beautiful babies. I love that one was blond without any hair really and one is dark with lots of hair. Us girls need lots of hair for our hair accessories, lol. Wishing you all the best and continued happiness

  52. This is so precious. Thank you for letting us into your world. Congratulations on your beautiful and sweet family! ❤️

  53. That was a beautiful video of Annie new beginning. Just love following you and your family. Your amazing Jillian. Xo.

  54. Thank you for sharing that! My 3 were all born at KGH as well and ive fallen so in love with Annie
    Congrats on your new addition!!

  55. I’m pretty much drenched in tears of joy. Absolutely the most beautiful journey and so much authentic emotions. Thank you for sharing.

  56. This was too sweet! Watching Leo with Annie makes me want to hurry up and have my first baby just so I can have a second one sooner!

  57. Fantastic video documenting your pregnancy journey & Annie’s arrival! I watched it twice lol & cried both times when Leo was sitting in bed with you & Justin brought ‘Leo’s baby’ to him to hold. Such a sweet moment. Congratulations Jillian to you & your family!

  58. My second’s birth was almost the same
    I remember leaving our little girl as well feeling sad it was our last night as a family of three
    Our son was the easiest birth as well (my water broke and they gave me my epidural before I had a contraction (almost felt like cheating lol)
    Congrats on your new addition!

  59. Beautiful story! and as I said in Instagram, you wont regret to have kept this moment as a more intimate one, as these memories are for the rest of your lives.
    Really enjoyed it as I couldnt enjoy my two sons ones due to some familiar problems.
    Keep on keeping the more sentitive events in your life only for you. Thank you for sharing

  60. Thank you for sharing your story Jillian! My daughter is now 8, but it brought back so many memories, especially since Dr Kolkind is my doctor as well! I ended up having an emergency c-section but she was there with the whole time and was a great support. I hope you are back on track getting all those nutrients you need again.

  61. Congratulations Jillian,Justin, Leo and Nacho on the beautiful addition of Annie to your family. Lots of fabulous family experiences and memories are just starting! Enjoy your adventures.

  62. Aww, I should have got the tissues like you said, my heart can’t take the sweetness! Congrats to you and you sweet little family of five!

  63. BAWLING… sweet, thank you for including us in your special private moments Jill and family. I was never able to have a second baby, but i dreamed of a sweet sibling moment like Leo had with Annie…it was as heartbreaking for me as it was magical.

  64. So beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing. Brings back many good memories and feelings when mine were small. Blessings to you and your family!

  65. I. Am. Bawling! The part that really hit home was spending time with just Leo before going to the hospital. Our little boy is 2 weeks younger than Leo (actually born on Leo’s due date) and we plan on having a second but I’m sad about saying good bye to the Alastair-only era. Plus every time we ask if he wants a baby brother or sister, he adamently replies NO. Good luck to you guys. Your family is beautiful. Thanks for always being so candid and opening to us readers. It means more than you might even realize. xo

  66. So sweet! What an amazing video – it definitely had my 25 week pregnant self over here in tears! Love to everyone!

  67. Beautiful and just thank you for sharing your life! You make me feel like I am not alone and that it’s all going to be ok! I hope to one day get to tell you that in person over a glass of wine!

  68. A little late in viewing this, but oh Jilly, what a sweet, real-life story! Here’s to your precious family of 5,??

  69. Your video is the sweetest thing and sounds like an amazing delivery! I have had a rough pregnancy and am hoping that my delivery in May makes up for it! I just read your fav name list which led me to this blog! It makes me so happy that Bea is one of Annie’s middle names! I’m praying my baby is a girl so that one of her middle names can be Bea after my Great Grandma Bea! No one has named their baby after her yet and she was the sweetest lady! I really hope I get to pay tribute to her with a lil girl of my own!

  70. Congratulations to you and your family on the birth of your beautiful baby girl. Now you have the perfect family, all the best to Everyone. Enjoy each day.

  71. Congratulations ! you re so candid about things… i never expected to read about things so natural and open without being over the top and bragging. thanks for sharing, its really a pleasure when we can relate to other people. it makes us somewhat more happy with life! all the bleesings for your family!

  72. Just watched this for the first time and it’s so sweet. I was bawling when Leo was meeting Annie for the first time and being just the best big brother.

  73. Dear Jillian, Justin, Leo and Annie;

    Congratulations and Mazal Tov on the birth of your beautiful daughter Annie!! She is so precious!!

    You are now a family of five!!

    Love one of your Fans: Bonnie Sugar ❌⭕️???

  74. Hey jillian
    First i want to congradulate you your partner and son on the new edition to the family wow what a beauty, Im from New Zealand and im a big fan of your show love it or list it, The ideas your designs love it, love your personality your facials towards Todd makes me laugh! We are probably behind the times with the program and the video i just watched was from last year any way thought id write a comment anyway, Their are some great research out their for parents . Theirs this amazing person and he is an educator of child development Neuroscience Educator Nathan Wallis i highly recommend, i am a ece teacher and i love my job. Children are challenging and a blessing enjoy

    Whiona : )

  75. Hi Jillian! Just watched the video of Annie’s birth… it made me cry. I still remember the birth of my son and everyday leading up to it. I was in final directed studies at BCIT when found out I was pregnant. I was 37 yrs old. Not going to make this a long story.. but what a truly wonderful experience being pregnant and giving birth. I always said, even to this day, if I could have bottled how I felt the whole pregnancy I would have sold it and been the richest woman in the world. I’m glad after Annie’s birth you felt better. You are such a good good person; love your values and you joie de vivre.. all the very best… your fan, Carole

  76. Cingratulations!! Thank you for sharing your heartwarming birth experience with your fans, Especially me, A 69 year old Ukrainian lady. Lol. All the best as you celebrate Christmas as a family of 5.
    . Love Linda D. Mulligan

  77. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter…I just found this blog! I’m so impressed with you sharing this story with your fans, Jillian, and as you surmised the video moved me to tears. I have been a maternity nurse for over 35 years in Vancouver, BC and I can tell you I have seen a lot! But what strikes me about your story is two things. First the amazing sense of love and support from your family and friends and how you embrace how valuable that is in raising your children. And second is the incredible job you did of introducing Leo to his sister and making him such a big part of her birth and including him in every aspect. This is also the foundation of a beautiful lifetime relationship between them. Good job to you and Justin.
    I am a huge fan of your show and wish you all the best. Keep blogging! 💕

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