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Self Care: Why I Choose to Take My Daily Vitamins

I bet most of you read that title and thought … I bet it has to do with her plant-based diet, and the truth is, yes and no! I basically started taking prenatal vitamins 6 months before we even started trying to have Leo, I wanted to make sure that my body was prepared to have a baby and also to get in the habit of taking them on a regular basis! I’ve actually continued to take the prenatal vitamins even after I had Leo because I knew Justin and I wanted to have another baby at some point so I just decided to carry on with them!

I like to keep my vitamins below my coffee machine because I know if I keep them there that I’ll remember to take them every day … I mean, who doesn’t immediately gravitate to their coffee machine first thing in the morning?? Lol!! Pretty brilliant if you ask me!

Jillian Harris Why I Still Take My Prenatal VitaminsJillian Harris Why I Still Take My Prenatal VitaminsJillian Harris Why I Still Take My Prenatal VitaminsJillian Harris Why I Still Take My Prenatal Vitamins

I recently came across Swanson Health’s new vitamin line called “Real Food”, the key ingredients in these vitamins are actually derived from food sources such as lemon, guava, holy basil, quinoa, curry leaves and hummingbird tree! When it comes down to which vitamins, in particular, that are at the top of my list, they would have to be the following (in no particular order!) … and I’ll tell you why!

Multi Women’s Daily

This is a staple when it comes to ensuring you’re getting the perfect amount of vitamins and minerals to support your daily lifestyle! Not only does the Real Food Women’s Multi promote healthy hair, skin, and nails, but it also supports the immune system, boosts bone health and includes a trio of herbs to aid in stress and urinary tract health!

B Complex

When it comes to eating a plant-based diet, we certainly get our fill of vitamins but the one thing we have to keep a watch on is Vitamin B12, as this can be more of a challenge to get your daily dose, you can buy enriched products like almond milk, and nutritional yeast (which I’m obsessed with) which is filled with B12 but I also make sure to take B12 supplements as well just so that I know I’m covered!! Swanson’s Real Food B-Complex Capsules are a great source of all of your B vitamins including B12! They are sourced from organically cultivated quinoa sprouts which help to support energy production, energy and glucose metabolism, heart and mental health and they also help to maintain cell-to-cell communication in the brain!! These are some powerful capsules!!

Folic Acid

For the mamas, or the mamas to be out there! These are your prenatal staples, Real Food’s Folic Acid is sourced from 100% certified organic Citrus Limon extract, it delivers 2.5x the daily value of folic acid which is essential for prenatal and heart health!!


Biotin helps to support healthy skin, hair, nails, and a healthy metabolism! The Real Food Biotin is sourced from the Hummingbird tree and it’s also vegan, non-GMO, gluten-free!

Jillian Harris Why I Still Take My Prenatal Vitamins Jillian Harris Why I Still Take My Prenatal VitaminsJillian Harris Why I Still Take My Prenatal Vitamins

Do you take vitamins daily?? If so, which ones do you take and why? Comment below because I would love to hear your thoughts and any further advice!!!









Thank you Swanson Health for sponsoring this post. All comments and opinions are my own. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases. 

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  1. Do you take them all at the same time? I have been told to take some in the morning and some at night. I take magnesium at night and vitamin D and a multi vitamin in the mid morning. I am going to add biotin though after reading this 🙂

  2. Such a great post! I am working on bettering my self care daily rituals!

    Also, I’m at work and dying over how jealous I am of this comfy outfit!! Link to the bottoms?

  3. I can’t believe you are promoting margarine as a healthy food option. This is inconsistent with your comments regarding a healthy lifestyle – disappointing.

  4. Thanks for sharing, Jillian!

    Totally unrelated question (sorry not sorry). Those sweat/pj pants are perfection! Do you mind sharing where they are from?

  5. Hi Jillian

    I love the show and wish more new ones would be available. Regardless, I am doing a very large remodel. I am in love with the backsplash from season 1 episode 11. I believe that is correct. I tried to send a pic, but it wouldn’t allow me. I have contacted creekside tile to no avail. I received the tile company from your site years ago. It is a marquis with half moons on each side. I don’t know if creekside manufactured it, but I am doubting it at this point. Could you please tell me the manufacturer? I know the exact tile will probably be unavailable. It is the general shape I am excited about. I am a bit overwhelmed trying to locate it.

    Thanks, Eileen Webb

  6. So interesting that you posted this as I just restarted taking my vitamins and have found that I have so much more energy! I take a daily multi vitamin made for women and I also take an extra dose of Vitamin D (since it is winter and I didn’t have plans to be south in the warm sun this year), and an extra dose of Vitamin C (since it is cold and flu season). With two kiddos (ages five and two), you can never be too careful with stocking up on nutrients that will keep you healthy!

  7. Hi Jillian!

    I have been taking the Cellsentials multivitamin for 21 years. I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 5 and my mom researched and found the supplements from USANA Health Sciences. I credit my current health and lifestyle in part to my daily vitamin routine. I’d be happy to answer any questions. 


  8. Hey Jillian! I’m wondering why kind of natural / vegan deodorant you recommend? I have recently tried the brand “Jāsön” and did not find that it was good for odour protection at all!

  9. Hi Jilly!
    Thank you for sharing! Would love to know if my hubby should be taking these with me?? I see there is a mens Daily but what about the rest??
    Courtney xo

  10. Hi! Unrelated to this blog post but I love love love the color if your kitchen cabinets! I know you mentioned in a differnt post that the color is BM Nimbus, but it looks so much lighter than the sample i got from the store! Could you tell us whether you used Nimbus at full strength, or whether it was at 50% strength? Maybe the lightness of your cabinets comes from photo editing? Thanks 🙂

  11. Hey! Love this and love following you and your family. Your kitchen rug has caught my eye. Where is it from?

  12. Hi Jill! Love following you so much… Your work in interior/home design brought me to your page years ago, and I completely relate to you in every way. Thank you for sharing so much of your gorgeous home and family with us…

    Question: Before/during pregnancy, did you take vitamins and have issues with breakouts (Prenatals, vitamin B, folic acid, etc)? I’ve been struggling with crazy breakouts- out of nowhere- and really think Prenatals and/or other vitamins (B complex) triggered my skin issues. I hate that I am not taking anything right now because we are trying to conceive, but I just can’t seem to find a brand that doesn’t give me horrible bumps… just curious if you would recommend trying anything. Thank you so much. 🙂

  13. Dear Jillian,

    I have loved watching you on your Love It and List It show and follow your blog for your Interior Design tips.
    I am a physician and I wanted to point out that Biotin, in the high doses (2500mcg, 5000mcg) currently available is definitely NOT recommended. It has been recently found to interfere with various blood test results.
    “The FDA Warns that Biotin May Interfere with Lab Tests: FDA Safety Communication” (you can search for the articles online)
    These high doses of biotin also interfere with the absorption of several other medications patients might be taking, for e.g. Thyroid drugs.
    Also I’m not sure if you indicated taking your vitamins before or after your coffee. Tea and Coffee interferes with the absorption of all nutrients – whether its your meals or supplements. I highly recommend taking supplements after a meal for best absorption and if you’re drinking coffee or tea, after a gap of an hour or so.
    Love your blog.

  14. Hi Jillian,
    Can you tell me what prenatal vitamin you are taking? I know you have mentioned it in your IG video, but I didn’t write it down.

    Thank you!

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