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Jillian and Justin: Ask and You Shall Receive

What did you think of episode THREE of Jillian and Justin?? Everybody was saying how episode three was their fave but I still think the first episode is my favourite, nothing can compete with Leo being born … but getting engaged is a VERY close second! LOL!

I like this episode but when Justin and I were talking about all the photoshoots and the house I thought I was being frivolous and totally ridiculous ā€¦ maybe Iā€™m being too hard on myself but watching yourself from the outside puts everything in a new perspective! LOL! I have to say, when we were building the house (and even now, in the decorating phase) I based a lot of my decisions on how things would look in photos and what YOU guys would think ā€¦ I know ā€¦ it sounds crazy, but  I wanted to make sure everything was perfect. I thought building and designing our own home would be SO much funā€¦ but with everything else I had on my plate, I felt SO much pressure.  I felt like people were expecting something AMAZING from me being the host of Love It Or List It Vancouver and because my followers over on Instagram kept saying they couldnā€™t WAIT to see the house and what we did with it. So I guess I took all of that to heart and kind of started basing my decisions on what other people would think rather than what would be best for our family. Kind of ridiculous now that I watch it back ā€¦

Jillian and Justin Recap Jillian and Justin Recap

Alright … moving on! Let’s talk Justin now! LOL!! I’m sooooo freakin proud of Justin and The Stockwell project, when I first met him he was a pro snowboarder and then he transitioned from that to Scrub Captain and from there I watched him evolve into this amazing project. I know how hard it can be to find your place career wise so it’s a pretty awesome thing to watch someone find their way! I’m so happy he’s not only able to work alongside his dad, Paul (who Justin says I’m SO much alike!! LOL!!) but also for the fact that he can do it here in Kelowna!!

Jillian Harris Justins New Project

Speaking of Justin, I felt bad for him in the cookbook scene as I hope people donā€™t think he isnā€™t supportive of me and my career ā€¦ he certainly IS BUT he also recognizes when Iā€™m taking on too much whereas I just get so excited about things that I tend to run around like a chicken with my head cut off saying YES to ALL THE THINGS until I literally donā€™t even have time to breathe!!

The last time Tori and I worked together was when we had our online business, Charlie Ford ā€¦ we worked really effing hard and we got so run down and burnt out and it flopped and it the meantime it broke down my relationships with Justin AND Tori so I know where Justin comes from with his hesitancy about the cookbook!! BUT thankfully we learned from this experience and we are taking a WHOLE new approach to this venture and we are so FREAKING EXCITED about it!! Guys ā€¦ can you believe it?! A COOKBOOK!! EEEPPP!! Itā€™s probably going to come out early next year ā€¦ Tori and I are still in the process of shooting it! I. CANā€™T. WAIT.

Then that leads me to our engagement!! If you missed the details of our engagement on yesterday’s blog, click here to check it out!! This part of the episode gives me all the feels and makes me laugh my ass off! You can tell this show wasnā€™t ā€œproducedā€ the way other reality shows are, solely based on the fact of what I was wearing that morning!! People were probably wondering where my cute little Christmas morning PJā€™s were when in fact I seriously LOVE sleeping in my ginch and a tee!!! And then me coming out in my underwear ā€¦ LOL ā€¦ SORRY FOR THE SIDE BOOB PEOPLE!!

Jillian Harris Our Engagement StoryJillian and Justin Recap Jillian and Justin Recap

It took me so long to actually say YES to Justin because I was in such shock about what was unfolding right in front of my eyes!! I honestly didnā€™t think I was getting a ring anytime soon ā€¦ I feel like our relationship is pretty unconventional from me being proposed to on national TV ā€¦ which put a TON of pressure on Justin and then us having the house and then Leo ā€¦ things werenā€™t lining up how the ā€œtypically wouldā€ LOL!!! Iā€™m so freakin happy that unfolded how it did though ā€¦ so so grateful!!

