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10 Easy Baby Hacks

I LOVE a good hack when I find one! I mean, who doesn’t?! It’s funny after having a baby you start thinking up and coming across these helpful hacks that make life that much easier when dealing with your growing babe and I know there are SO MANY hacks out there for parents but I wanted to share a few of my favourite hacks that I used around here and in return, I want to hear YOUR favourite because I’m sure there are some gooders out there!! Like the other day, someone told me that I could get this Baby Trend Range Jogging Stroller to go out on my regular jog with my baby and not having to worry about finding someone to take care of them.

Alright, let’s get right to it!! Of course, my first hack is decor related … LOL!! Go figure!!!

1. Formula Storage Container: I don’t know about you but I hate having those tins of formula on my counters, normally because they don’t look the nicest so I decided to transfer Leo’s formula into a super cute glass container and it looks WAY BETTER on the counter!! Ummm helllooooo decor hack!!!

Jillian Harris Baby Hacks

2. Ikea Drawer Organizers: These are the bee’s knees!! Seriously! I use Ikea drawer organizers to help keep Leo’s baby boy clothes neat and tidy in his dresser AND I also use them in our suitcase when we’re packing to go on vacation!! It makes travelling a BREEZE because you don’t have to pull out all of the baby onesies in order to find something!!

Jillian Harris Baby Hacks Jillian Harris Baby HacksJillian Harris Baby Hacks

3. EZPZ Happy Mats: Ok, these things are brilliant! They stick to tables and most high chairs so your babe can’t fling them around while eating and better yet, YOU don’t have to hold them in place!! The great thing about these is your child can use them for a solid few years and they’re really easy to clean! Pretty damn good purchase if you ask me!!

Jillian Harris Baby Hacks

4. Vinyl Mat: I just recently purchased this vinyl mat and I put it underneath Leo’s highchair so when he decides to throw his food on the floor for Nacho … and Nacho licks it up or leaves it be, the mess is only in one small spot that is super easy to clean up! Until Leo’s throwing arm get’s stronger, that is … LOL!!!! The one I purchased was a bit on the pricey side but you can find vinyl mats online and at places like Winners and HomeSense that are SUCH a great price and will work just as good!

Jillian Harris Baby Hacks

5. Nest Cam: We use our Nest Cam not only as our indoor/outdoor security camera but also as a baby monitor for Leo and we LOVE it! You can tune in and watch from anywhere directly from your phone and you can also rewind and rewatch certain moments such as … LEO’S FIRST STEPS! Even though Justin wasn’t there, it was all caught on our Nest Cam for him to check out!!

6. Re-Play Snack Stacks: These are colourful little containers for your babe’s snacks, I find these really handy when we’re on the go! Annnnd they are made from recycled milk jugs!!

7. NoseFrida the snot sucker: For real. Lol. If you haven’t tried the NoseFrida on your babe … it’s a MUST! I can’t imagine getting those little boogies out of Leo’s nose any other way! LOL!!

8. Sprout Baby App: This app was allll I used when we first had Leo, you can track your babes feedings as well as sleep which I found incredibly helpful when we were sleep training! I literally tried every app possible and I found this one to be the best!! I would recommend this to any new mama!

9. Make and freeze Baby Pancakes: I love making baby pancakes for Leo’s breakfast … and he LOVES eating them. I always make lots ahead of time (when I find a spare moment to whip them up), then I put them in a Ziploc bag and toss them in the freezer which makes mornings a breeze for us around here!

10. Leo’s Power Patties: Just like the pancakes, I make these little power patties ahead of time and freeze them for days that we are on the go and Leo loves there. They are like a savory granola bar, packed with fiber, protein, and vegetables! Check out my recent blog for the full recipe and additional info!

Jillian Harris Baby Protein Patties

Okay, those are some of my favourite tips and now I’m SO CURIOUS to know your favourites!!!! So please, share away below!!!



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  1. I love these hacks!! The floor mats are such a good idea. I’m going to buy one now. Oh I also bought that cook book from live child organics ..thanks to you for recommending it and I’m so excited to try some recipes. Will your cook book have kid recipes too?

  2. In #9, you mentioned sleep training Leo – can you do a post on sleep training? I want to start ST with my 6 month old daughter but there are so many techniques out there, I’d love to know your opinion!

  3. Hi Jillian, first of all, I love you and your design style!!
    I am pregnant and was wondering where you got some of your maternity clothes from?

  4. Hi Jillian and team! I love watching all your IG stories and blog posts. I have a baby boy too that was born a week after Leo. So I’ve been reading closely all your stories to get ideas for my little one (Sebastian). I think somewhere on your blog or instagram you mentioned something about a smoothie you make for Leo. Can you let me know what you put in his smoothies? I’m trying to get him to eat more vegetables and more nutrient-dense foods. I think a smoothie will be an easy way to do it.

    Also, I love the party you there for Leo, it is ADORABLE! and he is the most adorable too.


  5. These are great tips – Thanks! We’re excited to start using them Jan ’18.
    What is Leo’s high chair? It’s gorgeous.

  6. Awesome tips! I started making popsicles for my kids years ago. I blended fruits, veggies, nut butters, I’d even throw in tofu and nut yogurts. Some cut up fruit, or layered with chicolate pudding made with avocados makes them kinda fancy-ish fir a dessert. They are packed with nutrients and totally vegan. We use them still some 20 years later as a quick snack, or breakfast.

  7. Hey Jillian. I tried making the power patties and while they were delicious they completely fell apart. Is that just how they are?

  8. As a security measure wrap wallet/keys/cellphone in a diaper when your at the beach ! No one will ever think to swipe it 😉

  9. I love packing cubes! They rule the world! We travel all the time and it keeps everything neat and tidy! I got mine through hyes!
    And good idea about the pancakes I’ll have to try that!

  10. Hi Jillian,

    I was hoping you could tell me where you got the hat you wore as a scarecrow last year for Halloween!

  11. Great idea for the pancakes and power patties, my dude is only 8mo and I’m already getting tired of oatmeal and fruit for breakfast.

    Does storing formula in a glass jar compromise its shelf life? Just wondering cause sometimes sunlight can break down nutrients?

  12. We bought a pool about 9′ x 13′ at Canadian tire, filled it with her toys and put her in there to play. Easy way to contain her to a space but large enough! I’d sit in there and have my coffee and play with her but could also be just outside of it cooking and chatting with her. It was genius!

  13. I would love the recipe for the baby pancakes.
    I do make ahead spinach banana muffins and broccoli cheddar bites to freeze.

  14. Hi!
    I know this is a long shot but does anyone know where this print is from? I’ve been eyeing it down for months..


  15. Hi Jill!

    I follow you from Spain and this blog is fantastic, thank you for sharing your experience with us!

    I would like to ask you the brand of the high chair. My baby is 8 months now and I would like to buy one like this.

    Thank you!!!

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