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Bachelorette Recap: There Is a New Bachelorette in Town

Hi everyone! It’s Abbi here and I am back for another Bachelorette recap! Since we skipped last week’s recap, I’m going to share a recap from the last two episodes! If you missed my previous blogs you can check them out here!

Let’s kick it off with Clare’s last official episode, shall we!

Clare Crawley and Chris Harrison's Chat

Image Credit: New York Post

Clare & Chris Harrison’s Chat

Clare and Chris Harrison sit down for a chat because if it’s not obvious they need to chat about what’s going on with her and Dale. Right off the bat, she asks “What do we do from here?” I felt like this was pretty clear, but what seems to make the most sense is if you’re so gaga for Dale maybe resign as the Bachelorette? LOL!

They continued their chat, and did any of you really believe that Dale and Clare had NO contact before the show? There is such a thing as “love at first sight” but I just don’t know if I believe it! During the first episode, Blake mentioned he reached out to Clare before they started filming, and I don’t know if I believe that she and Dale had no contact before the show either!

I was on pins and needles as Chris Harrison walked into the room to break the news to the rest of the guys… or so I thought. I was shocked when instead of updating them with what was going on, he simply just pulled Dale aside to share this with him and let him know that he’s going on a one-on-one with Clare. Talk about stressful AND confusing!

Clare Crawley Memes

Image Credit: Elite Daily

Clare and Dale’s One-On-One

When Dale and Clare sat down to chat about her feelings he looked very overwhelmed to me! If I was him I would be thinking “Wow this chick is getting ahead of herself!” At the end of their conversation, it seemed as though Clare was looking to recreate her mom and dad’s love story! But her and Dale’s will be a LITTLE different given that it is broadcasted on live television! LOL!

Was it just me or did Dale look like a deer in the headlights when Clare confessed her love for him? Even though they both seemed to be on the same page I don’t think Dale was entirely prepared for exactly what was about to come next…

I was SO excited to see Bri Satuss and Chris Watson, winners of Listen to Your Heart signing at the end of their impromptu date! Did anyone else LOVE that show? Crossing my fingers and toes that it airs for a second season!

Clare breaks it off

Personally, I think the other guys should have been in the loop from the get-go! They each have given up so much to be there, and keeping them out of the loop made me feel so icky. Like either send them home or tell them what’s up so that they’re not all sitting there awkwardly wondering! As soon as Clare shared the news with all of the guys their faces said it all, they were in complete disbelief!

I have to say that I was really impressed with how most of the guys handled the situation! The majority of the guys just wanted what was best for her or at least that’s what they portrayed.

Clare Crawley and Dale's Proposal

Image Source: US Weekly

The Proposal

At the end of the day, it made sense why they had to get right to the proposal, Neil Lane needed the spotlight for a second! LOL!

Dale mentioned that he isn’t stressed, feels calm but that is all going to change in a hot minute. Yes, Chris please fill Dale in that he is about to have to propose to Clare before I fall off my chair! I think panic started to set in when Chris told him that this was the final step.

My stomach dropped as Chris (instead of Dale) walked down the aisle! He mentioned that there was something he needed to tell Clare. At that moment, I thought Dale had decided that he wasn’t going to propose to her, but instead, Chris wanted to tell Clare that “they are so proud of her”… like come on! Give the girl (and us) a break! 

I have to admit, even though I wasn’t the biggest fan of these last few episodes I did get the chills when Dale got down on one knee and proposed. I honestly didn’t see it coming! So happy for Clare that she was brave enough to know exactly what she wanted and found love, regardless of how quickly it was!

Tayshia Adam's The New Bachelorette

Image Source: People

Tayshia’s in Town

The guys were surprised when Tyshia showed up and they were SO happy to see her. I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t a huge fan of Tayshia after the last season of Bachelor in Paradise, but she is already growing on me. I was happy to she refrained from a rose ceremony the first night and refrained from sending any of the guys home!

Tayshia Adam's  First Group Date

Image Source: New York Post

Tayshia’s First Group Date

The first date starts off with Tayshia and the guys stripping off their clothes and jumping right into the pool! Uh oh, did anyone else have a flashback to Yosef being really upset about the strip dodgeball date? LOL!

Side note… is anyone impressed that she seems to already know ALL of the guy’s names? Have you ever wondered how they memorize their names so quickly or if they are actually wearing an earpiece! LOL!

In my opinion, Tayshia keeps proving that she is already a much better bachelorette than Clare (sorry, Clare!)! I was really impressed to see that she altered the rules slighlty and decided to have the losing team return for the date after the winning team had some one-on-one time with her! 

It was nice to see the guys that have been there from the beginning are really opening up to Tayshia! Even though we saw an instant connection with Tayshia and Spencer she still was open to meeting ALL of the guys! 

Let’s talk about Spencer for a moment, is anyone else annoyed with him already? He is just too cocky for me and I envision things getting heated with him and the other guys moving forward!  There are parts of me that like him and then there are other times that just don’t.

I loved how Tayshia took the time to thank each guy during the date before handing out the final Rose! In the end Eazy got the group date rose and I was SO excited about that.

Tayshia Adam's and Brendan's One-On-One Date

Image Source: Refinery 29

Brendan’s One-On-One

As soon as Brendan’s name appeared on the date card I’m going to be honest, I didn’t picture them having a connection. BUT I was so surprised to see actually how strong of a connection they had!! They were both so calm and collected and shared such deep personal stories with one another. By the end of their date, I was a big fan of Tayshia and Brendan!

Well, this week was a big recap and I am already excited for next week’s episode now that Tayshia has taken the reins!

Let me know in the comments below, are you a fan of Tayshia as the new Bachelorette?

Until next week!



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  1. 💯 Fan!! I love her. She actually takes the time to get to know people. I really wanted her to be The Bachelorette before Hannah got picked so I’m so happy she’s getting her turn now.

  2. I also was not a big fan of Tayshia before the show, but after her arrival, she has been great, I really like her! The energy is different and it feels like I am watching the Bachelorette, finally. Even the guys are different, they have a spark and are definitely interested (unlike with Claire, lol)

  3. At least this time the bachelors seem a bit more mature. Never would have picked Brendan first but as the date continued I started to really like the guy.

  4. I feel kinda bad for Clare, you could tell that Dale was there for the publicity. I don’t see that lasting very long, once her lust covered eyes are opened. She deserves to get dumped after the way she treated the other guys and the show in general. Sorry to say but she is the reason I give up on this show. Clare ruined it and it WILL end up biting her in the butt. Sorry not sorry

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