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Ask Jilly: Episode 2

Good morning loves!! I’m so excited because today I get to share our SECOND episode of Ask Jilly with you!! Eeeepp!! We had SUCH a great response from our first vlog that we knew we had to keep these rolling!! In addition to the great comments, we also received LOTS of amazing feedback from you … construction criticism … if you will … LOL!! But we LOVE hearing ways we can improve so we made sure to listen and make some improvements the second time around!! In the first video, you informed us that it was a little hard to hear me and I was a bit out of focus and that SOMEONE … ahem … Nacho … ahem … was SUPER distracting! LOL! So, we took your advice and switched locations and waited until Nacho was sleepy to film this one! LOL!

We also received soooo many questions that we thought it might be fun to choose one topic to focus on per episode and answer a few questions that fall into that particular subject, so today our topic is CAREER focused!! Today I’m sharing some of my advice on work/life balance and some tips and insights for those of you out there who might be toying with the idea of starting up your own blog!! Plus I also get a bit sidetracked here and there … LOL!!

Let’s take a look!!

Β Shirt | Jeans | Watch

I hope you enjoyed episode two!! The girls TRIED to keep me in line so we could make this one a bit shorter for you but hey, I like to talk! LOL!!!

Ps. If you missed episode one, check it out here!

As always, make sure to comment below with questions YOU have for me and they might just be answered in our next vlog!



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  1. online tutorials would be so amazing! I have been blogging on and off for about 5 years now and would really like to make it more of a priority!

    also – if you started a baby clothes line, just take all of my money

  2. Hi Jillian,
    Fellow designer here!
    I would love some advice on how to get into television while maintaining my designer status and build up a following.
    Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated!
    Kind regards,

  3. U would be so helpful with clothing. I’m older and I love your clothes. Home decorating is always helpful from u Jillian. I know it’s a lot of work. Looking forward to what u have to offer. Keep us posted.

  4. I love watching your vlogs. Please please do a home tour of your new house! I need inspiration lol. You know like you said our moms would stay at home and take care of the house and kids but not just because it was to hard to manage everything but they could afford to live on one salary. Now a day it’s almost impossible to be a stay at home mom. Cost of life is a lot higher and we seem to want everything and we want it now. I love how pure you are. I have been following you for a while and i rarely comment but sometimes seeing those stupid and harsh comments on your instagram just breaks my heart. I would feel like bashing those people but you know what they are not worth it. You are who you are and don’t ever change that. What’s important is the people around you who supports and love you and all your fans that look up to you.

  5. For sure you need a tv show! We would all watch it! Or even a segment on a regular airing show like global news fashion ambassador! The options are endless! Good luck as you expand the brand! Maybe even Jillian. Harris doggy day care! Lol and canned peaches! Good luck

  6. Loved this episode πŸ™‚ nacho is the cutest, he must have gotten some good cardio in time for your video lol. I like the idea of a limited affordable fashion line in conjunction with a known brand, travel and fashion blogs, more relationship insight, wedding planning posts/ideas….also can you tell me: did you bring your own cocktail umbrellas for your westjet plus drinks?! Do they have them in some secret cupboard? Do i need to request it for my next flight? This is time sensitive info lolol

  7. I love all of your media platforms, and am really excited to see what is coming for the future of your business!

    Also, I would LOVE to know where you got the pillows on your couch? They are gorgeous!!!

    1. Ohhhh I know right?! I have a bit of a pillow addiction! Some of them are from HomeSense, the others are from The Cross!! XOXO

  8. Love these vlogs! Thanks for sharing your life and tips with us πŸ™‚ question, where is Leo’s highchair from? Love how sleek and clean it is!

    1. It’s only our second one so we are still working out some kinks. Thank you for your feedback and your patience, Sylvia! XO

  9. O my goodness Jillian! Thankyou for always being so real, I appreciate it especially as a newbie blogger trying to rediscover who I am as a mom of two. How do you make your Instagram page so flawless? Serious page evny! I love being a local small shop influencer, but it’s hard because lots of it comes out of my pocket. I notice you give shoutouts to lots of small brands! Is this because product is given to you? Or have you purchased and just fell in love?

  10. Where are those large matches in the pretty bottle from? Also, I didn’t catch the vegan blogger name you mentioned – can you post the link to her page? Thanks for another great episode!

  11. Loved the second vlog, keep them coming!! ? They’re so fun and refreshing, and it’s lovely hearing you chat about all these areas of your life and career and dreams! ?

  12. Hey Jillian! I find these Ask Jilly Episodes super inspiring! I really like that you guys chose to focus each episode on one particular topic. Fabulous idea! Look forward to watching more!

    1. I love the way you present yourself – sometimes dressed up and sometimes just very simple and real! It is not only about glamour all the time.
      Maybe you can share some tips on how to overcome your fears when starting something. You seem very fearless to me and I don’t think you prevent yourself of doing something when you have the desire

  13. what i like is that you keep it real, also Leo and nacho are just so freaking adorable! love the videos and lets be real i love everything that you post. you are my inspiration girl. keep it up girl!

    1. Hi Jill, i would love if you could talk or write a blog about Leo’s feeding. He seems to be self fed and i would like if you could give some tips, reason why you chose that… and just overall sone information about how he is fed. My baby boy is 5 months and its time to think about feeding soon… and i look up to you for advice!

      Thanks a lot

  14. Loved this so much Jillian, especially how real you were! It’s super comforting to know that even someone like you, struggles with very similar things that I do.. figuring out how to balance being a mom, spouse, the house, & working at home with kids while having a husband who gets to go to work, and getting overwhelmed.
    I’m also toying with the idea of starting a blog or a vlog, but I’m in need of direction, so you were very helpful. Thanks for sharing! xo

  15. Hi Jillian!!
    You are such an inspiration not only in fashion and lifestyle but to myself as a marketing and social design student! I am doing a grad certificate in Interactive Marketing Communications and look to you for ideas on how to market myself! Would you ever hire a student intern?

  16. Thank you so much for making these videos, I learn so much and I love getting inspiration from you! Thank you for answering my question from your previous vlog, honestly means so much to hear advice from you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Can’t wait for the next vlog!

    Lethbridge, AB

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