THAT’S A WRAP FOLKS!! Holy shit!!! Can you guys believe it?? Nick’s search for love is OVER!! As Nick put it in his Instagram post last night … “Over 3 years, 4 seasons … 27 rose ceremonies, 1 first impression rose, 1 time villain, couple of group date roses, more 1 on 1’s than I can count, 6 fantasy suite dates, endless tears, a couple of broken hearts and much more” Nick Viall is FREAKIN ENGAGED … and she said YES!!
And the cherry on top? He ended up with the girl of EVERY guy’s dreams!! And no, I’m not just saying that because she’s Canadian … LOL!!! She’s just so down to earth, sweet, genuine and not to mention, drop dead frickin gorgeous!! PLUS … she doesn’t hold back with Nick and she doesn’t let him get away with resisting his feelings which I REALLY think Nick needs!!

Now … having said that … I’m actually super concerned about what their life is going to be like from here on out … like, I don’t want her to move to the states and quit her job … and I don’t want her to be far away from her family and I don’t want Nick to be on Dancing with the Stars just as they’re beginning their relationship … and … OMG … WTF am I doing?! LOL … as I’m sitting here typing this I’m starting to think that it’s weird that I am so worried about all of this!! Lol!! They’re grown adults … LOL … I’m sure they will figure it all out!! I’ll save my stressing for other things in MY life … you do you Nick and Vanessa, you do you. Lol!!

Moving on … LOL … as much as I was SOOO happy to see Nick propose to Vanessa (I knew that girl would make it to the end!!) I was also sooo damn upset to see Raven go!! She is such a sweet girl and she totally handled everything with such grace and class. I seriously cannot wait to see this girl rock Bachelor in Paradise … OMG … I just thought of something … I wonder if WELLS will be on Bachelor in Paradise?!?! Holy shit … remember in my previous recap when I mentioned they would be great together?? Eeeeppp!! I hope this happens!! C’mon Chris … make this happen!!

Oh my goodness … I feel as though this season of the Bachelor was such a whirlwind from Shark Girl to the Platinum Vagine … this season really has been awesome for SO many reasons … I had so many laughs and teary eyed moments and I literally fell in love with each of the girls! Not only were they just a great freakin group of women but they were each so unique and amazing in their own way, these girls rocked!!
I’ll wrap this up here now but before I go, I have to say, I’m TRULY happy Nick found love, he TOTALLY deserves love (everyone does!!) and I’m very happy he found it with such an amazing woman!! I can’t wait to see how their relationship unfolds. Wishing them many laughs, copious adventures and fun and sweet, sweet memories!
OMG … I literally just realized that there is no more Bachelor for two (ish) months … WTF am I going to do on Monday night’s now?!?! Eeeeepppp!! I can’t FREAKIN WAIT until Rachel’s season and The Bachelor in Paradise!! Let the (LONG) countdown begin …
Fear not: RHoNY starts soon. It was a great season. Still think Nick should have picked Rachel. Vanessa is a winner winner chicken dinner and he’s lucky to have her but it’s going to be much more complicated because of location. Rachel’s season should be great. She’s fun.
Yes!! I can’t WAIT for Rachel’s season!!
OK – you need to watch Big Brother Canada to fill your weekday nights. Premiere is tomorrow night!
Also, am I the only one who thinks Raven and Wells look like they could be brother and sister??
LOL!!!! You’re right … they kind of do!!
Congrats to Nick and Vanessa, you are right, she is gorgeous. Those Canadian girls, I’ll tell ya. 🙂 Her smile is Julia Roberts 100%.. BUT… It felt slightly awkward watching them on ATFR. They seemed as happy as being at someone’s funeral. Don’t hate me Jilly, it really did. He was NOT Raven’s prince, she will get him, she has to be the sweetest gal… I love her..
Bottom line, best wishes, DWTS is not going to help focus on a relationship that they already said has been tough.
Her smile really DOES look like Julia Roberts!!! Good call @disqus_fcPK6HjMZj:disqus XOXO
I think Corrine also needs to go to Paradise…..just sayin’
My first choice would have been Raven, but we’ll see how that is going to work with Vanessa. He did say he loved being an American…I think Montreal is awesome.
Time will tell!! xo
I didn’t watch the season, just the ATFR. It felt so uncomfortable. Did something happen between these two?
I’m not sure!! I hope not!! XO
You could totally tell this was coming because of the way the previews tried to make you think they were on rocky ground! They have great chemistry together.
P.S. Raven and Wells would be super cute. Dying to see if he shows up?!
And I, too, am concerned about this DWTS thing. I wish he would just focus his attention on her for a bit. Oh well. they will sort it out. I think they have the maturity to make it work though they will have some hurdles to sort out their location/job situations.
Yes!!! I really hope Wells shows up too but either way I’m so curious to know who else will be on Bachelor In Paradise!!! XOXO @disqus_HWkSZ4wpXg:disqus
I’m betting they will ask him because he got the short end of the stick last year showing up late. I just hope Ashley I. isn’t there acting like she owns him because they went on one date last year! I would also like to see poor Jared get a chance at meeting someone without Ashley sabotaging him!!!
Her coat in that fourth picture should so totally have been the Hudson Bay colours
Yes!! Good call @levit:disqus XOXO
Dancing with the Stars will fit nicely into that Monday night slot 🙂