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My End of Summer Bucket List

Back in May (which seems like a lifetime ago!) I shared my Summer Bucket List with you! I remember thinking that summer felt SO LONG but (not surprising!) it has flown by yet again and we’re already approaching the final summer countdown until Fall is here! Can you believe it?!

In order to soak up every last bit of summer I went back and took a peek at my Summer Bucket List to see how I’ve done with it so far and determine what I still needed to accomplish over this next month in order to check off all of the boxes! While doing so, I also added THREE more items on to my bucket list! No rest for the wicked over here! LOL!

Let’s take a look at my summer bucket list items below and see how I’ve done!

Jillian Harris Leopard Print

1. Spend more time with the kids

This was the number one item on my bucket list and I’m so happy to say that while I haven’t done EVERYTHING I wanted to do with Leo and Annie (yet!) this summer, we’ve had LOTS of quality time together. One of my most cherished moments with them so far is enjoying our slow summer mornings. We spend each morning in bed, reading and playing all while I sip on my coffee. It’s the BEST!

I’ve also had way more time in the evenings since we wrapped filming which also means that I’ve been able to enjoy dinner with them and help out more with their bedtime routines and put them to bed at night! I’m loving every single minute of this!

Jillian Harris My Journey with Breastfeeding as of NowJillian Harris Annie Sleep Schedule Jillian Harris Annie Sleep Schedule

2. Get back on a workout routine

While I had EVERY intention to get back on the “working out bandwagon” … let’s just say I think I’m going to try this again in the Fall. I think I made it to about 4 spin classes in total this summer (which I felt SO good about!) but when it boiled down to it, sleep and relaxing felt THAT much better! LOL! Let’s just say, this is a work in progress.

3. Have the girls up for a visit

Unfortunately, my granny passed away just before the girls came up for a visit and while we went back and forth on canceling their trip we ended up following through with it and it was the best decision ever! They lifted my spirits so much through such a difficult time. We went out for dinner, sipped on some drinks while exchanging stories and laughs and hung out by the pool. It was definitely what my heart needed!

Jillian Harris End of Summer Bucket List Jillian Harris End of Summer Bucket List

4. Get back into cooking again

While I could definitely spend WAY more time in the kitchen, our exploding garden has got me back to getting creative with my cooking again. We have SO MANY veggies that I had to start getting sneaky and finding ways to add them to the kid’s dinners without them noticing! Recently I made a carrot top pesto which was soooo good and I also made this delicious Sneaky Veggie Pasta Sauce that’s LOADED with green veggies!

Ps. The one really great thing about fall approaching so quickly is the fact that our cookbook is officially launching OCTOBER 1st!! If you would like more information on this or if you’d like to pre-order Fraiche Food, Full Hearts click here!

Jillian Harris Cookbook PreOrder-1

5. Celebrate Leo’s birthday

CHECK!! ✔️ Leo’s birthday turned out soooo amazing and I can’t WAIT to share all if the details (and photos!) with you tomorrow! Stay tuned! For now … here is a sneak peek into Leo’s magical day!

Jillian Harris End of Summer Bucket List Jillian Harris End of Summer Bucket List

So, I haven’t done TOO bad with my summer bucket list which is great but in addition to this, there are a few more things I would love to do before the end of summer … and they include the following …

6. Watch a movie under the cherry tree

I’ve been wanting to do this for a REALLY long time and we haven’t found the perfect evening for it quite yet … but it’s on the top of my mind and I want to do it before our warm evenings disappear!

Jillian Harris Okanagan Cherry Ice Cream Sandwiches

7. Go on a camping trip

If you haven’t heard the news yet, Justin and I just purchased our very first holiday trailer and we’re so excited to get out camping with the kids! While it might be TIGHT to make this happen this year, we’re going to try our very best to make it happen!

8. Take the kids to the beach

One morning I hauled both Annie and Leo to the beach first thing in the morning for an early photo shoot and it was sooooooo beautiful and relaxing …  other than the fact that Annie kept trying to eat handfuls of sand … lol … okay, maybe it’s not THAT relaxing while Annie is still so little but it was beautiful and I do want to do it again! LOL!

Jillian Harris Leopard Print Jillian Harris Leopard Print

What is on your end of summer bucket list? Make sure to share your plans in the comments section below! Stay tuned for Leo’s birthday recap coming right up tomorrow morning!



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