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Our Engagement Story: Through My Eyes

How FAST did you click on this blog?! LOL!! I’ve had soooo many people asking me about our engagement since December and I ‘ve FINALLY found some time to share my version of our engagement with you!! For those of you who have seen tonight’s teasers of Jillian and Justin (sorry those of you in the States!!) it’s no secret that tonight you get to see the actual proposal UNFOLD!!!!Ā Eeepp!!

This is another one of those situations (just like Leo’s birth!) that actually wasn’t meant for the TV! Justin told my mom and dad that he was going to propose to me on Christmas Eve and originally we were all supposed to be together that morning in the Okanagan but we had a change of plans and had to have Christmas in Vancouver with Justin’s Grandmother. Unfortunately, my parents weren’t able to make it to Vancouver so Justin was considering proposing to me on New Years or my birthday instead but then he realized this was something I’ve wanted on Christmas morning for SUCH a long time … and he was afraid that if a ring wasnā€™t under the tree for yet ANOTHER Christmasā€¦ I might just have a colossal holiday meltdown lol ā€¦ So Justin told my parents that he WAS going to do it on Christmas morning (they, of course, said yes and were over the moon!!) My parents asked Justin to film the proposal so they could watch it later and thatā€™s why he set up the Go-Pro in our room that morning.

Iā€™ve seriously ALWAYS wanted to get engaged on Christmas morning and Justin always thought it was cheesy so the fact that he thought it was a silly idea I thought for SURE it wasnā€™t going to happen. Justin is the type of guy that beats to his own drum and generally when I tell him to do something he likes to do the opposite! LOL! Itā€™s something that frustrates me sometimes but at the same time I love that quality about him, he knows what he wants and he doesnā€™t let others influence his decisions.Ā Even though I knew Justin thought it was cheesy it didnā€™t stop me from pressuring him every single Christmas to do it!! Hell, I like to be stubborn too!!! LOL!!

Jillian Harris Our Engagement Story

So fast forward to Christmas morning ā€¦ Iā€™m in bed and Justin is up roaming around the hotel room (which is strange in the first place because Iā€™m ALWAYS the first one up!) … His original plan was to do it later that morning but I think he started getting nervous so he had the urge to do it RIGHT AWAY. The night before I had been sent some macaroons to the room and I wanted to take a photo of them the next morning so I left them on the table over night. Justinā€™s plan was that he would put the ring box in the macaroon box and then get me to open it up! Pretty easy task, right? Wrong. LOL!!

I was soaking up Christmas morning lying in my tank and ginch (LOL I love that word) and Justin started becoming obsessed with my damn macaroons ā€¦ he kept asking me to come out and get my photo of the macaroons and I kept telling him no because the lighting wasnā€™t right ā€¦ the lighting in the room at that time was so yellow and just terrible for taking photos ā€¦ he asked again and I shut him down ā€¦ again.

Considering that plan didnā€™t work he then said he wanted me to take the photo because he wanted to have a macaroon with his coffee ā€¦ keep in mind ā€¦ literally, the NIGHT before he was telling me how he wants to start eating healthier so when he started asking me if he could have a macaroon with his coffee I thought to myself ā€œOk Dad Bod, there goes your healthy eating goal LOLā€ so I told him he didnā€™t need a macaroon with his coffee. LOL!!!!

Welp. He kept insisting he HAD to have this macaroon so I finally told him to just grab one and eat one but not to eat the pistachio one because those are my favourite. Again, shot down. Poor guy. LOL. So third times the charm right?? He asked if I could get him a macaroon ā€¦ as Iā€™m laying in bed thinking ā€œWTF is his obsession with these damn macaroons?!ā€ LOL ā€¦ so I finally crawled my ass out of bed and grabbed the box ā€¦ I mean itā€™s Christmas morning and all, if he wants me to get him a macaroon, Iā€™ll get him a damn macaroon. So here I am ā€¦. sitting in my underwear on the couch and I open up the macaroon box to find a jewelry box ā€¦ I STILL have not clued into whatā€™s going on! I thought it was going to be a necklace or something for Christmas even though we said we werenā€™t doing gifts ā€¦

