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10 Foods to Kickstart a Healthy New Year

So … if you’re like the rest of us I can safely assume that one of your resolutions was to workout and eat better this year??? Am I right???? Wellllll if that’s the case, then YOU’RE in luck!!!! This blog is all about my top 10 foods to kickstart your healthy New Year!!!! While I know it’s always top of mind to eat healthier in January, this really is something we should focus on YEAR ROUND!!!

I know life can be hectic and sometimes we don’t have enough time to prep healthy, nutritious meals so we tend to lean to unhealthy choices when we’re in a crunch … BUT … that doesn’t have to be the case!!!! If you feel like you’re strapped for time, there are some really great local companies you can reach out to that will help prepare delicious nutrient PACKED meals for you!!!! My go-to is Kondi Kitchen … there have been multiple times where my schedule is crazy and I don’t have time to prepare or even THINK about meals so I reach out to Kondi and they literally deliver HEALTHY meals to your DOOR!!! Cassandra (my Nanny) and I did this for a month when our schedules were hectic and it was amazing, they catered to my vegan needs but they also provided meat for Cassandra, and that’s how I always eat healthy all the time, and also take some supplements like Kratom Capsules for improve my body even more.


Really when it comes down to it … I like to have everything in MODERATION … I like to try and eat really healthy during the week and then I like to indulge a little during the weekend … finding balance and a routine that works for you is key to having a successful and HEALTHY New Year!!!!

1. Smoothie Bowls: If you haven’t jumped on the smoothie bowl (or protein bowl) bandwagon yet then you’re missing out!!! The beauty of these meals is that you can add SO many delicious items in ONE bowl with the base of it typically being a smoothie of your choice!!! One of my favourite recipes is the Hawaiian Smoothie Bowl by Fraiche Nutrition … simply for the fact that I LOVE pineapple and coconut, especially for breakfast!!!


2. Veggie Based Smoothies & Fresh Pressed Juice: This is one of the best ways to hit your vegetable quota for the day. You can either add a huge helping of kale and spinach to ANY smoothie … OR you can make a fresh pressed juice out of any vegetable scraps in your fridge! Take a look at my Fiesta Smoothie … it’s jam PACKED with greens including spinach, cilantro, and jalapeno!!!! If you would prefer to rather not make your own smoothie head to The Juicery & Co (or any juice bar in your city) they make amazing (and healthy!!!) juices and smoothies … PLUS they also offer juice cleanses which can be fantastic to jumpstart your new year health kick and get rid of those holiday toxins!!!


3. Hemp & Chia Seeds: Both of these health packed seeds are the perfect addition to any smoothie or smoothie bowl. They help keep you fuller longer and are packed with protein and Omega-6 AND Omega-3 fatty acids!!! These healthy (and VEGAN) Granola Bars, (again) by the brilliant Fraiche Nutrition have 1/2 cup of hemp seeds in them and make the perfect after school snack for the kidlets and for hungry mamas!!!!


4. Nutritional Yeast: If one of If one of your resolutions this year is to be more plant based, this is a great alternative to cheese!! You can also add it to salads, rice, and pasta dishes and it adds that cheesy flavour but is GOOD for you!!! One of my favourite ways to eat nutritional yeast is on POPCORN!!! Which I tend to indulge in from time to time while watching The Bachelor (make sure to check out my thoughts on Nick’s season premier here!!!) Try this Cheesy Vegan Popcorn recipe … BONUS: It ALSO includes the “Unicorn” spice (AKA Turmeric) … which I talk more about in bullet point #6!!!!


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5. Jackfruit: If you follow me on social media you’ll know that I recently made pulled pork sandwiches BUT instead of using pork, I used JACKFRUIT!!!!!! And guess what??? It was damn good!!! Jackfruit has a VERY similar texture to meat and absorbs flavours beautifully which can easily fool any meat lover!!! Lol!!! Give this BBQ Jackfruit Sandwich a try from Minimalist Baker and let me know what you think!!!! If jackfruit doesn’t tickle your fancy YET … maybe start with something a little bit more simplified like tofu to trick the meat eaters in your family … then slowly work your way up!


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6. Turmeric: Yes … I know it’s a spice but this is one POWERFUL little ingredient to add to your meals AND your drinks. This spice is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties and is an amazing antioxidant. Take a look at my previous blog for 5 ways to add the unicorn of spices to your life.


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7. Seaweed: Nori is very high in protein and minerals and is known to have anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. One of my favourite soups that contains Nori is the Eat Your Greens Detox Soup out of the Oh She Glows Cookbook, not only does it taste great but it’s also key to getting your healthy eating back on track!!!


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8. Chickpeas: Look out potato chips … there’s a new snack in town and it’s high in protein and fiber!!!!! That’s right, not only are chickpeas ridiculously good for you but they also taste AMAZING roasted with olive oil, salt, and spices … but watch out … they’re addicting!!!! LOL!!!


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9. Veggie Leaves and Fruit Peels: You’re probably thinking … whattttt the hell is she talking about?!?! Lol!!! Well … this is also known as “Root to Leaf Consumption” and it basically means using all parts of a vegetable or fruit. Such as beets, for example … you can roast beets for a delish and healthy side to your favourite dish PLUS you can also saute the beet leaves for an appetizer that’s loaded with a punch of vitamins (they taste similar to Kale)!!! If you also love oranges and lemons … zest the fruit BEFORE using it and pop it in the freezer, you can then use the zest for salad dressings, desserts, etc … Healthy AND resourceful!!!


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10. Matcha: If you love coffee but hate the jitters that come along with it then you HAVE to give Matcha a try!!!! I love WithinUs TruOrganic Matcha … not only does this wonderful powdered Japanese green tea give you the boost of energy you look for in that cup of joe, it is also packed FULL of antioxidants … 137 x the amount of antioxidants of regular green tea to be exact!!!


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What do you think??? … Did you see anything above that you would like to try this year??? Comment below with your thoughts and suggestions!!!! I’d love to hear them!!!!




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  1. I always struggle when it comes to snacking healthy, I love to eat something crunchy in the afternoon and sometimes while watching TV, so if you have ideas I would to hear them. Great post!

    1. You HAVE to try the chickpeas @brandywaterfall:disqus … if you love chips these are a FANTASTIC replacement!!!! You can add ANY spices you want!!!

  2. In unrelated news – where did you get the you are my sunshine wall hanging from your insta story?!!!! Neeeeeed!

    1. It was a gift from Shay @disqus_Deq2i2d1ou:disqus!!! I think she got it from someone local in Vancouver but unsure of who it was!!! XOXO

  3. Hi Jill! I am STRUGGLING to find Jack fruit in any of my grocery stores near by. Have you only been able to find it in specialty health food stores? Online ordering an option?

    Thanks 🙂 xo

  4. HI Jillian – I really want to make your tofu buffalo chicken wraps. Can you share the recipe/ingredients or direct me to where you found it? Looks delish!

  5. I just love you! So real and down to earth! Thanks for the real good idea! I’d like to try the granola bars! Recently diagnosed with crohns and a dairy allergy has really forced me to think about what I’m eating!! More food posts please:)

    1. So glad to hear you enjoyed the post Tania!!!! Stay tuned … I plan on sharing more recipes this year!!! XOXO

  6. Hi Jillian I just want to say that I love your snaps, blogs and Instagram posts. You are an inspiration . I wanted to ask you about the tofu tacos u recently put on your Snapchat / Instagram . I am really interested in making them and wondering where I can find the recipe. Thank you RITA

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