What a week it has been! From filming the show to picking up decor for the nursery, attending events, fitting in a pre-natal barre class and a loooonggg drive back home, this week has got me pooped! But the best part of this entire week hands down was the launch of the JHxMA ‘Summer Love’ jewelry collection!! We have had such a great response so far, some of the pieces are already sold out!! Thank you guys SO much for loving it as much as I do! This is a really special project to me, as I mentioned in this post (opens in a new tab), so thank you for all the amazing support! If you haven’t checked out the Summer Love collection yet, shop it here quick before more sells out!!
Without further ado, I give you another week in my closet…

JHxMA’Summer Love’ Collection (opens in a new tab)

dress (opens in a new tab) | coat (opens in a new tab) | sneakers (opens in a new tab)
earings & necklace (opens in a new tab)

sunnies (opens in a new tab) | dress (opens in a new tab)
dress (opens in a new tab) | watch (opens in a new tab) | lipstick (opens in a new tab)
PS. I would love to see pics of you guys in your JHxMA Summer Love pieces so be sure to hashtag your photos #JHxMA #SummerLove and let me know what you think of this weeks outfits!!
LOVEEEEE those sandals!!!!
Did you take down the jeans? I thought I looked last week & there were h&m jeans. I’d love to buy them but don’t see the link anymore. 🙁