And then I openedĀ the box ā€¦ I just remember staring at the ring and being so confused and thinking it was a joke or that I was being punked ā€¦ and then it hit me ā€¦ HOLY SHIT ā€¦ THIS IS HAPPENING. NOW. ON CHRISTMAS MORNING!!! HOLY F*CK!!!!! HE DID IT!!!! OMG OMG OMG ā€¦ GET THE BABY, Iā€™M NOT DRESSED, I LOOK LIKE A DISASTER, OMG HE IS PROPOSING, SAY YES SAY YES ā€¦ WHEREā€™S THE BABY! LOL ā€¦.

The ring is EXACTLY what I wanted ā€¦ itā€™s simple and classic with a moderate size diamond, I didnā€™t want anything too big and flashy! Itā€™s from the same place Justin got my push gift from,Ā Minichiello JewellersĀ in Vancouver.Ā This was about the time I fully lost it ā€¦ I was crying, swearing, laughing ā€¦ I was in total shock and disbelief and I was so freaking HAPPY.

I honestly couldnā€™t believe that I had a ring on my finger that morning ā€¦ I felt so ridiculously grateful for that whole year between purchasing our new home, having Leo and then THIS! OMG!!!

Jillian Harris Our Engagement Story

When I realized Justin had a camera up and caught all of this on tape I asked if he had done it for the network and thatā€™s when he let me know that my mom and dad wanted him to record it so they could watch it. How flippin cute!! After enough begging from our producer, however, Justin and I ended up showing the footage to the network and immediately they wanted to use the footage and I instantly shut them down ā€¦ and they kept asking (for MONTHS!) so I thought long and hard about it over and over and over and still, my answer was no. I had ALREADY been engaged on national television and wasnā€™t there going to be ONE thing that J and I could keep to ourselves????

Finally, the network convinced me to let them try using it in an episode and then they would show me to see what I thought ā€¦ I wasnā€™t entirely sold on this but I thought I would let them try. So they added it to episode three and at first, they wanted to keep it a surprise for me but I really wanted to make sure it made sense to add and I was also weary about sharing this part of my life with everyone ā€¦ once again.

And then I watched it ā€¦ and holy shit. It was amazing. The tears started welling up in my eyes all over again and it was then that I realized that this was a missing link in our story and I thought, why the hell not? Iā€™ve been so open about everything else in my life, why not let people see this as well?!

Like I said earlier, I always envisioned getting married on Christmas morning and while I thought it would be in our home, it was in a hotel ā€¦ it was everything I dreamed of but nothing I had expected. It was perfect.

Jillian Harris Our Engagement Story

So now that Iā€™ve shared that with you ā€¦ youā€™re probably wondering ā€œOk ā€¦ sooooo whenā€™s the wedding?!ā€ LOL! I read your mind, didnā€™t I? LOL! Weā€™re actually considering getting married on our property but we want to get the landscaping done first and weā€™re also talking about baby number two soooo the wedding might just be pushed for a few years yet!

Make sure to tune into TONIGHT’S EPISODE of Jillian and Justin at 10pm on W Network to watch the proposal unfold!!!




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  1. Eeekkk! This is adorable! I was the COMPLETE opposite to you! I didn’t want to get engaged on Christmas Eve/Day! I just wanted it to be some plain Jane day that no one knew about, you know?! So… Christmas Eve comes around, we get home from Christmas Dinner with our families and of course, Doug has to rub it in that our Boxer, Baxter, missed him more than me – this gets me fired up, I head upstairs to take a shower. I come down, hair in a towel, pimple cream on my face, tank and undies and Doug insists I open a gift from him. It’s a bag wit tissue in it. I open it and find NOTHING in the bag! WTF! I turn to him and he says LOOK AGAIN! I do – still nothing! Now I’m really angry! Haha! He says look one more but a little more closely – so I do! And low and behold, written at the bottom of the bag is “WILL YOU MARRY ME?” Ahhh!!! I turn around and there’s Doug, holding a ring! BEST CHRISTMAS EVER! I’m totally changed now! I totally agree with you! Getting engaged on Christmas is THE. BEST. THING. EVER! Loved your story! Can’t wait to watch the episode tonight! Cheers! – Xo! Ashley

  2. Awe! I clicked on this link fast! So sweet! I’m getting married at Gellatly this weekend and having the reception in our backyard!