Anyway, I think I’ve rambled on long enough!! LOL!! OMG you guys … next week is the fourth and FINAL episode of Jillian and Justin!! I can’t believe this little journey is almost over already!! Make SURE to tune in at 10pm on W Network next Wednesday!!

Until then …




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  1. I just adore you and your show!! You have such great talent and charisma and it’s refreshing to see all of you ‘be real’!! Thanks for sharing Jill, you and your sweet fam are a joy!!

  2. really a big fan of the show and look forward to watching it! but 4 episodes it just too short. each episode is filled with so much and would have been much better to enjoy spread out over 6-8 episodes. hoping you get offered another season and a more extended one! :)) xx

  3. I loved last nights episode. Missed the very first episode but that didn’t matter. Leo is so adorable and great smile.
    Justin, I love how you did the proposal.

  4. This episode gave me all the feels!!! I was definitely shedding some tears watching that proposal! It was such a precious moment to watch and i’m glad you decided to share that part with us! Looking forward to next weeks episode but bummed that it’s the last one!

  5. You have such a beautiful family and I really enjoy the genuine atmosphere of love you two display for each other and your little bundle of joy! Thank you for sharing your stories with me ?

  6. I loved this episode so much and was so happy to see you getting your ring! You guys are such a real and honest couple and I appreciate that so much. Episode 1 I cried like a baby because I’m a mom of 2 boys but this one also made me tear up. Congrats on the cookbook! šŸ™‚

  7. Loving the episodes. Wish there were more than 4! My husband even asked if I would pause it because he had to go to work and he wanted to watch the other half of it lol

  8. What a great episode Jillian! LOL about the side boob! You do you girl! What a special moment that engagement was! So cute and your reaction was priceless! I was just like, say yes already!! Looking forward to the next episode, sad that there are only four!

  9. It was amazing!! Thank you for sharing that intimate moment with us! Love your show, your blogs and your Instagram so much! Can’t get enough of little Leo. Wishing you continue success, you’ve worked hard for it

  10. I love Jillian and Justin! It is seriously my favorite show next to Love it or List it Vancouver. Last nights episode was amazing and I think you are just brilliant!! You are truly a role model for women and now I can’t stop reading your blogs, and checking out your instagram. You have such impeccable taste and I want to try all your ideas and go shopping. I hope there will be more shows coming! Thank you?

  11. I literally rewound and watched the engagement scene 10 times. And teared up every time. It was beautiful and amazing.
    So sad that next week is the last episode! Can you guys film your life forever? lol

  12. You may have answered this previously, but where did you find that adorable moose hat? I am in love.

  13. Loved the show and my husband tuned in for another week! Justin makes him laugh. I am very excited for the cookbook. Not excited that only one more episode.

  14. I love this episode as well! Getting engaged on Christmas morning and having you allow us to view this intimate footage is so generous of you. Congrats!! Seeing Justin nervously picking out the ring and preparing everything was so sweet. I especially loved how you and your mom teared over the past that inspired you to give back. It was wonderful of you to gift that single mom and her two kids those Christmas presents.

  15. Absolutely LOVED this episode!! Please don’t tell me this is it after the fourth….we need a re-new!! Also, I’d love to know how you and Shay met and how she became part of the team!

  16. Jillian your honesty and sincerety is truly refreshing . I am enjoying your journey and look forward to the final episode. The very best of luck to you and your family in the future.

  17. My husband and I seriously love your show! We watch it together every week and think you guys are so funny together. I, personally, rewatch the episodes to take note of all your cute design elements in your home and all your cute outfits! Where do you get your oversized sweaters? And where do you get all your cute scrunchies?!

  18. You were adorable, you reacted completely like you should have, you were surprised! I loved this episode almost as much as the first one. You guys are perfect for a reality show! Don’t stress about it!

  19. I absolutely adored the proposal during the last episode! I have been a fan since your time on the bachelor before being the bachelorette and I am happy for you and your little family. Looking forward to following your new adventures!

