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Our Little Girl’s Dreamy Nursery Design Inspo

When we found out we were pregnant with baby number 2, I was so eager to find out what we were having mainly because really wanted to go all out and style his or her nursery! With Leo, I went totally gender neutral and filled his nursery with a mix of creams and whites … but this time around things are going to be a little different!!

So, while I wasn’t partial to either gender, I’m sure you can well imagine how FREAKIN excited I was to hear we were having our very first little GIRL! I was SO excited to start the design of her nursery and I really felt like I wanted to go above and beyond!! Before I started gathering my design inspo I envisioned her room filled to the brim with all things pink, not to mention, it would also be SUPER feminine.

However, as I started my search for inspiration I found myself to be attracted to more of a bright, colourful, fresh, and airy palate and while there is still pink highlighted, it’s still not AS MUCH as I thought it would be! My thoughts on going with a fresh, airy route are for the fact that if I do this, I will be able to introduce more colour into her room. Whereas if I stuck with everything pink, I would end up a bit limited with what I could do decor wise.

Ps. The images you see throughout this post are my inspo images that I’ve been collecting … I can’t WAIT to share her actually nursery look with you once it’s complete! LOL!

Jillian Harris Our Baby Girls Dreamy Nursery Design Inspo Jillian Harris Our Baby Girls Dreamy Nursery Design Inspo

One of the very first items I ordered for her room was a pink dresser from Pottery Barn Kids! Before I even found out I was having a girl I KNEW I needed this dresser in my life … in fact, I love it so much that I HAD to get the black one for Leo’s room!! See? These two are matching already! LOL!! I have also ordered her crib and I’m REALLY excited about this because it’s an OVAL CRIB that converts into a toddler bed!! I also ordered this from Pottery Barn kids and I was told  it’s going to be discontinued soon, so if you love it as much as I do, order it up right away before it’s no longer available!! I have custom sheets being made as we speak and I’m so excited to see how everything looks when I make it up!

Ps. See the big stuffed flamingo in the roundup below?? I was cruising around Kelowna the other day and saw this exact same flamingo (Leo has a big stuffed giraffe in his room) and I didn’t buy it at the time and now I regret not having it and have to go back to get it before it’s gone!! LOL!!

Jillian Harris Nursery Design Inspo

1. Dresser | 2. Pillow | 3. Chandelier | 4. Pom Pom Basket | 5. Wallpaper | 6. Swan Mobile | 7. Cloud Rug | 8. Basket | 9. Vintage Rug | 10. Flamingo Stuffed Toy | 11. Crib

When it comes to the battle of the wallpaper (if you follow me on Insta stories you’ll know I’ve been debating this for a while!), I am about 95% sure we are going to go with the clouds paper from Anewall!! I’ve also decided (well, I THINK this is what I’m going to do!) to cover the ENTIRE room in this wallpaper!! People were suggesting for me to do wallpaper and wainscotting or wallpapering just one wall but I’m kind of tired of those looks … my thoughts are if you’re going to go for it, just GO FOR IT!

Jillian Harris Our Baby Girls Dreamy Nursery Design Inspo

I currently LOVE the curtains we have in our guest room (AKA baby girl’s nursery) but unfortunately, they aren’t blackout curtains … and all of you mamas out there know JUST how important blackout shades are when it comes to your babe (and you!!) getting the sleep you need! So, fortunately, this is a great opportunity (and excuse ?) to get some custom pink drapes made from Q Design Centre … they’re going to be the same size and style but I’m thinking of going for a faint blush colour instead of the white!

I plan on keeping the current chandelier in the room, I purchased this from Wayfair when I first started styling our home and I’m still in love with it! I plan on getting a vintage rug from New England Loom or I’ll stick with my fav from Caitlin Wilson … I still haven’t found one I love yet …  and I’m STILL on the hunt for a good rocking chair with a slipcover!! We must have washed Leo’s rocking chair slipcover about once every two or three months and I HONESTLY can’t imagine having one without a removable cover!! Ps. How freakin CUTE is this chair?!?!

photo credit 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7

Other than that, we are going to keep this room pretty much the same! I’m so thankful we thought ahead and added in some awesome built it storage units in the closets from Stor-X when we were renovating as I’m going to need as much space as possible in this nursery!

I really have no idea when I’m going to do for art yet but I’m sure once I start styling the space I’ll have a better idea of what I want as the finishing touches! Welp, other than ordering the cribdresser, and sheets, I really haven’t tackled this space yet so I think as soon as those arrive I will start with those then start stocking up!! Eeeeekk!!! I can’t WAIT to see how this turns out!!

Stay tuned!!



Leave a Reply to Jessica FischerCancel reply

  1. Can’t wait for the final design! All , inspo pics are darling. I would have a hard time deciding too. But we all know you will end up with an amazing little princess cave!

  2. I went with the cloud wallpaper in my nursery on all the walls, and it looked adorable 🙂 Very calming

  3. Now that you’ve done both, surprise gender and found out the gender, which one do you think you prefer?? I’m pregnant with my first baby and cannot decide!!

  4. Love your inspirational photos . The pink flamingo is adorable .Very happy for your little family -Congrats . I only wish you lived in my area so I could seek your help with my home – we get such inspiration from your show -on HGTV. You have exquisite taste. Kindest regards, Rose.

  5. Hi Jillian,

    I am from Toronto and am looking for Leo’s chair with slip cover. Where did you find these two items on wayfair? I’ve looked everywhere!

  6. How did you do the cloud wallpaper repeating on all walls? The website says you can’t connect the murals and have them match up so I am confused on how to create the look. Please respond and help!!! 😀

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