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11 Simple Changes to Live a More Plant-Based Lifestyle

I’m back with some more plant-based info for you!! Last week I shared my advice for those of you who are considering moving to a more plant-based lifestyle, if you missed this post, make sure to check it out here. And, today I wanted to follow that up with 11 super SIMPLE changes you can make in your day to day lives to lead to a plant focused life!!

I promise you these tips are really easy to follow and you might even enjoy doing them and the best part? You can start them TODAY!!

Okay, here we go!

Jillian Harris Tips for a Plant Based Diet

1. Swap Out Your Mayo!

Even if you’re not going completely plant-based, reducing is just as important! If you haven’t tried a vegan mayo yet, Hellman’s vegan mayo is amazing!!

2. Swap Out Your Margarine and Butter!

Our favourite is Earth Balance … you seriously won’t even notice the difference AND they make sticks of butter too!

3. Change Up Your Starbucks Order!

If you’re Starbucks regular, give their soy latte a try … I actually find them WAY better than the regular milk ones. Also, if soy milk isn’t your jam, they also have almond and coconut milk lattes there now!! The options are endless!

4. Read the Ingredients!

Often times, there will be 2 of the same options, but one will be naturally vegan and the other will contain eggs or dairy… which often isn’t necessary!

5. Start with Going Plant Based ONCE a Week

I mentioned this in my previous blog (click here to read it!), I find the best way to slowly introduce plant-based recipes into your home (and sneak them past your hubby … lol) is starting small like Meatless Monday’s! Trust me, there are SO MANY amazing vegan recipes out there, your loved ones will totally gobble them right up!

6. Don’t Skip Over the Vegan Menu

When you’re out at a restaurant make sure to check out their vegan options, you might be pleasantly surprised as to what they have to offer and JUST how yummy it is!! I always look at their vegan items first, if none of them jump out at me then I either get a vegetarian item or an item with fish, especially if it’s ocean wise! I almost ALWAYS find something that I am happy with using my guidelines and at least I can omit chicken, pork or beef!

7. It Takes Time

Unless you’re a super star (which many of you are) it won’t happen over night. Don’t quit and say “I tried but I just couldn’t do it”, instead, praise yourself for the small victories, continue to source from small local farms and markets, and experiment in the kitchen when you can! Don’t beat yourself up if you cave and do a late night drive through … just try a little better the next day!

8. Try Coconut Ice Cream

If you love your sweets and can’t bear the thought of being without them then I suggest trying coconut ice cream!! My favourite is Luna and Larry’s Chocolate Chip Cookie and their Amaretto Cherry flavour!! My gawdddd … now I want some!! LOL!

9. Try Coconut Whip Instead of Regular Whip

It comes in those fun aresol dispensers AND in the tub so you don’t have to make your own!! Buttt if you DO want to make your own see how you can do that, here!

10.  Try These Tried and True Brands

Some of my favourite brands include Kite Hill, Miyokos, Gardein, Amande Yogurt and also your local farmers market will SURELY have some amazing meat and dairy substitutes for you to try!

11. Try “Beefless” Beef Veggie Stock

If you’re making a savoury dish that usually has beef or pork in it try “beefless”  beef veggie stock by Better than Boullion to your savory pies, spaghetti sauces, meatballs, meatloaf etc!

Jillian Harris Tips for a Plant Based Diet

I hope these tips help you!! If you have your own tips to post them in the comments section below!



Leave a Reply

  1. I love this post! Thank you for sharing. I’m vegetarian and trying to go vegan, so this is very helpful. I’m going to try all your recommendations!

    1. Same! I’m vegetarian and trying so hard to become vegan – these posts help because I’m not alone! Great tips – thanks!

  2. Thanks! These are solid practical tips for working plant based foods into a diet. I’ve been a veggie for most of my life & find there are some really good & really not-so-good plant based products on the market. So don’t be discouraged if you try something & don’t love it, just keep trying 🙂

    In addition to the products Jilly has listed above I also find Becel vegan margarine, Earth Island Vegenaise & Better than Bouiliion are solid options.

  3. LOVE this!!! I am trying to become more plant based myself and the struggle is REAL!!! Small changes add up and definitely make it so much easier. You can’t change your life overnight. Thanks Jillian.


  4. Love this Jilly! I am no where near plant-based – I live with a hunter so this would be difficult (but never say never?!) – however, I’m so pleased to say that I practice most of your tips above so I’m proud I’m making a tiny difference 🙂

  5. Such a helpful post! I always look forward to seeing what plant-based products you’ve been testing out – Thank you for doing the hard work for us 😛

    With Thanksgiving coming up, I’ve been looking for a vegan pumpkin pie recipe – do you have any recommendations? Anything you’ve tried out?

    Thanks xox

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