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My Favourite Things About Canada

As most of you know or maybe get the idea by now … Canada Day is one of my FAVOURITE times of year. Not only because we get to celebrate the beautiful country that we live in … but also because my two childhood besties Karissa and Shannon are coming to stay with me for the ENTIRE week. I am so excited to spend some time relaxing with them and our babies and CATCH UP! It’s the only time I get to see them during the year and we have KIND OF made it into a tradition … I think this is our 5th annual Canada week long celebration??? I get SO excited about this and it used to annoy Justin but now he likes it and jokes that the queens are coming!! LOL!! It’s honestly like Christmas to me! LOL!

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Ok but back to this blog … there are so many great things about Canada and I wanted to share with you my ALL TIME favourite Canadian people, places, and things … to maybe inspire you to shop, travel, AND love local!!!

1. BEAUTIFUL: I had to make this my favourite thing about Canada … I have travelled ALL over the world and I still think that Canada is the most beautiful country. I love how we have multiple seasons and think every single one is beautiful in its own way.

Jillian Harris Why I Love Canada

2. LENTILS: That’s right … I’m proud to be Canadian because most of the world’s lentils are made in SASKATCHEWAN. Random I know .. but pretty frickin cool if you’re a lentil lover like myself! Make sure to stop by my Pinterest page for some awesome vegan lentil recipes!!

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3. ROAD TRIPS: Even though I HATED the commute every week from Kelowna to Vancouver I definitely took for granted how beautiful the actual drive was. I ALWAYS wanted to pull over and take photos.

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4. PUBLIC HEALTH CARE: I am so so grateful and thankful (ESPECIALLY now that I have Leo) that I have never once had to worry about our public healthcare …

Jillian Harris Why I Love Canada

5. HOT GUYS: That’s right … Canada has two of the hottest guys on earth … Ryan Gossling and Justin Pasutto lol!!!!

Jillian Harris Why I Love Canada

6. AMAZING WOMEN: Some of my favourite women in the entire world were born and raised in Canada like my grandma, my mom, Tori, Sam, Steph … the list goes on and on … but the two you might recognize the most are Sarah Richardson (and a shout out to you too, Tommy Smythe!) Jann Arden and Kaitlin Bristowe!!!!

Jillian Harris Why I Love CanadaJillian Harris Why I Love Canada

7. CAESARS: Need I say more??? Caesars are the bomb dot com and the cure to my hangover. I’m sorry for everyone in the rest of the world … I don’t know how you survive a hangover without one of these!!! Check out my homemade healthy Caesar mix here!


8. LEO: Not Leo DiCaprio … BABY Leo … he was made, grown and born in Canada ….

Jillian Harris and Justin Passuto Fairmont Pacific Rim

9. ARITZIA: This has been one of my favourite stores since it first opened … if you watched my season of the Bachelor you likely saw me wearing A TON of Aritzia … and well … that hasn’t stopped lol …

Jillian Harris Why I Love Canada

10. GLO MINERALS: This is not only Canadian but it is also vegan ANDDDD it’s one of my favourite make up companies (and Kaitlin’s lol). If you haven’t already you MUST try their lip crayons ….

Jillian Harris Why I Love Canada

11. TOFINO: This is one of my FAVOURITE places to go to in Canada. If you haven’t been … you must. It also may or may not be where Leo was conceived LOOOOOL too much info?????

Jillian Harris Why I Love Canada

12. LEGALIZED SAME-SEX MARRIAGES: Canadians are pretty liberal and not in a political way, I mean in the easy going, live and let live lifestyle and are generally pretty positive … eh!!!

Jillian Harris Why I Love Canada

13. SORRY & THANK YOU: If you’ve ever been to Canada you’ll know what I’m talking about. We like to say these words … A LOT!!! SORRY!!!

Well, my loves … I’m sure I missed some things as we are really truly SO lucky to live in such an amazing country. But for now … it’s back to the pool with my girlfriends!!! Tell me what YOUR favourite things about Canada are in the comments below …

Ps. There’s still time to check out my dedicated shop page to help you celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday in style!



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  1. Oh no!!!! Justin’s last name was misspelled … ? On purpose? ? Passuto or Pasutto? Happy Italo-Canadian Day …

  2. Butter tarts!!! Need I say more? As a Canadian living in the US I would also say how nice Canadians are. That and guaranteed medical are two reasons I’m moving back to Vancouver and my American husband is immigrating.

  3. I know this one is a bit of cliché but poutine is bomb. And ketchup chips and a bunch of other foods I didn’t realize were only available in Canada until I moved to the US.

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