  3. OMG the feels ā¤ļøā¤ļø That CAPS LOCK written reaction definitely got the waterworks going over here.


  4. I love love love your engagement story!!! I was so desperately waiting to hear it lol My husband had tried to do it a few times as well, and I was the staller…being bitchy and not wanting to do something! Funny how stuff like that always works! next time he asks you to take a picture of macaroons, just DO IT! lol never know whats hiding in there šŸ™‚

  5. My husband proposed on Christmas morning too. I love Christmas mornings to this day. It will always be a special day to me

  6. Wow can’t wait to watch tonight’s episode !! Your ring looks beautiful Jillian!!??????????

  7. I love this so much! Thanks for sharing I feel like I know you the way you talk to everyone who follows you just like we’re girlfriends. I’ve watched in since the bachelorette and. I love how this has unfolded for you. You’re awesome love from Alberta!!
    Also why Christmas Day exactly? What’s the story behind that?

    1. Wow! That is awesome ! Congrats by the way !
      I love watching your Instagram stories ! We have a crazy boxer (well, we have two boxers) Boris looks just like Nacho…We love them to death..
      I have watched the first two episodes, I watch them a few days later, cause 10pm is just a little too late for me to stay up….LOL
      I’m looking forward to watching this one for sure !
      Keep up the great work !

  8. It’s so wild how our lives are very similar just I’m a couple years ahead of you! My partner and I had been together 5 years and we had my son premature at 27 weeks, then we bought my forever home, and that Christmas he proposed to me! I was in shock and thought it was some kinda joke! It was perfect we are still just engaged as we need to save some money and I too want to get married in my back yard with close friends and family! It’s so nice to see how amazing you are and down to earth!

  9. I clicked on this soooooo fast!! Absolutely LOVE your engagement story and can’t wait to watch it unfold tonight!!

  10. Love your story and your honesty! When I read your experiences I laugh out loud and have tears in my eyes…..Thank you for sharing your family with us. Wishing you a Lifetime of Happiness, Health, Laughter and Love?

    1. You have yourself a keeper!! He’s very sure of himself & with you constantly on the verge of having too many items on your plate, he’s very good at helping you decide what stays/what must go….og course, family & love MUST come first. This kind of love & partnership is very hard to find (& keep). I saw you on the Bachelor/Bachelorette….your success in business & your personal life is an inspiration. All the best to the both of you.

    2. Awwwww Jillian….YOU deserve this! I am SO EXCITED for you & Justin & your growing family. You are so classy & I wish you guy’s all the happiness in the world. Congratulations Girl!! ? ?. ? Toni

  11. Soooo cute! I love engagement stories.
    Unlike yourself I was always more like Justin, didn’t want it associated with Christmas at all………..and then there it was during Christmas. My husband decided to propose the day after I had put up our Christmas tree. It was Sunday morning and like yourself I was in my “ginch” (which I totally though was just a word us Newfoundlanders used, LOL) and a tee cooking breakfast. He called me to the living room and like most woman I told him I was too busy, and went about my business of cooking breakfast. After a couple of “come here” (and a sigh or two from me) I decided to go and see what the heck he wanted.
    And there he was on his knee in front of the tree with a box! I near died!! First I was like, “but it’s Christmas”, I’ve always said “no Christmas proposals”.
    I’m excited to see tonight’s show!!!