  20. I just love the show sad that it’s just 4 episodes. I would also like to thank you for the show. I’m a new mom and I’ve postpartum depression and seeing you both with your ups and downs, makes me realize that life it’s not perfect for any one. Adjusting our life to a baby it’s not easy but it worths it! My partner even wanted to give up on us which was really hard for me as well but I made him watch your show and he saw that life can’t always be a fairy tail story. It helped our relationship so thanks again:)


  21. What did I think about episode 4, it was amazing, inspirational and incredibly loving. The response you had to Justin’s proposal was cerebral, no way that was for the cameras. I just wanted Justin to know that in my opinion, his proposal was mountains above Ed’s. You are both very blessed to have found each other and truly your love is awesome. Congratulations.

  22. Please do more than 4 episodes. My husband and I watch every episode and love the realness! He isn’t even into reality tv!

  23. Jillian and Justin you guys a friggin amazing. You have honoured us with a glimpse of your personal and professional life, behind the scenes. I can’t wait to see how the house turns out and Jillian , you are brilliant with your designs and you inspire me. I am so sad that Episode four is the last one. I could watch you guys week after week.

  24. Hi Jill, I loved t787078230670hhe Christmas morning part, and you are right, it was clear that you did not know you were on camera! At one point I wondered if Justin warned you to wear something!!

    I see there is a second dog in that scene, taking turns with NAcho to get between you and he shows in the photo too. WHo is He and when did you bring him to the family. Is Nacho jealous?
    Looking forward to seeing your 4th chapter.

    By the way, I am planning to custom make or a white velvet upholstered headboard like yours. Is yor custom made or can it be found anywhere in Canada?


  25. I love your music on your show, do you have a list any where so we can listen to them again?

    Love, love the show!

  26. Hi Jillian and Justin, like your show but I have a question for Jillian, I love that you cook vegan but seeing you with a jacket with fur on it makes me wondering what you really stand for. I hope the fur is not a real fur and if it is a fake fur why are you promoting fur (indirectly)?

  27. I loved each episode! I honestly can’t wait for the next season…. maybe it will be sooner than later? ? Being a new mom myself it’s nice to see someone else’s journey with a new baby and a new family!

  28. Hey Jill! I’ve always been a fan of Love It or List It Vancouver, and had no idea what to expect when your show ‘Jillian and Justin’ began. But all I can say is, thanks for letting us get a glimpse of your life behind the scenes! The way it is produced is so refreshing and honest, and your candid, no make-up scenes shows how confident and down to earth you are. You have a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing your big moments with us.

  29. Hi Jillian, I wanted to let you know that your show with Justin has been great to watch. You sure picked the right guy. Leo is so cute. I also watch you on the Bachlorette and the Bachlor. I watch the episode while you were waiting to here if you and Todd were coming back I really hope you do, I love the show Love it or List Vancouver. I wanted to let the network know.

    1. Jillian. Your show is absolutely amazing. I think it touches home for a lot of us new moms I love how real it is. No bs. I am a young mom with a one year old son. I suffered from ppd and this show really shows me it doesn’t matter how much money you have or how good you have it every mom has there emotional days. Your a real mom Jill. You have your ups and downs lik us all and I think it is very heart warming that you can share that with all of us and be so honest you are really inspiring!

  30. Hi Jillian,

    Just wondering where you got the sheets that are in Leo’s nursery? I saw them in one of the episodes. I believe they were black and white cheetah print? Thanks!

  31. I just watched all four shows. I loved every minute. You, Justin, Leo and Natcho are such loveable people. I was so disappointed that there was only 4 episodes! I want to know what’s happening with all of you and would like to see the house all finished. More importantly, wedding, another baby…I need to know!! I also loved Love it or List it Vancouver! Please tell me both shows are coming back! Hoping you are all healthy and happyā¤ļø

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