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Appies & Snacks

Healthy Pregnancy Cravings

Cravings are a real thing that women do experience and even more so when you’re pregnant. Personally, I haven’t really had any that stand out, I have just continued to eat the way I normally  do and I feel extremely lucky because of that!!! One of the things that I have been reading about that women tend to complain about the most is losing the baby weight after the babe is born. I have read so many blogs and seen so many conversations about how to get your body back. So many women (not all women) think that since they’re pregnant they can eat whatever they want, when they want, and however much they want. To me, it doesn’t really work that way, I want to eat as healthy as possible not only for me but also for the bean growing inside of me. I want to be mentally and physically prepared to take care of this  babe and I don’t want to be feeling self-conscious about my weight or taking away any time from being a great mom. It’s not all about physical appearance, it’s about fuelling your body with the best nutrients that you possibly can … this is the most important time to be healthy.

When I have been feeling like I want to indulge and have unhealthy cravings, I really think hard about what I can substitute them for instead. I’ve been approaching cravings completely differently than most pregnant women. I’m not sure if it has something to do with my plant based diet or because of it I have been drawn towards healthier options??? Either way, I have been feeling great with my healthier perspective on snacking and I wanted to share with you some of my favourite things to snack on …


1. Bananas: I have been eating so many bananas in so many different ways. I like them on toast, plain, dipped in chocolate and then frozen (get the recipe here), or simply with peanut butter. They are a great snack option for Mama’s on the go and easy to throw in your purse when you’re running out the door.


2. Nice Cream: With my recent switch to reducing my dairy intake I have been trying out different types of ice cream … sans the milk/dairy!!! It is SO easy to make your own and I love this recipe created by Erin Ireland on the blog last week. You can also check out some others that I want to try over on my Pinterest page.


3. “Healthy” Candy: I’m sure that most of you know by now how much I love candy. But not just any candy … it must be gelatin free (google gelatin and I promise you will never eat it again). Dare Candy Co has created REALFruit (Berries & Superfruit), REALSours, and REALJubes to be completely gelatin free and they taste AAAMAZING!!!! I seriously can’t get enough of the sours!!! Dare Candy is my go-to for candy that’s made with real fruit, and it includes some of my favourite flavours like black and red jubes (peanut free and gluten free). Obviously, I can’t eat an entire bag in one sitting … but I don’t feel as guilty since I’m making a healthier decision.Screen Shot 2016-06-27 at 8.29.02 PM

4. Coconut Yogurt: Every day after lunch I crave something sweet. When most are eating chocolate bars or snacking on something a little bit unhealthy …. I crave coconut yogurt. If you haven’t tried it you MUST!!!! I like to mix it with raspberries and granola and it kicks those sweet cravings in the butt.


photo credit

5. Chocolate: When I’m really indulging and need to kick my sweet cravings I opt for chocolate. But not regular chocolate, I go for dairy free chocolate and it’s normally made with nut milk or coconut milk and in my opinion, it tastes better and is a lot healthier for you all at the same time!!!  Once again, you won’t feel as bad indulging since you’re making a conscious decision.

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6. Fruit: Whenever I crave something sweet I try to start with eating fruit. This is normally a great option to cut the cravings down and tie you over for a while. If not … that’s when I start to reach for Dare Candy or chocolate ….


What type of pregnancy cravings do you have and how do YOU kick them in the butt?? Let me know in the comments below …




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  1. my cravings both times – ice cubes. And my sons are both born in February so there was not much heat to deal with. 🙂 nice to remember

  2. I really do love you and am usually a big fan, but I find it a bit offensive how you say you are approaching your pregnancy and cravings differently than “MOST” pregnant women. That’s quite a broad assumption. Yes, a lot may make unhealthier choices while pregnant, but it doesn’t mean that is the majority.. especially in this day and age. Poor word choice IMO, and one you repeated quite a lot in this post. It would have been nice to see you say this is how you dealt with your cravings, and the choices you are making, instead of painting the majority of pregnant women as a bunch of junk food eating women.

  3. Jillian, thank you for this post! As someone who was pregnant for just under six weeks and who had a miscarriage, I appreciate this so much! I had cravings right away and was like you, just trying to do what was best for my body and my growing baby. Sometimes you just want something sweet, but being pregnant you also wanted to eat healthy. I appreciate you sharing some healthy snacks that you chose to have around! Thank you!

  4. Love you and your blog SO much but there are a TON of preggos who choose healthy options. I’d maybe look again at claiming “most” women choose poorly. I love you though!!

  5. Thank you for promoting and sharing these healthy choices! There are more and more women like you choosing not to use pregnancy as an excuse to eat anything and everything (I’m one too), and I don’t think your tone was judgemental at all. There is still a stigma that all pregnant women pig out and your showcase of some yummy healthy treats presents some great alternative for those looking for them. Please keep sharing your favs Jillian!

  6. The stigma that all pregnant women pig out and eat unhealthy is just plain stupid. What most people don’t understand is that when you are very sick while pregnant, coupled with major nausea, food becomes a way to soothe the nausea. I had to suck on hard candy all day long because my mouth tasted metallic, I also firmly believe cravings are also your body’s way of telling you what it needs during pregnancy. Of course, not every craving can be a healthy one but sometimes like I said before you don’t have a choice on what to eat because you are so sick. Again, unless you are in the sick club, I don’t think recommending healthy options sends the right message. I get your point in the post and trust me, if I could eat that way I would have. I’m speaking out for all other women who have had a really rough pregnancy where food is the first thing that goes out the window because you are trying to counter act the nausea amongst other things.

  7. People are going to complain no matter what word choices you make, Jillian. I didn’t find any of it offensive or judgmental, and I’m happy for you that it’s been relatively easy for you to make good food decisions. Don’t worry about the negativity!

  8. Has she ever been someone that tries to offend people? No! Obviously her intent was not to offend her readers. People need to stop taking offence where none was intended. You all have your opinions, and she’s allowed hers – very much so on her own blog. And why do the comments have to be so mean? Yikes. You do you Jillian.

  9. Wow. All you ladies do is pick pick pick on every word! Get a life it’s her blog she can say and share what she wants. Every woman’s pregnancy is their own.

  10. Ugh. Ppl are crazy town!!! You are beautiful and doing what you feel like is right for you and sharing your experience- which is why I read blogs- to hear about those particular people’s experiences- I could say so much more- but I’ll leave it at that! Good luck to you and your beautiful family

  11. Ladies, put your pitchforks down and simmer the hormones. Jillian is not being preachy. She is simply sharing her thoughts and her experiences with the world.
    I want to say thank you, Jillian. I love reading about your journey and I can only imagine how difficult it must be, let alone putting up with the negativity! When I’m pregnant I will definitely be re-reading all of the information you’ve so thoughftully provided. You go, girl! Keep doing you and being awesome. Best of luck to your new little babe and family.

  12. I totally know where you are coming from. In this day and age so many people are forgetting about the healthier options and there are so many of them. Open you’re minds people don’t be so offended all the time.

  13. YIKES! Looks like a few people are feeling guilty about their choices… LOL Good for you for choosing the best for you and your baby! I’m pregnant and haven’t been eating anywhere near this healthy (in fact, I just ate a gigantic cinnamon roll.. sue me) and I was not offended by this post at all! I am also one of those people who has had a horrible pregnancy. Sick for 25w straight so far! Everyone needs to stop being so sensitive! I thought it was a great blog post with lots of good ideas for snacks!

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