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Why We Decided to Postpone Our Wedding

From the moment Justin and I got engaged (that fine Christmas morning while I was sitting in my underwear … yup, that happened! Read the whole story, here! 😂), I have been SO excited to share ALL of the details about our big day with you! After FOUR years of being engaged (time really does fly when you’re having fun, hey Justin?! LOL!), Justin and I finally set a date. In fact, we were planning on tying the knot this summer!

Once we set the date things started rolling along nicely from there, I picked not one but TWO wedding dresses (all of those details are here!) and the planning process was really starting to come along nicely with the help of the ladies from Countdown Events. Before we knew it, it was APRIL, we were in the midst of the COVID pandemic and I knew at that point we needed to make a decision because our wedding date was QUICKLY approaching and so many other weddings and large celebrations were being cancelled.

We went back and forth on this decision and while it was tough, we knew in our hearts the best thing to do was to postpone everything due to the uncertainty of COVID. I know that there are SO many brides and grooms out there who are dealing with the same situation as Justin and I and it’s so heartbreaking (my heart goes out to all of you!!) but I know eventually we will still have our day! At this point, we don’t have a new date, which makes us a little bit nervous, but we are working towards setting a new one. All in good time!

Jillian Harris and Justin Pasutto Wedding Invitations

I was SO looking forward to our big day and celebrating with all of our family and friends, but I do realize that this is a very unconventional situation and there was absolutely no way we could have predicted this or seen it coming. I know some people don’t handle change or chaos very well, but I actually cope really well with it. Instead of letting this bump in the road bring me down I really tried to change my perspective on the situation because at the end of the day (no matter HOW I feel!) it ultimately won’t change the outcome.

To be completely honest, I was still pretty behind on a lot of the things that I wanted to have done for our big day (maybe this is a blessing in disguise to save my butt?? LOL!). I mean, we still hadn’t even sent out our official invitations to our guests … WHOOPS!! LOL. So, I’m choosing to look at this situation as another year to get all of the things I wanted to get done checked off the list in a timely manner! It will give me another year to nail down my workout regimen, give me more time to prep and send out our invitations (LOL!), and Justin will now have some extra time to get his lawn and yard ready for the big day.

Jillian Harris Wedding Planning

I’m a huge believer that everything happens for a reason and maybe for some reason this year just wasn’t meant to be. I know that the wedding will happen and Justin and I will eventually be able to celebrate our love surrounded by all of our family and friends. But for the time being, I am just so grateful for the things that we have. I am so privileged to be able to have a wedding one day, to have found my true love, and to have a beautiful family with the man I care so deeply about. When it comes down to it, postponing our day doesn’t change any of those things.

Wedding Planning Tips and Tricks

I am sending all of my love to the brides and grooms out there who are facing the same situation as Justin and I. Try to not sweat the small stuff! I know in the big picture this doesn’t feel like the small stuff, but at the end of the day, you have found that special someone you want to spend the rest of your life with and that’s something to be grateful for!

Ps (to all of the brides to be!). Since we all have an extra year to plan, organize, and get ready for our big day, I want to share my private wedding board on Pinterest with you!! Originally, I wasn’t planning on sharing this board until our special day but I figured there was no better time than the present to share some of my inspiration with all of YOU!! If you want to check out all of the pins that we have been saving over the course of these four years, you can find our board here.



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  1. Can I just say I squealed a little when I realized the photos in the open Confetti magazine are from a styled inspiration shoot I designed! Just doing a little happy dance over here!

  2. It’s unfortunate for sure my nephew and his fiancé had the same issue. But in the end they really wanted to be married so they will have a small ceremony with immediate family. For them the ceremony won out and being married. Down the road they may have a bigger celebration. There wedding will be small intimate and they will live stream.?in the end it’s what makes everyone the happiest.

  3. Wow! Those Pins are amazebolls! I know your Wedding will be something to be remembered and to wait another year is the right decision. Can’t wait to see you pics from your Wedding!

  4. Hi Jilly,
    Thanks for taking the time to write this post and share all your feelings and details with the postponement of your wedding. I too, am a bride with an August wedding and I am going through the same feelings and worries about what to do. Should I postpone or risk having it held and maybe not having all my guests come or still have restrictions due to covid. Although postponing will be difficult I need to start being positive as well and think more planning time and postponement doesn’t stop our love that we already have together!! Thanks for always being honest and sharing your journey.

  5. That’s tough, but it will be perfect and exactly all you want it to be, when the time is right.

    Peace & Love,


  6. so sorry to hear! but understand. this COVID thing has caused havoc on so many levels.
    A winter wedding would be lovely 🙂
    Hang in there, I know you guys will get it perfect when the time is right.


  7. Thank you for your post…it’s comforting to connect with people going through the same thing. We are trying to figure out what to do as well about our wedding in September. For now, we’re holding tight and holding out hope, but it’s a very stressful time, especially considering my fiancé was laid off due to covid. It’s hard to know what to do about anything these days. Good luck with your future plans, I’m sure it will be beautiful when the day comes!

  8. Your beautiful day will come just as the Universe has planned. On what was to be our 25th Wedding Anniversary, our house burned down. 2 days before and we lost everything. We decided to celebrate for our 30th instead, however Covid arrived. I guess the upside is, we still love each other very much and are together to plan for our 35th wedding anniversary, lol.

  9. Thank you so much for this. My fiancé and I have been engaged since 2018 and we were to have our big day this year also. Due to my fiancé and a lot of our immediate family being high risk we had to make the tough decision to postpone to next year hoping that this pandemic will slow or something else for us to enjoy celebrating with our loved ones. I was so sad and upset to postpone after all the hard work I had put into planning everything. I have my good and bad days still and reading your words have really helped me turn my mind set and try and be more positive about the situation and also look forward to how awesome the day will be when it comes. I know it is for the best and I hope that you and Justin enjoy your day when it comes too. Thank you Jillian. You truly inspire me and I love following you and your family. Thank you for being there for all of us.

  10. We postponed our June 20 wedding too, it’s sad but we had no choice. Now we’ll be partying it up in 2021.

  11. I understand all the emotions you are going through….. we canceled our wedding too. First in January our travel agent confessed she had a bad contract with the hotel and couldn’t get our guests rooms, canceled our destination wedding plans for July. Rescheduled for a local wedding in August….. and we’ve canceled that too due to the pandemic.

    Now we have plans for us to have a small wedding with our parents in a park in June!

    Thank you for sharing your story— this decision hasn’t been easy, but knowing others are along side us helps!

  12. Can you share where the pink popcorn bowl is from? I checked out your shop page but didn’t see it there. Thanks!

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