  12. Aww! This is so cute! I loved reading about it. Your excitment is contagious. I actually teared up. I love your show(s) and im always telling my boyfriend about your designs and how awesome you are. I also love designing but have no idea how to take off with it. If i could be anyone id love to be you. Even for just a day. I would love to know your thought process and i wish i could take charge like you do. Anyway, you are amazing and I cant wait to see this episode on “Jillian and Justin.” Keep on keeping on and i hope you are enjoying your gorgeous home. It sure is a beautiful one!

  13. Congrats Jillian! What a beautiful, funny story!! Can’t wait to see it tonite ā˜ŗļø

  14. Awww thanks for sharing such a personal and exciting experience with us Jill. I’ve been following you since the beginning and I always appreciate you being so “open book”. I also got engaged Xmas morning with our little guy in his little seat haha. My mom filmed it so I can watch it over and over again. Congrats to you guys. Can’t wait to see tonight’s episode. Xox

  15. My fiance proposed to me this past December at the Christmas tree farm my family & I have been going to for YEARS! There’s something so special about being proposed to around Christmas time! Congrats again to you & Justin, can’t wait to watch tonights episode šŸ™‚

  16. Such a sweet engagement story! Our little Charlie was born right before Leo, so I’ve loved watching your journey with him as I can relate to all the first-time mommy stuff. When can we watch in the states?

  17. Typo I think, you wanted to get engaged on Christmas morning, right? Not “married”. Not a big deal, just thought I’d mention it šŸ˜‰

  18. Thank you for sharing such s beautiful Xmas morning. Congratulations and looking forward to your wedding I’m sure it will be as beautiful as you and your family .??????

  19. How Super Fantastic for you, Justin and Leo. So happy for the 3 of you ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø Congratulations ! ???ā¤ļø

  20. I want to watch this series sooooo bad, but I live in the states šŸ™ I keep trying the W Network but it seems to block viewing the episodes unless you live in Canada. So so so happy for you, Justin, Leo and Nacho! Love watching your insta-stories!!
    Blessings from Texas!

  21. Congratulations to the both of you! Love all the shows you’re on Jillian you’re the best and Justin you’re pretty good too!

  22. Awe! So happy you shared your special moment with us!!! It brought tears to my eyes! I’m so happy for you and your family Jillian! You’re positive spirit and fun personality is always so enjoyable! What’s not to love with your fam jam!
    Congratulations!!! ā¤ļø

  23. It was so cute and sincere I had to watch it twice (and cry twice too!). Your cute bum peeking out made it so real and relatable and hilarious as you could truly tell you were caught off guard. That proposal kicks any fancy shmanshy ABC Bachelorette proposals ass! Congrats you 2! Thanks for sharing it with us!
    -Carrie (North Vancouver) ?

  24. Jillian, I am just loving these episodes of you and Justin and now baby Leo’s life being shared with us. I think you are one of the most artistic designers in Canada/Globe and gobble up every episode of LOL Vancouver.
    Thank you for sharing with your Canadian audience…you are now one of our most valued treasures, and I cant wait for more to come. All the best…love from Stouffville Ontario

  25. Love it. I watched the episode and it was so cute!!! My only complaint is that it was only the last 5 minutes of the show! Seriously W network?! You only gave us 5 minutes?!! All kidding aside, it was wonderful to watch. Here’s the best part – my husband watched too! He loves the show because, some of the things that you say are things I have said in the past and Justin’s reactions are always the same reactions that he has…lots of sighing and shaking his head. We are enjoying this show soooo much. It feels more real than any other reality show out there.

  26. This is the best story. I live in Nashville, TN so I am unable to watch your show, but I do follow you on Instagram. Let me tell you I love your feed. You are such a beautiful person inside and out. Loved you when you were on the bachelor and then when you were the bachelorette. So glad you found your handsome Justin, what an adorable couple. Love your home. My favorites are Nacho and that gorgeous little Leo. Seriously, one of the cutest little boys ever. Your a bright spot in my day. Keep shining beautiful girl!

  27. I loved watching your proposal! Your reaction was priceless. Definitely made me tear up. I can’t wait to see your wedding and all the other fun stuff your working on!

  28. THANK YOU for sharing your story!! I got engaged in December too. We’ve been together for 10 years (since high school) and ultimately I picked out my own ring, and left it up to him to propose. When the ring came he was so excited he just proposed at the first opportunity – while I was cooking dinner in the kitchen. I thought it was absolutely perfect and a great private moment between us, but some people (cough – my mother) thinks that I was cheated out of a proposal… THANK YOU for helping me prove to her that big elaborate proposals in public are overrated šŸ™‚

  29. Umm, I think you made a rather peculiar typo near the end of your story. You wrote, “Like I said earlier, I always envisioned getting married on Christmas morning…” Now, I believe you meant to say ‘engaged’, but I see this as a little foreshadowing to your future!! šŸ˜‰
    Made me chuckle! Love your show with Justin.

  30. My hubby(of almost 12 years) proposed in a hotel also. We were in Florida on vacation and he slept the ring on my finger in the middle of the night. You think I’d notice it in the morning.. but got up showered… even did my makeup without noticing. Maybe bc he put it on my right hand which I also wore another ring on. Finally after being ready to head out we were sitting on the bed talking about what we were all going to do and I started playing with the ring on my right hand. Finally I realized there was 2 rings on that finger… looked down and freaked out!!! Then he proposed! Super special and different… which seems to be the norm in my household!! We got pregnant and had our first son(who will be 13 tomorrow!!!)before tiring the knot. Loved reading your story !! Congrats Jillian !!!

  31. Hi Jillian,

    Awesome story and love watching your stories on Instagram. You are an inspirational to all. I was wondering when your show will be shown in the USA. Thank you in advance.

  32. Dear Jillian, I am so happy for you. And Justin was so cute trying to make you open the macaroon box!
    Have you noticed that you wrote “Like I said earlier, I always envisioned getting married on Christmas morning and while I thought it would be in our home, it was in a hotel ā€¦ it was everything I dreamed of but nothing I had expected. It was perfect.” I guess you meant “engaged”?
    Please keep sharing. It is all so spontaneous that it is -as you say- not like any other reality show!

  33. Jillian, thank you for sharing such an absolutely beautiful moment of your love story with us. It was surreal watching your reaction unfold, and it is so obvious to see the deep, REAL LOVE that you two have for each other! I too was proposed to in a hotel room, and I hated it. It bothered me for years, even after our wedding. I hated when people would ask me about our engagement story and I would cringe having to tell anyone that my fiancĆ©e proposed in a freaking hotel room… Years later, and after our divorce, I realized that perhaps the reason it bothered me so much wasn’t the actual proposal itself, but the fact that deep down, on some level, I probably knew it wouldn’t last forever. I wanted to only be married once! I never dreamed of being divorced at 28.

    I’m 31 now, and I’m with someone who makes me feel more like myself every day that I’m with him. I’ve never had a relationship where I’ve felt desired for my weaknesses, insecurities, and where being myself comes so organically. I cannot wait for the next chapter of our lives together, I cannot wait to see him holding our child one day, and I cannot wait to say “yes” to being his wife… and whether it’s another hotel room, a vineyard, or even while on the toilet (LOL, hopefully not though), this is the proposal that I would share with the world and be in love with.

    I think at the end of the day, it’s not about the size of the ring, or where the proposal takes place, but the person right in front of you. xo – S.

    P.S. Soooo looking forward to the last episode tomorrow! šŸ™‚

  34. I thought she was married to her partner on tv they always look so close and happy they would have made a good pair .

  35. Love your programme…. I have watched the British “Love it or List it”
    then found your programme. I lived in Calgary for a few years but
    I was born in UK but live in NEW ZEALAND now. I am so pleased that we now get BRAVO.

  36. Love how you write ā€˜marriedā€™ and not engaged. ā¤ļø Reread your blog if you arenā€™t sure what Iā€™m referring to.

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